Actors of "Election Day": a brief information about the film, the main characters of the comedy

The film "Election Day" is a "farce-major" comedy that tells of the journalists "Like Radio", who, under the pressure of the governor, are forced to try themselves as political PR people. The 2007 picture was a film adaptation of the production of the quartet of the same name. The troupe of the theater also took part in the filming. The premiere of the second part took place in 2016. We offer a closer look at the biographies of the actors of "Election Day" and their characters.

Comedy Summary

The director of one of the Moscow radio stations receives a call from the oligarch Emanuil Gedeonovich, who orders to send his employees to Privolzhsk in order to conduct a public relations campaign of candidate I.V. Tsaplin. The movement of the main characters towards the goal is accompanied by a series of comic cases with local bandits, police, military, etc. Nevertheless, the story does not end with Tsaplin’s victory in the elections, since the characters made a mistake in the region. In this regard, the oligarch sends a new "technical" candidate.

Rostislav Chait

He is one of the founders of the Moscow Quartet And Theater. Rostislav graduated from GITIS (variety department, course of V. Korovin). The Ukrainian actor gained popularity after appearing in the films What Men Talk About and Radio Day.

Actors Election Day

Hait wrote the script for the comedy Faster Than Rabbits, Wonderland, and the cartoon Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 3. In the 90s he was a member of the humorous "Gentleman Show". In 2008 he voiced the pigeons in the animated film "Volt". In "Election Day", the actor played Glory - one of the DJs, "Like Radio".

Leonid Barats

A Russian actor and screenwriter from Ukraine studied at the same course and faculty of GITIS with Rostislav Khait, A. Demidov, S. Petreikov and K. Larin, with whom he created the Quartet I after graduation. The actors also work together on theatrical performances and films. It is on the list of screenwriters of the following films: “Radio Day” (also director), “Election Day” (role - DJ Aleksey), “What else are men talking about,” “Stirlitz is walking along the corridor” and others.

Election day movie

Leonid Barats voiced the characters of the animated films Volt (Reno) and Pirates! Gang of Losers ”(C. Darwin). Also, the actor of “Election Day” starred in the music videos of the groups “Combination”, “Bi-2”, “Bravo”, the singer Svetlana Roerich and others.

Mikhail Efremov

A Russian artist, theater director and TV presenter received higher education at the Moscow Art Theater (course of V. Bogomolov). At the age of 13, he played his first role in the production and the film “Leaving, look around”, as well as in the film “Days of the Surgeon Mishkin”. Popularity came to the young actor after participating in the lyric children's comedy "When I Become a Giant". After studying, he headed the Sovremennik-2 theater, which appeared on the basis of creative disagreements with his father.

Already in the late 80s, Efremov became one of the most sought-after actors in the country. The best films with his participation are considered “Border. Taiga novel ”,“ Kamenskaya ”, two parts of the action movie“ Antikiller ”,“ Listener ”,“ State Counselor ”,“ 12 ”,“ Thaw ”and many others. In Election Day, Mikhail Efremov got the role of the imaginary clergyman Innocent, who no doubt won the love of the viewer. In total, the number of characters he played in the movie has long exceeded one hundred.

Mikhail Efremov Election Day

Speaking about the most successful theatrical works of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, the following performances are worth mentioning: “The Seagull”, “Lesson for Husbands”, “Shadow”, “Three Sisters”, “Amsterdam”, “Anarchy” and “Sharmanka”. From 2009 to 2014, the actor of "Election Day" was the host of the program "Wait for me." Also, Mikhail Efremov took part in the creation of the projects “Citizen Poet”, “Mr. Good” and “Thaw”. The artist can be seen in the music videos “Love Me”, “Border”, “Bird”, UG and “Compose Dreams”.

Vasily Utkin

The first work of a sports journalist, commentator, actor, radio and television presenter was in the Politburo program as an editor. He is the owner of the TEFI figurine. A significant part of his career Vasily Utkin was a commentator on the matches of the Champions League, Premier League and the Spanish championship on NTV. At the beginning of this century, he began to appear on TV as a leading entertainment show ("Earth-to-Air", "Hunger", "The Big Question"). The actor of the film “Election Day” is one of the founders of the Russian sports site. In August 2016, the Yandex. Navigator ”, which was voiced by Utkin.

Vasily Utkin Election Day

Recently, the showman announced the completion of his commentary career, but three months later announced the return and work on the matches of the championship of Spain. The list of films in which Vasily Utkin played: “Election Day” (both parts), “What Men Talk About” and “Until Night Separates”.

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