"Fungoterbin" ointment. Instruction manual

"Fungoterbin" ointment instruction refers to antifungal drugs with a fungicidal effect. The medication has a white (almost white) color and a slight specific smell. When applied topically, absorption occurs only 5% of the dosage. Thus, the ointment "Fungoterbin" has a minimal systemic effect.

The active substance (as in many antifungal drugs) is terbinafine. This component has a wide range of effects. Terbinafine can inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis in the early stages. Thus, the accumulation of squalene (a biological compound, one of the main protectors of a healthy cell) occurs, resulting in the death of a fungal cell.

The drug "Fungoterbin." Instruction Indications

The medication is prescribed for fungal infections of the skin, including mycosis of the feet, inguinal epidermophytosis, lesions of smooth skin of a fungal nature, infectious skin lesions with yeast-like fungi (Candida), with multi-colored lichen.

"Fungoterbin" ointment instruction does not recommend use for hypersensitivity to terpinafine or other components of the drug.

With caution, the drug is prescribed for metabolic disorders, alcoholism, renal or liver failure, children under twelve years old, with vascular pathologies in the limbs.

Despite the fact that when conducting clinical studies of teratogenic properties were not detected, "Fungerbin" ointment instruction recommends using during pregnancy strictly according to indications. The appropriateness of the appointment during gestation for women is determined by the attending physician. The use of the drug should also be monitored by a doctor.

It was revealed that terbinafine is able to be excreted in milk of a nursing woman. Along with this, when using the drug during feeding through the skin, there is a slight absorption of the active component. Therefore, a negative effect on the infant is considered unlikely. However, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

When using the drug "Fungerbin" (ointment), the instruction indicates a rare manifestation of adverse reactions. With external application on the problem area, itching, redness, or burning are possible. According to experts, these reactions are not, as a rule, indications for drug withdrawal. However, these signs must be distinguished from allergy manifestations in the form of urticaria, angioedema and others that occur in extremely rare cases. With the development of these conditions, you should stop treatment and consult a specialist.

With the accidental penetration of the ointment "Fungoterbin" inside, the probable symptoms may be similar to signs of an overdose of the tablet form of the drug. In particular, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, and nausea are possible. In this condition, the stomach is washed, activated charcoal is taken. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

The use of ointment is recommended for children from twelve years old and adults externally once or twice a day. Application is carried out on pre-dried and cleaned affected and adjacent areas. Light rubbing is allowed. With diaper rash infections (between the fingers, under the mammary glands, in the groin area, between the buttocks), gauze is applied to the application areas, especially at night.

It must be remembered that premature termination of therapy or irregular application of the ointment provokes the resumption of infection.

In the absence of a therapeutic result, two weeks after the start of treatment, the diagnosis must be clarified.

Patients who used the drug "Fungoterbin" indicate a fairly rapid onset of relief of symptoms of fungal infection of the feet. In particular, itching and discomfort disappeared after the second or third application.

Before using the product, consult a doctor.

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