"Glibomet": diabetic reviews, instructions for use, composition, contraindications

Taking hypoglycemic drugs is sometimes necessary, especially when it comes to diabetics who need certain drugs to regulate blood sugar. Of course, in the modern pharmacological market there are many such drugs. But experts often recommend the drug "Glibomet." Reviews of diabetics and doctors indicate that this remedy really allows you to cope with crisis situations.

Description of the composition. Drug Release Form

medicine glibomet

The medicine "Glibomet" is available in the form of white round tablets with a hard shell. They are placed in convenient blisters of 20 pieces. In the pharmacy you can buy a package consisting of two blisters.

This is a combined remedy, therefore, the composition contains two active components - glibenclamide (2.5 ml in one tablet) and metformin in the form of hydrochloride. Of course, the preparation also contains auxiliary substances, in particular, corn starch, silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, diethyl phthalate, glycerin, cellulose acetate phthalate, gelatin.

How does the drug affect the body?

hypoglycemic effect of the drug glibomet

Of course, to begin with, it’s worth understanding the properties of the drug. The hypoglycemic effect of the Glibomet preparation is determined by the content of two active components at once.

This tool acts on the pancreas, namely on those sites that are responsible for the synthesis of insulin in the body. At the same time, the drug enhances the sensitivity of target cells to this hormone. Thus, Glibomet helps reduce blood sugar without the use of synthetic insulin, which is very important for type 2 diabetes.

The drug also has lipid-lowering properties. Under its influence, the level of fat in the blood decreases, which reduces the likelihood of clots in the blood (blood clots). Metformin belongs to the group of biguanides. This substance activates the processes of glucose utilization by muscles, inhibits gluconeogenesis in the tissues of the liver, and inhibits the adsorption of carbohydrates by the intestinal walls.

Glibenclamide is rapidly absorbed by the walls of the intestine and is almost completely (97%) bound to plasma proteins. In the liver, it breaks down, forming inactive metabolites, which are then excreted from the body along with feces and urine. The half-life is 5 hours. Metformin is also rapidly absorbed in the body, but does not bind to plasma proteins. This substance is not metabolized in the body. The half-life is two hours.

When is the medicine used?

type 2 diabetes and diet

Many people suffer from a disease like type 2 diabetes. Diet and treatment in this case are extremely important. As a rule, for patients make up the appropriate diet. You can adjust your blood sugar with sulfonylureas.

The medicine "Glibomet" is prescribed if diet therapy and taking the above funds do not provide the necessary effect.

Dosage and recommendations for use

glibomet reviews of diabetics

How to take the drug "Glibomet"? Dosage is determined individually. As a rule, the initial dose is two tablets. They are taken with food. Further, the amount of the drug is increased to achieve maximum effect. The daily dose should not exceed 2 g of metformin. Next, the dose is gradually reduced.

The drug "Glibomet": contraindications for treatment

This is a fairly powerful, serious medicine, the reception of which is possible only with the permission of a doctor. The drug has a rather impressive list of contraindications, which you should familiarize yourself with before starting treatment:

  • hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of the tablets;
  • allergy to other sulfonylurea derivatives, as well as to sulfamide, probenecid or sulfamide diuretics;
  • this drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy;
  • lack of effect of therapy;
  • diabetic coma and predomatous conditions;
  • serious renal impairment, renal failure;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory ailments that can lead to the development of tissue hypoxia;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, including problems with peripheral blood circulation, myocardial insufficiency, infectious toxic and cardiogenic shock;
  • previous severe illnesses of the respiratory system;
  • myocardial infarction or rehabilitation period after it;
  • simultaneous use of diuretics and drugs for high blood pressure;
  • acidosis or the risk of its development;
  • the presence in the patient's history of cases of lactic acidosis;
  • severe liver disease;
  • disorders of the respiratory system;
  • rehabilitation period after partial excision of the pancreas;
  • dystrophic pathologies;
  • chronic alcoholism, a state of acute alcohol intoxication;
  • acute bleeding;
  • gangrene;
  • lactation period;
  • fasting or following a strict diet.

If you have any of the above contraindications, then you should inform the endocrinologist about this.

What adverse reactions can therapy lead to?

glybomet side effects

Is it always considered safe to take Glibomet tablets? Side effects on the background of treatment are quite possible. Cases of their occurrence, however, are not recorded so often, but treatment can affect different organ systems.

  • Lymphatic system and blood . Hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, erythrocytopenia.
  • CNS Periodically occurring headaches, impaired taste perception.
  • Organs of vision. Disorders of accommodation, decreased visual acuity, which is associated with a change in blood sugar.
  • Metabolism . A sharp increase in body weight, hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis. Long-term therapy sometimes leads to impaired absorption of vitamin B12 in the intestine, which subsequently contributes to the development of megaloblastic anemia.
  • Digestive system . Nausea, vomiting, bloating, pain in the epigastric region, frequent belching, loss of appetite, the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth, a feeling of fullness of the stomach.
  • Skin and subcutaneous tissue . Itchy skin, erythema, various types of exanthema, increased sensitivity of skin tissues to light, allergic dermatitis, urticaria.
  • Allergic reactions . Rashes on the skin, swelling, jaundice, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, respiratory depression, shock conditions.
  • The liver . Intrahepatic cholestasis, drug hepatitis.
  • Some other complications may appear, in particular, an increase in the daily amount of urine, loss of protein and sodium by the body as a result of impaired filtration in the kidneys.

It is worth noting that most of the above complications do not require discontinuation of therapy - it is enough to reduce the dose and adverse reactions go away on their own. The daily amount of the drug must be increased slowly and gradually.

Information on interactions with other drugs

The drug "Glibomet" (metformin) can not be taken together with ethyl alcohol, as this increases the likelihood of developing lactic acidosis. During therapy, you need to abandon alcoholic beverages and drugs that contain alcohol.

The use of this drug is stopped 48 hours before the procedures in which iodine-containing contrast agents are used. The simultaneous use of these drugs can lead to the development of renal failure.

If you take "Glibomet" along with insulin, anabolic steroids, beta-adrenergic blockers, tetracycline drugs, then the risk of developing hypoglycemia increases. Diabetics always need to inform their healthcare provider about all medications they take.

Cost and analogues

glybomet metformin

In modern medicine, the drug "Glibomet" is often used. Reviews of diabetics, indications and contraindications are, of course, important points. But no less significant factor is its cost. Of course, it’s difficult to give an exact figure, but on average the price of a package of 40 tablets ranges from 340 to 380 rubles, which is actually not so much.

Of course, this drug is not always suitable for patients. There are enough substitutes in the modern drug market. For example, with diabetes of the second type, such means as Avandamet, Vokanamet, Glukovans are often used. No less often, patients are prescribed Dibizid, Dianorm or Sinjarji. Of course, only an attending endocrinologist can choose an effective analogue.

The drug "Glibomet": reviews of diabetics and doctors

glybomet contraindications

This medicine is widely used in modern medicine. But what does Glibomet treatment really look like? Reviews of diabetics, as well as experts, confirm that the drug copes well with the consequences of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

According to research results, the drug activates the part of the pancreas that is responsible for the synthesis of insulin. This is exactly what is required for a disease such as type 2 diabetes. Diet and treatment in this case are extremely important.

Cases of adverse reactions in medical practice are rarely recorded. The medicine is well tolerated, and its cost is quite reasonable.

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