"Clotrimazole" with thrush: instructions for use, reviews

Thrush is one of the most common female diseases. Some ladies live with him all his life, others try to cope with an annoying ailment. Unfortunately, most often it happens that the thrush only temporarily ceases to bother with unpleasant symptoms, but then again there is a relapse. In the framework of this article, we consider an antifungal cream and suppositories for thrush “Clotrimazole”, which is actively used to treat various forms of the disease.

What is thrush

The scientific name for this disease is candidiasis. The causative agent is Candida fungus, which spreads at high speed in comfortable conditions of the vaginal cavity. Thrush was nicknamed the disease due to external manifestations. The surface of the walls of the vagina is covered with a white curd coating.

Candidiasis of the walls of the vagina

Symptoms of thrush appear in the form of itching, burning, redness and swelling of the labia majora. Light precipitates are observed that have a heterogeneous composition. Small lumps resemble a curd mass. The causes of candidiasis can be different, we list some of them:

  • non-observance of personal hygiene;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • decreased immunity;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • dirty towels;
  • infected sexual partner;
  • irregular change of tampons and pads;
  • the use of detergents with antibacterial effect;
  • a newborn baby may be infected from the mother during childbirth;
  • malnutrition.

It can be very difficult to comply with all conditions in order to protect yourself from the manifestation of a fungal infection, therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to start treatment immediately.

Composition and action of "Clotrimazole"

The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. It is active against mold and yeast, as well as various kinds of dermatophytes. The active substance affects the cell membrane of the fungus, which leads to the destruction of entire colonies. Violation of the activity of the membrane of the body of the fungus leads to blocking the absorption of nutrients, which means that reproduction becomes impossible. Regardless of the form of release of the drug “Clotrimazole”, the main active substance is the same for the entire group of these drugs. The use of "Clotrimazole" with thrush gives in most cases positive results. In addition to suppositories, ointment can also be used to treat the disease.

In addition to the main and most important component, the ointment also includes other important substances:

  • propylene glycol;
  • proxanol;
  • cetostearyl alcohol;
  • polyethylene oxide-400.

If we consider the candles "Clotrimazole", then the composition will be different. This is due to the specifics of use and localization of the action. In addition to the main active substance, the drug contains:

  • lactose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • citric acid.

If the composition contains a substance that causes you to have an allergic reaction, then you should refuse the drug and replace it with another medicine for thrush. The instructions to Clotrimazole provide a detailed list of constituent elements.

The use of "Clotrimazole" for the treatment of thrush

For the treatment of candidiasis, vaginal tablets or suppositories are usually prescribed. You can use a solution of "Clotrimazole": they treat affected areas of the skin with fungus or douching. The action of the substance directly in the zone of spread of fungal infection is more effective when compared with treatment with oral medications. The use of suppositories "Clotrimazole" with thrush should be regular, with appropriate dosages. You can not increase the dosage or skip techniques. When using vaginal tablets "Clotrimazole", you must strictly follow the instructions.

Before the use of suppositories "Clotrimazole" it is advisable to carry out vaginal debridement. This procedure consists in treating the external genitalia with a disinfectant. In advanced cases of thrush or in periods of relapse, rehabilitation is required. The process of combating fungal infection after preliminary cleaning of the walls of the vagina will be more productive.

Candlestick Applicator

To introduce a candle (made only at night), you must use a special applicator that comes with the kit. The candle should be located deep in the vagina. After administration, the drug quickly melts under the influence of elevated temperature and a humid environment. A solid candle turns into a liquid state, enveloping the walls of the vagina.

Treatment of a sexual partner is performed using ointment or cream “Clotrimazole”. During therapeutic procedures, sexual contact should be abandoned.

Cream "Clotrimazole"

Clotrimazole Cream

This form of the drug “Clotrimazole” is used not only for the treatment of thrush in men and women. The active substance is able to destroy mold fungi, dermatophytes, as well as some types of bacteria. The ointment and cream "Clotrimazole" from thrush at first glance are very similar.

Clotrimazole Ointment

However, the composition of these two forms of medication is slightly different. The ointment has a greasy base in the form of petroleum jelly. When applied, the active substance absorbs much longer than when using a cream. The components of the cream increase the feed rate of the active substance to the site of infection.

Cream "Clotrimazole" is used to treat the following diseases:

  • thrush;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • skin mycoses;
  • superficial and deep candidiasis;
  • onychomycosis;
  • mycosis of the feet.

Before applying the cream, the surface of the skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried. The cream is applied in a thin layer. The mode of application of the cream is 2-3 times / day. If serious lesions and ulcers are observed on the surface of the skin, then ointment in the form of compresses should be applied. The medicine will be absorbed in large volumes, its increased concentration will help achieve the best effect.

An alternative to the cream can be a Clotrimazole gel. The main difference between them is the rate of absorption in the skin. The consistency of the gel allows the active substance to penetrate faster through the pores into the skin. The large spectrum of action of the drug allows it to be used to treat the vast majority of fungal infections.

Candles "Clotrimazole"

Suppositories clotrimazole

Used to treat candidiasis in women. The drug exhibits instant activity against yeast and mold fungi, as well as dermatophytes. Getting on the mucous membrane, clotrimazole is concentrated in the vaginal secretion, and also part of the active substance enters the bloodstream. The proportion of the drug in the blood does not exceed 10%. The medicine is completely removed from the body after 48-72 hours. The liver transforms clotrimazole, forming inactive metabolites during the decay.

Suppositories are administered at night intravaginally in the supine position. Candles are used only for this type of treatment. The course of treatment is 6 days. For convenience, there are 6 candles in one package. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but only after consulting a specialist and examination.

Side effects and contraindications

Intolerance to the drug is quite rare, but treatment with Clotrimazole should be discontinued if the following symptoms appear:

  • itching, burning;
  • swelling of the walls of the vagina;
  • headache;
  • frequent urination;
  • cystitis;
  • redness of the treatment site of the skin.

Do not use Clotrimazole suppositories in the first trimester of pregnancy, this can harm the fetus. Candle treatment is contraindicated during menstruation, as well as during lactation. In case of liver failure, use the drug with caution, under the supervision of a doctor.

Together with suppositories, you can use the cream "Clotrimazole" to treat the outer skin, if necessary. The activity of "Clotrimazole" decreases when interacting with nystatin, natamycin, amphotericin B.

The drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Keep candles "Clotrimazole" should be in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C.

Clotrimazole tablets

Vaginal tablets of clotrimazole

This type of drug is used introvaginally, despite the name. The tablets themselves have an elongated shape for easier administration. The tablet has a flat end on one side, and a pointed one on the other. The structure is rough, so the introduction is less convenient, unlike candles. The active substance is clotrimazole. The composition of the tablets also includes the following components:

  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • lactose;
  • potato starch;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • adipic acid.

Manufacturers can modify the composition of additional components, this is not critical. The main purpose of excipients is to preserve the properties of the active substance, as well as the ease of use of tablets during administration.

Dosage and administration are exactly the same as in the case of suppositories. Packaging is designed for one six-day course: one tablet at night. Tablets, unlike candles, have a dense solid structure, which makes administration difficult. Before use, the tablet must be moistened in water, then administered intravaginally as deep as possible. In some cases, an applicator for administration is included. A tablet is administered at night. During this time, the medicine will acquire a soft, mushy consistency and spread along the walls of the vagina.

Contraindications for the use of vaginal tablets are the same as for suppositories. Side effects are also identical.

Instructions for use and recommendations for the treatment of thrush

Reception of ointment, suppositories and tablets is regulated by the instructions for use of “Clotrimazole”. Do not depart from the recommended dosages. If the symptoms of thrush do not go away after completing the course of treatment, then you need to pass additional tests for culture. The causative agent may be immune to Clotrimazole. Further therapy for thrush should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If you are treating yourself, then carefully read the instructions for Clotrimazole. With thrush, ointment can be used both for women and men.

Candles can be placed twice a day - morning and evening. In this case, the treatment period is reduced to 3 days. If you put candles one at a time every day, then the duration will be 6 days. You can extend the course of therapy, but only if your doctor considers it necessary.

The ointment must be applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day, depending on the form of neglect of the disease. If necessary, you can make a compress from the ointment "Clotrimazole". For compresses, it is better to use an ointment rather than a cream, as its composition has milder properties.

Treatment for thrush should be carried out simultaneously by both partners. This is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the disease may return with a high probability. You can supplement the treatment with oral antifungal agents. The choice of an additional remedy depends on the degree of disease progression. The selection of the drug for treatment should be carried out by a specialist.

Limitations When Using Clotrimazole

During menstruation, suppositories "Clotrimazole" is inappropriate to use. The active substance will be removed from the accumulation zone of the fungus in a natural way along with blood masses. Such treatment will be ineffective and useless.

During breastfeeding, treatment should take place under the strict supervision of a specialist. Part of the substance enters the bloodstream and is concentrated in small quantities in the mammary glands. Together with milk, getting into the baby’s body, “Clotrimazole” can cause side effects. This is not scientifically proven, but due to lack of information on the effect of "Clotrimazole" during lactation, the drug is simply not recommended for use. An unprotected body and a weak baby’s liver are not able to quickly break down the drug and remove it without consequences from the body, therefore the independent use of “Clotrimazole” during lactation is strictly prohibited.

When treating thrush in women with Clotrimazole, hypersensitivity to the active substance may occur. If you feel weak, headache or dizziness, then you should interrupt the course of treatment. Intolerance to the drug can occur in the form of edema of the vaginal surface, severe itching and burning.

It is forbidden to use suppositories “Clotrimazole” from thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the active component, getting into the blood, can adversely affect the fetus, causing genetic transformations. This may not happen, but you should not risk it. There is no exact information on the effects of Clotrimazole on the fetus, therefore, the drug is contraindicated due to the high probability of possible risks.

The price of the drug “Clotrimazole” and consumer reviews

Different forms of “Clotrimazole” can be found in any pharmacy. The drug is quite common on the Russian market, and many doctors recommend using it in the treatment of fungal diseases. The cost of this medicine is more than affordable. The price may vary depending on the region of Russia, but the average prices are as follows:

  • Ointment "Clotrimazole" (15 g) - 20-50 rubles.
  • Vaginal tablets (6 pcs.) - 20-50 rubles.
  • Vaginal suppositories (6 pcs.) - 40-70 rubles.
Clotrimazole Solution
  • Solution (15 ml) - 200-250 rubles.
  • Gel (20 g) - 25-60 rubles.

If you order “Clotrimazole” in an online pharmacy, then the cost will be even lower. There are up to 20 types of drug, but the active substance is the same for everyone, so you can choose the one that is cheaper.

Reviews on suppositories "Clotrimazole" from thrush are mostly positive. In most cases, after completing the full course of treatment, the symptoms disappear completely. However, there are exceptions: for girls with an individual intolerance to the drug, treatment does not help, moreover, there are adverse reactions that exacerbate the situation. In this case, you have to choose another drug. An allergic reaction can occur not only to the active substance. If one of the minor components causes severe side effects, the drug will also have to be replaced by another. "Clotrimazole" helps with thrush only in cases where the course is carried out in accordance with the norms indicated on the package.

In relation to the male situation is more favorable. Reviews about ointment "Clotrimazole" from thrush leave, as a rule, girls. After treatment of both partners, the disease does not relapse, which means that the therapy was successful. In men, in rare cases, side effects from the effects of the drug occur. This is also associated with the individual characteristics of the body.


The problem of fungal infections is currently very acute. At the first manifestations of the signs of the disease, immediately proceed to treatment. If you are sure that the cause of the disease is a fungal infection, then the drug “Clotrimazole” will help you cope with this problem. Before starting treatment, carefully read the instructions for use of "Clotrimazole" from thrush.

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