Marlene Mackinnon and Sirius Black - the most popular couple in fanfiction

Harry Potter stories are loved not only by children, but also by adults. It seems to some fans that the characters of their favorite characters are not described clearly enough by the author, so they come up with their own stories, which are known as fan fiction. One of the popular couples in fanfiction dedicated to the Harry Potter world is Sirius and Marlene Mackinnon.

About heroin

Little is said about the character Marlene Mackinnon in the books. For the first time it is mentioned in the first part - the Philosopher's Stone. Then, in a conversation with Harry, Hagrid talks about Voldemort and says that he destroyed many powerful wizards, including the Mackinnons. He added nothing more about them, nor about other wizards.

It turns out that Marlene McKinnon was a strong sorceress, like all representatives of her family. Then it is again referred to only in the "Goblet of Fire". Karkarov, not wanting to get to Azkaban, talks about the Death Eaters. And he says that the Mackinnons destroyed the Dark Lord by Travers.

Then, in The Order of the Phoenix, Harry sees Marlene McKinnon in a photograph that Alastor Moody shows him. There were members of the first Order of the Phoenix. It follows that the girl was a strong and brave sorceress, and her family did not fight for "purity of blood."

And there’s another mention of Marlene McKinnon in The Deathly Hallows, in a letter to Lily Potter addressed to Sirius Black. In it, she writes that the news of her death saddened Khvostik, i.e. Peter Pettigrew. Sirius Black is one of the most beloved and mysterious characters, so fans of the “Potterians” decided that Marlene Mackinnon would be the perfect pair of the Tramp.

Order of the Phoenix

About Sirius Black

Sirius Black is one of the main characters in the story, Harry's godfather, the best friend of the Potter family and a powerful wizard. One of his magical abilities is the ability to transform into a huge black dog. In his youth, Sirius was one of the main jokers at school.

But despite all the jokes and practical jokes, he is a talented wizard and a true friend. Sirius is a member of the ancient Black family, who sought to maintain "purity of blood." But he did not share the principles of his family and therefore ended up at the Gryffindor faculty. Sirius Black retained his love of adventure, so he was always happy to support all the activities of Harry's godson.

For Black, the most important thing was friends and justice. There is no mention in the books of whether he liked someone, so the fans decided that Marlene McKinnon would have suited him. They are one of the most popular couples in stories that fans of Harry Potter books have come up with.

Sirius Black

Relationship development in fan fiction

The relationship between Sirius and Marlene McKinnon develops in fanfiction according to several scenarios.

  1. In one of the scenarios, the girl was transferred to Hogwarts from the French school of magic Sharmbaton. Black became interested in the new girl and tries to attract her attention, but she is indifferent to him. Then the girl impresses others with her abilities, which motivates Sirius to take her more seriously, as a result they become a happy couple.
  2. Marlene Mackinnon and Sirius Black have long been secretly in love with each other, but do not dare to confess their feelings to each other, but nevertheless confess their love and begin to meet.
  3. Sirius understands that Marlin is not enough for him and that he needs adventure, he is leaving her. Marlin joins the Order of the Phoenix and dies, or marries another wizard who is not a member of the Order.

Of course, many fans made Black's image too romantic, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that they decided that a brave girl who is ready for anything for the sake of justice would ideally suit him.

Sirius Black and the Marauders

Could there be a relationship between them?

Some believe that such a pair could not be for several reasons.

  1. It is not known how old Marlin was. The fact that she was in the first Order of the Phoenix is ​​not an indication that she is the same age as the Marauders.
  2. In Sirius’s life, adventures have always come first. He was not ready to create a serious relationship, for him the most important thing was the case in the Order of the Phoenix.
    Hogwarts School

Marlin McKinnon in Harry Potter is one of the characters in the wizarding world who helped the author show the full destructive power of the Dark Lord. Of course, this character has his own story, but if she played an important role in Sirius' life, the author of the Harry Potter story would definitely mention this. But the fan’s thoughts about Sirius’s girlfriend make his image even more mysterious and romantic.

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