Cockerels on a stick: recipe with photo

The most vivid memories, of course, from childhood. Dolls, playgrounds, napkins and cockerels on a stick. These sweets entice kids not only with their taste, aroma, but also with an unusual shape. And various colors only add zest to them. We will talk about the classic recipe for roosters on a stick in our article today.

A bit of history

Before you get acquainted with the recipe for roosters on a stick, we suggest a little look into the history of this delicious caramel.

It is noteworthy that such a sweet is made in many countries of the world. But still the lollipop takes its roots from Russia. The first mention of caramel dates back to the end of the 15th century.

cockerels on a stick recipe

โ€œCandyโ€ was called a candy in Russia. To children, she looked like a transparent ice. Caramel was made exclusively from sugar and water, without adding any other ingredients.

The shape in the form of a cockerel was the most popular. After all, this bird is found in many children's tales.

Types of Goodies

In Russia, the recipe for roosters on a stick was quite simple. Sugar was boiled at high temperatures until caramel. Then the mixture was poured into special forms, an ordinary wooden stick was inserted and dipped in water for cooling.

Nowadays, goodies are of the following types:

  1. Classic. For cooking use only sugar.
  2. Flavored. Fruit syrups, flavor enhancers may be added.
  3. Therapeutic. Based on honey, ginger and lemon juice.
  4. Fruit. With pulp of berries and fruits.
  5. Creamy With the addition of milk and chocolate.

We consider the cockerel recipe on a stick.

Confectioners Secrets

Any child loves to eat sweet sweets. Many manufacturers (in order to minimize costs) add various components to caramel that do not bring health benefits.

The recipes for homemade roosters on a stick are nothing complicated. But still confectioners pay attention to the following points:

  1. Take care of the form in advance. You cannot make a cock without her. Remember that caramel freezes very quickly, so the experiments will not work. In pastry shops you can buy forms that are used by professional craftsmen. They consist of two parts, made of metal, there are holes for the stick. You can also pay attention to silicone molds. It is much easier to work with them. Frozen caramel is easy to get, the mass does not stick. But the cockerel itself may not come out too crisp.
  2. Also consider the type of stick you will use. Many dwell on the paper version. But cellulose quickly soaks, loses its shape. A great option is wood and plastic.
  3. Caramel is important not to digest. Focusing on the color of the mass is problematic, because after cooling the mixture can become much darker. Prepare a saucer of cold water in advance. If you see that the mixture has thickened and began to change color, drip a small amount into water. If the mass instantly froze and holds its shape, then the caramel is completely ready, the sugar has dissolved.

Knowing these simple rules, you can start making cockerels.

shaped rooster recipe

Ingredients for a classic recipe.

The recipe for roosters on a stick of sugar is most popular. Caramel is prepared in a matter of minutes, and the taste is pleasant and rather unusual.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 45 g;
  • filtered water - 15 g;
  • grape or apple vinegar - 3 g (note that the essence or 9% product will not work);
  • vegetable oil - 10 g (choose a refined product, odorless, this component is not added to the caramel itself, oil will be needed to lubricate the forms).
make caramel

These ingredients can be found on the shelves of each hostess. The cost of a finished rooster on a stick does not exceed 5-7 rubles.

Cooking process

When all the components are ready, you can start cooking:

  1. Warm the pan. It is better to choose kitchen utensils made of aluminum.
  2. Add sugar and water in the required proportions, gently stir the resulting mixture.
  3. Reduce the heat.
  4. As soon as you notice that the mass has begun to simmer and change color, add vinegar, mix and remove from the stove.
  5. Pour the mixture into molds.
shaped rooster recipe

This is the most popular and successful recipe. Cockerels on a stick at home are tasty, fragrant and natural.

Healthy caramel

If your baby is often sick, confectioners can offer a variant of honey-based lollipops.

As for the main ingredient, discussions are still ongoing. Many people believe that when heated, honey becomes useless and even dangerous, it begins to secrete harmful components.

It really is. But if you do not bring honey to a boil, then it will still be useful.

To prepare medical caramel, we need:

  • natural honey - 250 g;
  • butter (not less than 72%) - 250 g;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • lemon zest - 30 g;
  • ginger or mint to taste.

Honey, butter and granulated sugar should be melted thoroughly, the mixture should acquire an amber hue, at the end add lemon juice or zest, mint and ginger.

cockerel on a stick recipe at home

The best confectioners shared an interesting recipe. Cockerels on a stick in the shape of a metal (such as those produced during Soviet times) come out very pretty. Every detail is clearly imprinted on the candy.

You can buy similar forms now. They are sold in specialized pastry shops.

Mistress note

To make your caramel tasty, it is important to know the following points:

  1. Cooking container choose deep, metal or cast iron.
  2. Remember that the mixture is prepared very quickly, stir it constantly so that it does not burn.
  3. Never boil caramel, this will lead to its crystallization.
  4. If you want to check the readiness of the mixture, scoop it with a spoon, it should drain with thin threads and solidify immediately.
  5. You can find tons of homemade cockerel recipes. The shape of the finished product can be any, it is not necessary to make a sweet in the form of a bird.
  6. To make caramel colored, food coloring can be added.
  7. Finished products can be decorated with coconut, powder, nuts.
  8. If you use metal molds for cooking, be sure to grease them with vegetable oil before pouring caramel. Otherwise, you will not get sweets from there. With silicone molds this is not necessary.
  9. Instead of sticks, you can use regular toothpicks.
  10. It takes 30 minutes to cool the caramel.
  11. In silicone forms, caramel becomes dull, but in metal forms it becomes transparent, with a characteristic sheen.
Sugar Lolly Cockerel Recipe

Cockerel recipes have been described above. You can use any of them. Do not be afraid to experiment, add fruits, berries, syrups. In this case, caramel acquires an unusual taste and aroma. Remember that your mixture should not burn, otherwise the finished candies will have to be thrown out.

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