Buckwheat porridge with milk, cooked in a slow cooker, is a tasty and healthy dish that is ideal for breakfast. It is worth noting that such a culinary creation is being prepared very quickly. In addition, depending on the particular ingredients added to the bowl of the device, this dish may be less or more high-calorie. Today we will consider two different cooking options for this porridge, one of which is suitable for dietetic nutrition, and the other for nutritious .
Buckwheat porridge with milk for weight loss
Preparing such a dish is quite easy, because it does not require the use of a large number of additional ingredients. Thus, to create a dietary cereal, we need:
- peeled buckwheat (you can take green) - 1 cup;
- small table salt - a couple of pinches (add to taste);
- fresh milk (up to 1.5% fat content) - 4 cups.
Cooking process
To make
buckwheat porridge with milk in a multicooker tasty and really healthy, before it is cooked, the purchased cereal should be carefully processed. To do this, you need to clean the product from pebbles and other grains that accidentally fall into it, then put it in a fine sieve and rinse it well with your hands.
After the buckwheat is processed and completely devoid of liquid, it must be put in the bowl of the device, and then pour in non-fat milk, pour in a little salt and mix. In this composition, cereals must be cooked in milk porridge mode before a sound signal.
How to serve for breakfast?
Dietary buckwheat porridge with milk, the photo of which is presented in this article, should be served to the table in a warm or hot condition. If you think that such a dish turned out to be too fresh, then you can add a spoonful of honey to it. However, do not get carried away with a bee product, since an excessive amount of carbohydrates will contribute to weight gain, and not its loss.
A nutritious and nutritious dish: how to prepare buckwheat porridge in the Polaris multicooker
It is desirable to prepare such a dish in fresh and full-fat milk with the addition of dried fruits and nuts. Such a combination of healthy and nutritious foods will make porridge so satisfying that your beloved children will not want to sit down again until late dinner.
So, to make a delicious and satisfying breakfast in milk, you should purchase these products:
- walnuts or almonds - a small handful;
- peeled buckwheat - 1.5 faceted glasses;
- fresh milk of 4% fat - 5 cups;
- granulated sugar - 2 dessert spoons (add to taste and desire);
- small table salt - Β½ small spoon (add to taste);
- black seedless raisins - a handful;
- fresh butter - 30-45 g (add to the finished dish if desired);
- dried apricots - a few pieces;
- pitted prunes - a few pcs. (optional).
Cereal preparation
Rich buckwheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker is prepared similarly to the method described in the previous recipe. However, there is still a difference between the presented recipes. To do this, clean the cereal from existing debris, and then rinse well first in hot and then in cold water. After this, buckwheat needs to be shaken vigorously in a sieve, depriving it of its liquid as much as possible.
It is worth noting that some cooks soak this product in milk for 2-4 hours. This makes the cereal softer and significantly reduces the heat treatment time. If you decide to make such porridge spontaneously, then you can not resort to this procedure.
Processing additional ingredients
To make buckwheat
porridge with milk in a slow cooker tasty and nutritious, it is recommended to add dried fruits and nuts to it. To do this, you need
to take black large raisins, sweet dried apricots and prunes. They should be washed well, scalded with boiling water and wait for the swelling. Further, the ingredients must be rinsed again and not finely chopped. Similarly, it is necessary to do with walnuts or almonds.
Heat treatment
After all the components have been prepared, you can proceed to their direct preparation in the kitchen device. To do this, put the salt, processed buckwheat, granulated sugar, and pour in fresh fatty milk in the multicooker bowl. All of these ingredients should be cooked in milk porridge mode before a beep. If there is no such program in your device, then you can use "Stew" or "Soup" instead. But in this case, the timer should be set manually for 30-37 minutes.
After preparing buckwheat porridge, it is required to lay out dried fruits and nuts, mix everything thoroughly and let it heat for another 10-14 minutes.
Proper breakfast serving
Serve buckwheat porridge for breakfast should be hot. If desired, it can be flavored with a piece of butter (butter), as well as ground cinnamon. Enjoy your meal!