Caffeine tablets: reviews about the application, instructions, analogues

In the article, we consider reviews about caffeine in tablets. They are a psychostimulating and stimulating drug, a derivative of methylxanthine. The effect of caffeine benzoate is to suppress the work of PDE (phosphodiesterase enzymes) in the nervous system, heart and adipose tissue. When consumed in high dosages, this substance can accumulate in the body in the form of cAMP and cGMP (adrenaline derivatives).

How much caffeine is in a caffeine tablet is interesting to many.

caffeine tablets

The medication is synthetic, it is based on caffeine, which is extracted from tea leaves and coffee seeds. The mass fraction of the active substance is 0.2 grams. The most well-known caffeine tablets in the domestic pharmacological market is the drug “Caffeine-sodium benzoate”. It is believed that the use of this tool helps to increase the level of vitality and activity, however, initially the use of a medication implies the elimination of many pathological conditions associated with respiratory depression and cardiac activity.

Reviews of caffeine tablets are presented at the end of the article.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine “Caffeine Sodium Benzoate” is an analeptic and psychostimulating drug derived from methylxanthine. It competitively blocks peripheral and central A1 and A2 adenosine receptors, suppresses PDE activity in the central nervous system, smooth muscle organs, heart, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and helps to build cAMP and cGMP in them (this effect is observed when used only in high doses).

It has a stimulating effect on the centers of the medulla oblongata (vasomotor and respiratory), as well as the center n.vagus, excites the functionality of the cerebral cortex. In high dosages, this medication facilitates interneuronal conduction in the structures of the spinal cord, strengthens spinal reflexes, increases the level of mental and physical performance, stimulates the activity of the psyche, physical activity, temporarily reduces the severity of fatigue and drowsiness, and increases the speed of reactions. In small doses, the stimulating effect prevails, and in large doses, inhibition of the nervous system. This is confirmed by the instruction for caffeine in tablets.

caffeine tablets instruction reviews

In addition, the drug deepens and speeds up breathing. As a rule, it has a positive chrono-, foreign-, dromo- and batmotropic effect (since the effect on heart rate consists of a direct stimulating effect on the myocardium and a simultaneous stimulating effect on n.vagus centers). The medicine clearly stimulates the vasomotor center and directly relaxes on the vascular walls, which provokes the expansion of the vessels of the heart, kidneys, skeletal muscles. In this case, the excitation of cerebral arteries increases significantly (provocation of narrowing of blood vessels in the brain, which is accompanied by a decrease in levels of cerebral blood flow and oxygen pressure).

Blood pressure changes under the influence of cardiac and vascular mechanisms of caffeine functionality: under normal initial pressure, this substance does not change or slightly increases it; in case of arterial hypotension, it helps to normalize pressure.

Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate tablets have an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles and have a bronchodilating effect, while striated muscle has a stimulating effect. It is able to increase the secretory activity of the stomach, has a moderate diuretic property, which is due to a decrease in the reabsorption of water and sodium ions in the distal and proximal renal tubules. The medicine reduces the release of histamine, lipolysis and platelet aggregation, increases glycogenolysis.

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Indications for appointment

The drug "Caffeine-benzoate" is indicated for diseases that are accompanied by depression of the central nervous system, the functionality of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems (including poisoning with opioid analgesics, infectious diseases), vascular spasms in the brain, decreased physical and mental performance, drowsiness. According to reviews, caffeine in vitality pills is very effective.

How to use the product?

Sodium Caffeine Benzoate can be taken without regard to meals. Before going to bed, it is better not to drink this medication, because insomnia may occur. To enhance performance, eliminate the symptoms of drowsiness, children after 12 years of age and adults are prescribed 50-100 mg of the drug two or three times a day. Therapy can last for several weeks or months. For the treatment of headaches after 12 years and in adulthood, medication is indicated in a dose of 50-100 mg. For the treatment of mild arterial hypotension, the dosage is the same as in the case of admission with cephalgia, only the duration of treatment differs. During therapeutic measures, it must be borne in mind that the maximum single dose of this medicine should not be more than 300 mg, and per day - no more than 1000 mg.

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Side effects

According to reviews, caffeine in tablets with intolerance or non-compliance with the recommendations of a doctor can cause the following pathological phenomena:

  • increased anxiety and anxiety, psychomotor agitation;
  • cephalgia, epileptic seizures, tachypnea, dizziness, insomnia;
  • exacerbation of ulcerative lesions;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • nasal congestion, rhinitis;
  • drug dependence;
  • palpitations, increased pressure.

Abrupt withdrawal of caffeine-based tablets can lead to severe muscle tension, suppression of the nervous system, excessive fatigue, drowsiness. An overdose of the drug may occur, which is expressed by symptoms of anxiety, abdominal pain, confusion, dehydration, hyperthermia, arrhythmia, headaches, frequent urination, agitation, trembling, muscle twitching, vomiting of blood, nausea, and cramps. An overdose is treated by washing the stomach, taking laxatives and activated charcoal.


The use of caffeine in tablets is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • organic pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • excessive excitability;
  • glaucoma;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • elderly age.

This must be considered before the appointment.

Caffeine Diet Pills

According to reviews, this medication is often used to burn fat. The only thing to consider is that caffeine tablets are required for weight loss in large quantities.

caffeine tablets application

For example, people who want to lose weight consume 10–20 mg of the basic substance per kilogram of body weight before exercise. It is believed that only in this way it is possible to accelerate the processes of metabolism and strengthen the work of the heart. You need to take the pill 30 minutes before the start of the session. Experts recommend starting to take caffeine for weight loss with 2 mg / kg and increasing the dosage gradually.

Drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of the drug, the effect of sleeping pills and anesthesia is reduced. Also, with combined therapy, an increase in the effect of salicylamide, analgesics, antipyretics, naproxen is possible.

During estrogen therapy (hormonal contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy products), the intensity and duration of caffeine may increase due to the suppression of the CYP1A2 enzyme by estrogens.

When taking adenosine, caffeine reduces heart rate and changes in blood pressure triggered by infusion of adenosine, reduces vasodilation, which is due to the action of adenosine. In addition, it is possible to increase the bioavailability, concentration and absorption rate of acetylsalicylic acid.

Metoxalen reduces the excretion of caffeine with a possible increase in its effectiveness and the development of a toxic effect.

Similar drugs

The cost of this tool is not high, but you can not always find it on sale. Then, analogue medicines that are similar in principle to the effect on the body, central nervous system, heart and blood vessels will come to the rescue. These medications include:

  • "Relzer";
  • "Acridylol";
  • Naloxone-M;
  • Betadrin
  • "Alex Plus";
  • "Serdol";
  • Albarel;
  • "Dueling";
  • Talliton;
  • Erolin.
how much caffeine is in a caffeine tablet

Caffeine Pills Reviews

In the reviews of this drug, patients note that the medication helps with excessive physical weakness, a decrease in mental performance. Often, the drug is used for fatigue after lack of sleep. Patients say that after taking the pill there is vigor and improvement in well-being. Instructions and reviews on caffeine in tablets warn of the occurrence of some side effects that are mild and rapid. Among them are called tachycardia, increased pressure, slight nausea is possible.

caffeine tablets instruction

As for weight loss, patients note low effectiveness from taking the drug without complying with a diet.

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