A cyst is a benign tumor. A cavity tumor is localized on the external or internal surface of the tonsils and is filled with purulent contents or exudate, in some cases, blood impurities are found. In the human body, several types of tonsils are distinguished, including palatine, lingual and pharyngeal, they all form a lymphatic ring in the pharynx and are in close interaction with other organs of the nasopharynx, being part of the immune system on the periphery. The main function of the tonsils is the protection of the body from damage by various infectious pathogens. In addition, these organs are involved in the production of lymphocytes.
The causes of this pathology
The most common cause of cysts on the tonsil is an inflammatory process that occurs in a chronic form. As a result, there is a violation in the outflow of lymph from the tonsils, as well as in metabolic processes and local hemostasis. As a result of such changes, the accumulation of exudate occurs, the tissues of the tonsils move apart, and a cavity resembling a capsule is formed.
Tonsils of the tonsil (according to ICD-10, the disease is assigned the code D10) can be localized on the surface of the gland. This phenomenon occurs against the background of tonsillitis in a chronic form, when purulent plugs clog the gaps. Cysts are also formed under the influence of congenital factors as a result of a violation in the development of the fetus inside the womb.
In addition, the appearance of cysts on the tonsils can occur for the following reasons:
- Decrease in protective qualities of an organism.
- Changes in the hormonal nature after childbirth, as well as in the postmenopausal period.
- Diseases of the nasopharyngeal region in chronic or advanced forms.
- Smoking and alcohol abuse.
Drainage of mucus from the nasopharynx can also lead to the formation of cysts on the tonsil.
Manifestation of the disease
At the first stages of its development, the cyst on the tonsil is not manifested by any symptoms, the disease proceeds in a latent form. Pathology can be detected only by chance during a planned visit to a doctor. A cyst on the gland can also be detected by chance during the medical examination.
What are the symptoms of a cyst on the tonsil?
When overgrowth occurs, and the volume of the neoplasm reaches one centimeter, the first signs of pathology appear, including:
- Bad breath, due to the decomposition of food debris that fell on the neoplasm.
- Difficulty and discomfort when swallowing.
- Feeling of numbness and burning, as well as the presence of a foreign body in the throat.
- A person with a cyst on the tonsil is prone to frequent choking during meals.
- Soreness in one of the tonsils.
- Change in voice quality due to the effect on the ligaments.
- Violation of taste perception.
- Sore throat.
- Blood impurities in saliva.
The neoplasm can cause difficulty in breathing through the nose, and also provokes the ingestion of food in the nose.
A photo of a cyst on the tonsil looks unaesthetic, therefore it is not given in this article.
Classification of ailment
There are several main varieties of cystic formations, both benign and malignant, which are localized on the organs of the throat, including the tonsils. The most common options for cysts are as follows:
- Retention tonsil cyst or mucocele. This formation is a sac that occurs as a result of irritation or blockage of the mucous channel. Such a violation provokes an accumulation of secreted mucus. Mukocele are rarely localized in the organs of the upper respiratory system. Most often, formations are characterized by the appearance in the salivary glands and sinuses, on the lips and vocal cords, as well as on the throat in the region of the tonsils. Retention cyst quite often raises questions about its malignancy. However, do not worry, it can only be benign. The latter does not mean that mucocele should be ignored and no measures should be taken to eliminate it. Such an education can, in advanced cases, seriously damage the airways. Treatment is also required if the cyst provokes severe pain. Therapy involves in most cases, surgical removal of the formation. Sometimes the operation involves the drainage of accumulating mucus. You can also remove the tonsils themselves.
- Pharyngeal tonsil cyst of lymphoepithelial type. This education is quite rare and is benign. Typical patients with this cyst are people 30-40 years old. In childhood, lymphoepithelial cyst is extremely rare. More often the representatives of the stronger sex are affected. Externally, the cyst is characterized as a small ball of white or yellow color, the size of which does not exceed one centimeter. For the most part, the cyst is not painful and does not show any symptoms. Science has not found out the exact causes of the appearance of lymphoepithelial cysts. Some doctors are inclined to believe that the cause of the formation is associated with tissue residues at the stage of fetal development. Treatment of cysts of the tonsils is carried out by surgical methods. The prognosis after surgery is favorable.
- Cancer on the tonsil. In the vast majority of cases, cystic masses on the tonsils are benign. Doctors, however, recommend a consultation and examination. The fact is that laryngeal cancer begins with the appearance of cysts or cones. When detected at the initial stage, the effectiveness of cancer treatment increases significantly.
How are tonsil cysts detected (ICD-10 - D10)?
If a person has complaints about the state of the nasopharynx, as well as a change in taste perception and timbre of the voice, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice. To begin with, you should visit a therapist who will collect the necessary medical history and refer you to a specialist, most likely it will be an otolaryngologist. The presence of cystic formation on the tonsil is easily diagnosed by a specialist after diagnosis.
A cyst on the tonsils in a child and an adult is detected by an ENT doctor on the basis of pharyngoscopy, that is, a visual examination of the pharynx. If a tumor is suspected, the doctor prescribes a thorough examination of the patient, including referral to oto- and rhinoscopy. In addition, audiometry is possible.
Also a mandatory step in the diagnosis of a tumor is the collection of material from a cyst for histological examination. This allows you to determine the nature of the growth of the cyst and its nature. A biopsy is mandatory in the following cases:
- The size of the formation is more than one centimeter.
- The location of the cystic mass inside the tonsil.
- Signs of malignancy, consisting in the rapid progression of cysts and bleeding.
If there is a tendency to malignancy of the cyst, the otolaryngologist can redirect the patient to an oncologist. Also, the patient is assigned a number of additional studies, including computed and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as radiography.
A photo of a cyst on the tonsil cannot be presented for aesthetic reasons.
Pathology treatment
Therapy of cystic formation on the tonsil involves the use of both conservative methods and surgical treatment. Drug treatment is prescribed at the initial stage of development of education, when the cyst grows slowly and does not show a tendency to transform into a malignant tumor. Treatment is carried out at regular intervals. It is important to take courses regularly according to the scheme described by the doctor. The therapy is long and should occur under medical supervision.
Unlike cysts that occur in other areas of the body, the formation on the tonsils can be completely eliminated by medication. The goal of the therapeutic measures is the normalization of microcirculation, the improvement of lymph outflow and the acceleration of recovery processes. Such treatment gives the result in the form of resorption of cysts, especially in childhood.
Conservative therapy
Conservative methods of treating cystic masses on the tonsils suggest local exposure and oral administration of drugs. For local effects on the cyst, the following drugs are used:
- Rinsing cysts with antiseptic solutions, such as Miramistin, Furacilin, Rotokan, etc.
- Gargle with sea water in combination with iodine. Pharmacy products such as Chlorophyllipt and Iodinol can be used.
- Rubbing cystic formation with antiseptics to remove plaque from the surface of the tonsils.
- Drainage of the cyst to remove pus through the "Tonsilora", which is a vacuum device. After drainage, an anti-inflammatory solution is injected into the cyst cavity. This manipulation will be effective if the size of the cyst is less than one centimeter.
Conservative treatment of cysts on the tonsil also involves physiotherapeutic procedures, including ultraviolet, infrared rays, inhalation with mineral water, herbal extracts and antiseptic solutions. In addition, tonsil massage can be prescribed. Phonophoresis helps to cleanse the body of plugs and cysts, accelerate the rehabilitation and regeneration of lymph tissue.
The most popular prescriptions for the treatment of tonsil cystosis are the following drugs:
- Medicines with anti-inflammatory effect - “Aqualor throat”, “Bioparox”.
- Drugs with an antifungal effect, depending on the nature of the formation.
- Immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral complexes.
To apply for the treatment of tonsil cysts traditional medicine methods can only be combined with traditional treatment, as well as in consultation with a doctor. As a rule, herbal decoctions are used to gargle, as well as inhalation.
Surgical intervention may be required in the following cases:
- A cyst on the tonsil in the throat is congenital.
- Re-formation of a cyst several weeks after the end of drug therapy.
- The size of the formation is more than one centimeter.
- The tendency of ingrown cysts in the tissue of the tonsil.
- Polycystic on one or both tonsils.
The complexity and duration of the intervention
The complexity and duration of the intervention is determined by the size of the formation, localization and stage of development of the cyst. If the formation on the tonsil is less than one centimeter, the operation can be performed on an outpatient basis. In a few days, the patient begins to take antibiotics, which reduces the risk of complications.
An operation to remove a cyst on the tonsil is performed under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is used when it is necessary to completely remove the tonsils due to the large size of the formation or its location inside the body. Also, a complete resection of the tonsils may be required with a tendency to malignancy of the formation.
After outpatient treatment of tonsils, it is recommended to gargle several times a day with antiseptic solutions, as well as take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. When performing the operation under stationary conditions, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly.
Rejection of bad habits
After the operation to remove the cyst on the tonsil, it is recommended to abandon bad habits, and also follow a therapeutic diet, which implies the exclusion of hot dishes and spicy foods from the diet. You should also enrich your daily diet with vitamins and minerals. Food should be easily digested, so it is recommended to grind it.
Of the modern surgical methods for removing cystic formation, the use of a laser occupies a special place, since this method is the least invasive.
Cystic formation on the tonsil can cause the following complications:
- The transformation of education into a malignant tumor.
- Decreased protective qualities of the body, since the cyst is an infectious focus.
- Regular exacerbations of ENT diseases, especially chronic.
- The development of polycytosis.
- The formation of cysts on another tonsil.
- An abscess of the pharyngeal or paratonsillar type associated with the penetration of pus into the surrounding tissue.
- Meningitis.
- Sepsis.
- Asphyxia due to the large size of the cyst.
As soon as the cyst begins to progress, the general well-being of the patient worsens significantly. The process of absorption of food becomes painful, the quality of life and mood also deteriorates. A person begins to experience anxiety and psycho-emotional instability. Against the background of the appearance of pus, an increase in body temperature, drowsiness and asthenia are possible.
Preventive measures to prevent the formation of cysts on the tonsil suggest the following:
- Timely contact a doctor for diseases of the respiratory system.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- Balanced diet.
- Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Compliance with oral hygiene.
- Prevention of hypothermia.
- Strengthening the body's defenses.
It is important to consult a doctor in time if a cyst is found on the tonsil, this will help prevent unpleasant consequences for the body.