Bonaphthon ointment: instructions for use, composition and analogues

Bonaphthon ointment is an effective antiviral agent intended for topical use only. Its main active ingredient is bromonaphthoquinone. The drug is made only in Russia in several dosage forms. Most often, a bonaphthon ointment is used by ophthalmologists to treat various diseases provoked by herpetic viruses.

Although in fact this drug has a wide spectrum of action and is used not only in eye therapy, it is also very effective in combating the causative agents of dental pathologies.

General information

Bonafton ointment is an antiviral agent that is active against adenoviruses and herpes simplex. Initially, this drug was used exclusively in ophthalmology, but soon its effectiveness was scientifically proven in dermatology and even dentistry.

Due to the rapid action of the active ingredients, intense suppression of pathogenic cells occurs. The antiviral effect is accompanied by the relief of swelling and hyperemia of inflamed tissues.

Bonaphthon ointment helps to restore damaged structures due to inhibition of protein metabolism in virus cells. The drug has a detrimental effect on infections caused by ADV or HSV of the reproductive organs.

The main active substance does not enter the bloodstream, so there is no information about the pharmacokinetics of the ointment. The effectiveness of this tool has been proven through clinical trials.

Composition and form of release

Bonaphthon ointment is produced in two forms:

  • an ophthalmic agent with a concentration of bromonaphthoquinone 0.05% in tubes of 10 g;
  • product for external use with a content of the main ingredient of 0.5% in packages of 15 and 25 g.

The active component of the Bonaphton ointment is a bright orange, almost insoluble powder in a liquid - bromonaphthoquinone. It has a characteristic effect on viral cells, the exception is only HIV.

The composition and form of release of bonafton ointment

The composition of a bonaphton ointment, in addition to the main component, includes petroleum jelly. The drug is produced in aluminum tubes of 10, 15 and 25 g. For ease of use, the tubes are equipped with special nozzles.

pharmachologic effect

Upon penetration into the body, the active ingredient of the ointment begins the fight against pathogenic microorganisms at the cellular level, inhibiting the production of necessary proteins in them. As a result, serious disorders occur in the nuclei of harmful microbes, and pathogens themselves gradually die.

During treatment with an eye ointment in patients, inflammatory processes recede quickly enough, the condition of the damaged cornea improves significantly, edema and pain disappear. Gradually, the tissue of the cornea and surface of the epithelium undergo natural regeneration.

Bonaphthon ointment is extremely effective in combating various defects. Often it is used to form the epithelial layer on microscopic ulcers and improve the condition of the cornea. This medicine allows you to get rid of redness of the eyeballs and pain of various etiologies.

Bonaphthon Ointment

In dermatology, the drug is usually recommended for the complex and most rapid removal of the herpes virus from the body. In addition, doctors can prescribe an ointment for the treatment of genital pathologies, chickenpox and genital warts.

In addition, Bonaphton is prescribed by dentists for various manifestations of oral herpes.


  • In ophthalmology: keratitis, provoked by HSV, the last stages of ocular herpes, adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis.
  • In dentistry: gingivitis, erosive pathology of herpetic nature, stomatitis, ulcerative manifestations.
  • In dermatology: HSV of the genital organs, genital warts, herpes zoster.
Indications for the use of bonafton ointment


The use of bonafton ointment should be discarded:

  • women during the period of bearing and feeding the child;
  • people suffering from hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • children under 18 years old.
Contraindications to the use of bonafton ointment

Side effects and overdose

When using bonafton ointment, patients may experience negative symptoms. Medicine knows cases when, after using the drug, patients had unpleasant sensations associated with the development of irritation.

When using an ophthalmic medicine, discomfort and a burning sensation under the eyelid may occur. Usually it disappears on its own after only 10 minutes. In addition, it is likely the development of an allergic reaction, blurred vision.

If the patient has noticed such symptoms or worsening of the general condition during the use of a bonafton ointment, seek medical attention immediately.

As for cases of overdose, they were not recorded.

Instructions for the use of bonafton ointment

Before you start using the drug, it is advisable to consult a specialist. According to the instructions for bonafton ointment, its dosage and method of application completely depend on which diseases it should cure.

So, if keratoconjunctivitis or conjunctivitis is detected, the drug should be laid under both eyelids 4 times a day for a week. The therapeutic course can last a maximum of 10 days.

If the symptoms of the pathology during this time have not completely disappeared, the specialist can prescribe additional treatment to the patient. But this is permissible only if there are no contraindications and side effects.

Instructions for the use of bonafton ointment

When identifying defects caused by adenoviruses, the drug is also applied under the lower eyelid no more than 3-4 times throughout the day. The therapeutic course for such diseases can be completed in 10-12 days.

If the patient is diagnosed with a relatively harmless redness or inflammation of the conjunctival membrane, which is accompanied by pain, only the damaged eye should be lubricated with ointment. In this case, the optimal solution would be to use the drug for a week.

Dermatologists recommend applying the ointment to the damaged areas three times a day. This drug effectively copes with viruses, stopping condylomas, herpes of the external genitalia. It is necessary to apply the ointment 4-5 times throughout the day through equal periods of time. The duration of therapy is three five-day courses with a break of 2 days.

After lubrication with ointment of the lower eyelid, it is advisable to refrain from work that requires an increased concentration of attention. It is forbidden to drive vehicles and precise mechanisms. It should be remembered that after applying Bonafton ointment, vision may become blurred and become blurry.


If for some reason this particular drug is not suitable for you, it makes sense to think about what it can be replaced with. In pharmacies, you can find several analogues of Bonafton ointment - they are all similar in their pharmacological properties and indications for use. But despite this, doctors do not recommend deciding on the selection of an analogue on their own. Bonafton ointment can be replaced with several different drugs.

  • "Eye doctor." Usually this medicine is prescribed for patients suffering from myopathic choriotenitis, glaucoma, a diabetic form of neuropathy, cataracts, retinopathy, bacterial or viral conjunctivitis, and retinal pathologies.
  • "Riboflavin". This remedy is often prescribed to those who are faced with problems such as corneal ulcers, keratitis, decreased visual acuity, conjunctivitis.
  • "Ujala." This drug has a completely different dosage form. Drops for eyes are recommended for the rapid course of glaucoma, trachoma, cataracts, clouding of the cornea, chronic and acute inflammation of the retina.
  • "Emoxipin". It is recommended for patients with thrombosis of the main retinal vein, complicated course of myopia, glaucoma, and burns. In addition, it can be used to prevent certain defects.
Bonafton ointment analogs
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. This drug can be used to detect inflammatory processes in the anterior cornea, the progression of blepharitis, keratitis, iritis or conjunctivitis. Hydrocortisone ointment is very effective in combating the symptoms of physical or chemical effects.
  • Zovirax. Effective in the fight against simple forms of herpes. Less toxic compared to other analogs of bonafton ointment.
  • "Acyclovir." After penetration into the tissue, it is converted, inhibiting the synthesis of DNA in the cells of pathogens.
  • "Virolex". An antiviral agent that is often recommended for eye damage with herpes simplex. It affects only the DNA of cells, inhibiting the ability to recover.

Reviews of Bonafton Ointment

In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients, so most often they leave positive feedback and recommendations. Those who have tried the effect of a bonafton ointment on themselves, note its mild effect, high efficiency and the absence of any complications.

An important advantage of the drug doctors themselves call the minimum list of adverse reactions that occur extremely rarely. As for the shortcomings, many patients attribute to them the discomfort that occurs after applying the drug under the eyelid. Well, you can see the result from the use of the medicine in the photo.

Reviews of Bonafton Ointment

Bonaphthon ointment helped many to get rid of such unpleasant diseases as conjunctivitis and keratitis. But before you start using it, be sure to consult a specialist.

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