Blue tea from Thailand: how to brew, beneficial properties and contraindications

Thai culture is very mysterious for European people. In cooking, there are unusual recipes for various dishes, drinks that can surprise any skeptic. Blue tea is one of these extraordinary drinks. It is also called moth pea and Thai orchid, as you like.

How to grow butterfly peas

Blue flower

Thai blue tea is made from the blossoming buds of a bright blue Thai orchid with three petals. Material for the drink is collected on a sunny early morning, at which time the flowers bloom, take sun baths and show themselves in all its glory. The collected buds are dried on the street for ten hours, then they are oxidized and left until they twist into elastic spirals. This type of drying allows the flowers not to lose their integrity and elasticity. During brewing tea buds will not fall apart into small grains, but remain intact.

The benefits of butterfly peas

Thai blue tea

The beneficial properties of blue tea are due to the rich composition of this product. It contains vitamins B, D, K, E, C, which help strengthen the body and increase immunity. Also included in the drink: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium.

The use of butterfly peas has a positive effect on the nervous system. Sleep is normalized, memory and brain function are improved, mental stress is relieved, energy and vigor appear. It is taken during stressful, depressed and apathetic conditions, during a period of decreased physical activity and distraction.

Tea is used to maintain good condition of hair, nails and skin. It positively affects the functioning of the digestive system. Helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body, accelerate digestive processes, breakdown fats, normalize weight.

Vitamins contained in tea help to improve vision, slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of cancer.

Contraindications moth peas

Blue tea with petals

Before you get acquainted with the Thai orchid, you should make sure that you are not allergic to it. The first test should be small. If during the day the tea did not cause an allergic reaction, then you can safely enjoy this drink in the following days.

In addition to allergies, there are other contraindications. Blue tea is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • if you are taking weight loss medications and diuretics (since the drink itself has a laxative effect, long-term use of moth peas can cause serious harm to the body along with the aforementioned drugs);
  • if you are taking anti-heartburn and blood viscosity lowering drugs;
  • to nursing mothers and children under the age of twelve, tea is strictly contraindicated;
  • if you are a lover of caffeinated drinks (or at least reduce your coffee to two cups a day to avoid over-excitation of the nervous system)

And do not drink tea at night. The last dose should be three to four hours before bedtime. Eating moth peas in the morning will tone the body.


Blue tea with lemon

Blue tea is taken as a slimming product. Its use helps to cleanse the body, remove unnecessary substances, maintain skin tone. Drink from a Thai orchid should be drunk three times a week for a week, and then take a break for three weeks. During this time, your body will have time to rest from active cleansing work.

The drink is also used as a hair rinse.

Rinse aid recipe:

  1. Ten buds pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave on for 20 minutes.
  3. Dilute the resulting liquid in water (1 liter) and rinse the hair after the main shampoo.

Water should be warm, but not hot. After such wellness therapy, your hair will become strong, smooth, shiny and will no longer get tangled during combing.

How to brew moth peas

Blue flower petals

Blue tea can be brewed in several ways. If you drink it for pleasure and taste preferences, then the cooking process will not take much time.

You will need a teapot and ten bright blue moth pea buds. If you take more, the drink will get a bitter taste.

Fill the flowers with hot water, after a few seconds drain this liquid. Refill and leave the tea for 5-7 minutes.

You can add peppermint to the drink to add freshness, and if you lack a sweet taste, use sweetener or honey. When honey is added, the drink acquires a beautiful purple color.

How to make blue tea to improve health?

Brewing water should not be very hot (up to 90 degrees). Pour water into an empty teapot, drain it immediately. Add the buds, fill the dishes one-third with water, pour out the liquid. Fill again with a new portion, but already completely filling the kettle. Brewed a drink a couple of minutes.

A drug based on a Thai orchid is specific, so it is worth using it no more than three times a week or in courses, as described above.

The opinions of people who have tasted blue tea

Blue iced tea

Based on reviews of blue tea, in most cases it is drunk to improve health, and not for pleasure and enjoyment. The unusual taste of moth peas is not for everyone who tastes it. Some people claim that the Thai orchid generally lacks taste or is mild.

Most often, tea is used to normalize blood pressure, improve the activity of the cardiovascular system, increase immunity and tone the body, get rid of excess weight, eliminate inflammation of the eyeballs, strengthen the nail plate and hair.

It happens that blue buds are mixed with other varieties of tea, most often with black. This combination, according to consumers, improves the taste of the drink.

After several uses of moth peas, its taste becomes familiar and does not cause a negative reaction.

Where to buy butterfly peas

Moth Pea Petals

Thai blue tea can be purchased while traveling in mysterious Thailand. It is sold in many shops and stores. Such a gift will surprise and delight you, your friends and relatives. If you do not plan to take the train, but the moth peas have not yet tried, order it online. There is also a high probability that you will find blue tea in specialized tea shops in your city.

Butterfly Pea Dessert

Butterfly Peas

Flower buds of the Thai orchid are used as food colors. They color white rice and all kinds of confectionery.

A popular and easy-to-prepare jellyfish moth recipe.

For him we need:

  • 10 buds of blue orchid;
  • three teaspoons of white sugar;
  • a glass of clean water;
  • three grams of gelatin.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the buds in a teapot and fill with hot water. It is not necessary to brew a drink several times.
  2. Dissolve the gelatin. To do this, fill it with hot water and leave for thirty minutes.
  3. Pour a glass of clean water into the container, add sugar.
  4. Bring the liquid to a boil, do not forget to stir to dissolve the sugar.
  5. Pour the infused tea into boiling water.
  6. Add gelatin and mix until it dissolves.
  7. Pass the finished jelly through a strainer, place in a pan and put in the refrigerator.

If you want to get violet jelly, then at the beginning of cooking add lemon juice to the mixture. If you want to get a matte color, then for this you will need coconut milk.

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