Colon polyps: symptoms, examples, removal and treatment

In the article, we consider the symptoms and treatment of polyps in the colon.

These are tumor-like benign neoplasms that originate from the glandular epithelium covering the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Pathology is widespread, there is also a tendency to asymptomatic course. Polyps of this localization can provoke stool disorder, soreness in the abdomen, the appearance of blood and mucus in the feces. In certain cases, polyps in the colon begin to become malignant or cause intestinal obstruction. This pathology is diagnosed taking into account complaints, rectal examination, objective examination, endoscopic and radiological techniques. Therapy of polyps - surgical or endoscopic removal, resection of the affected intestine.

polyps in the colon symptoms and treatment

Symptoms, causes and treatment of colon polyps are interrelated.

Pathology Description

Polyps of the colon are benign outgrowths on the walls of the colon in the form of formations on the thin and wide stalk. According to medical researchers, such formations in the digestive system are detected in approximately 10-20% of people. Some scientists adhere to lower numbers, believing that this pathological phenomenon occurs in 2.8-7.6% of the population. Such a difference in indicators is due to the inability to accurately determine the prevalence of the disease, since very often there are no symptoms. Removal of colon polyps is not always required. About it below.

Age of patients

This disease occurs in people of all age categories, but most often (except for juvenile polyps) polyps in the colon are found in patients of mature or old age. The risk of tumor formation increases significantly after 50 years. However, they are often an accidental finding when conducting diagnostic tests of the digestive system for other reasons.

A dangerous point is that polyps are diagnosed only after serious complications or transformation into a malignant formation. Polyps are multiple and single. There are some pathologies in which the number of colon polyps reaches several tens and hundreds of pieces. Such diseases are usually hereditary. The therapy is carried out by proctologists in the field of oncology and abdominal surgery.

How do the symptoms of colon polyps manifest themselves is interesting to many.

colon polyps symptoms removal surgery

The causes of this disease

There are several suggestions that explain the occurrence of polyps in this anatomical region. The most common theory is that according to which polyps are formed against the background of inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa of a chronic nature. Doctors note that such changes often develop as a result of an irregular and unbalanced diet, abuse of junk food, fatty, salty, fried, spicy and spicy foods with a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Such a diet reduces intestinal peristaltic activity and increases the amount of harmful substances in the intestinal contents. As a result of disorders of peristalsis, feces move more slowly along the intestines, and harmful elements come into contact with the walls of this organ for a long time. This circumstance is compounded by the fact that the density of feces increases, which, in turn, is due to the absorption of water from too slowly moving intestinal contents. Hardened fecal matter begins to injure the walls during movement. All this causes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, which gradually becomes chronic.

Embryogenesis Disorder

Along with the theory of inflammatory change, there is a theory of violation of embryogenesis, which explains the formation of polyps on the walls of the colon with malfunctions in the intrauterine development of the intestinal walls. Some syndromes, which are accompanied by the formation of polyps, are of a genetic nature. This pathological phenomenon is often combined with other diseases of the digestive tract. In addition to the factors listed and the possible causes of the symptoms of colon polyps, doctors point out the negative effects of bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, physical inactivity and adverse environmental conditions.

Polyp classification

Given the form of neoplasms, the following are distinguished:

  • mushroom-like polyps with a wide or narrow stalk;
  • sponge-like polyps;
  • formations in the form of a grape brush in the form of a dense knot.

Given the number of pathological formations, single and multiple polyps are distinguished. The latter are groups of nodes that are localized in one or more parts of the colon.

Family diffuse polyposis is a hereditary disease, accompanied by the formation of hundreds or thousands of polyps in the colon, which are relatively evenly distributed throughout the intestine.

colon polyps symptoms removal

Taking into account morphological structures, the following are distinguished:

  1. Adenomatous (glandular) polyps, which are the most common type of polyps, are found in almost half of patients. They are reddish or pinkish dense hyperplastic growths of the glandular epithelium, usually mushroom-shaped, or branching, which spread along the mucous membrane. The average size of such formations is 2-3 cm. They are not prone to bleeding and ulceration and can be malignant.
  2. Adenopapillary (glandular-villous) polyps, which are diagnosed in approximately 20% of patients and are a mixed form between the villous and glandular formations. This type of polyps is prone to a transition to a malignant state.
  3. Papillary (villous) polyps that are detected in 14% of patients and are creeping masses or nodes that have a bright red color, due to the presence of a large number of vessels. Such formations are able to reach 3-5 cm. They can ulcerate and bleed, the formation of necrosis sites is also possible. Such symptoms of polyps of the rectum and colon will not go unnoticed.
  4. Metaplastic (hyperplastic) polyps, which are detected in 75% of patients and are nodes that slightly rise above the mucosa. The diameter of such polyps, as a rule, does not exceed 5 mm. Such formations are not inclined to transition to a malignant form.
  5. Juvenile (cystic-granulating) polyps, which relate to abnormalities and are diagnosed in adolescence and childhood. Such polyps are often single, have a leg and reach large sizes.

In one patient, several varieties of polyps can be determined at once. In addition, there are so-called pseudo-polyps, which are proliferation of the mucosa. They form in chronic inflammation.

colon polyps symptoms causes

Symptoms of colon polyps

In most patients, there are no clinical manifestations of the disease, and formations are accidentally detected during instrumental studies of the intestine.

It is important to detect symptoms of colon polyps in the early stages.

Some patients have aching, cramping, or bursting pains in the lower and lateral parts of the abdomen, which disappear or weaken after the act of defecation. In addition, stool disorders in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation can be detected. With the development of villous polyps located in the lower parts of the intestine, patients can report the presence of mucus and blood in the feces.

Symptoms of colon polyps can be very unpleasant.

colon polyps symptoms

Villous polyps

The villous polyps can bleed and form mucus, however, when passing through the intestines, such impurities are processed, mixed with feces, which is why they are not visually determined. The amount of blood loss during the development of hemorrhages from polyps is insignificant, however, the frequent occurrence of such bleeding often causes anemia.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify the symptoms of colon polyps in the early stages.

Intestinal obstruction

In certain cases, large polyps block the intestinal lumen, and intestinal obstruction develops, manifested by intense cramping pain, vomiting, nausea, bloating, lack of gas and stool. Such conditions require urgent surgical intervention. It is possible the degeneration of colon polyps into malignant formations with the development of colorectal cancer, the formation of hematogenous and lymphogenous metastases.

Recommendations for symptoms of colon polyps should be strictly followed.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is made taking into account clinical symptoms, examination data, rectal examinations, instrumental and laboratory techniques. Palpation reveals pain in the abdomen, in the area of ​​intestinal damage. The results of a fecal blood test for polyps can be either negative or positive.

Irrigoscopy gives information about the presence of multiple or single filling defects, but a similar technique is effective only for formations larger than 1 cm. Finger rectal examination is informative with low localization of colon polyps.

colon polyps symptoms early

To examine the overlying sections of the intestine, endoscopic techniques are used - colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. Such procedures help to visualize polyps of any size, their number, diameter, shape and localization. In addition, using these procedures, ulcerated, bleeding and necrotic formations are detected, and tissue elements are also obtained for histological studies. In certain cases, a CT scan is used, which allows you to get three-dimensional images of the intestine, which are pre-filled with a contrast agent if you suspect the development of symptoms of colon polyps. Removal and treatment will be discussed below.

What will be the treatment of this unpleasant ailment?

The only method for treating colon polyps is their surgical removal. With small formations without signs of malignancy, gentle endoscopic techniques can be used. The operation must be performed during the colonoscopy. An endoscope is inserted into the intestine with a loop, which is thrown onto the polyp, moved to the base and removed. At the same time, surgeons electrocoagulate the base of the polyp, where open blood vessels can bleed. Intervention is well tolerated by patients and does not even require hospitalization.

polyp removal

Large polyps of the colon are sometimes removed endoscopically, however, this increases the risk of complications (bleeding, perforation of the intestine), therefore, such measures should be carried out only by experienced endoscopists who use modern equipment. A person will not experience unpleasant symptoms.

The operation to remove colon polyps can also be carried out using classical techniques. After a laparotomy, surgeons open the large intestine in the area of ​​polyp localization, excise the neoplasm, and then the intestine is sutured. Such events are held in stationary conditions.

With multiple polyps, as well as formations with signs of malignancy and those that are complicated by intestinal obstruction and the death of the intestinal wall, resection of the affected areas of the intestine may be necessary. The volume of resection should depend on the variety and prevalence of the process. Hereditary polyposis, which belongs to the class of obligate precancers, representing an indication for subtotal colectomy with the formation of a colostomy. After surgery, patients undergo dressings and prescribe antibiotics and analgesics.

We understood the symptoms and causes of colon polyps.

The prognosis for this pathology

The prognosis for simple formations without signs of their transition to a malignant state is rather favorable. In other situations, the result of therapy is determined by the condition of the patient and the severity of the pathological process. After removal of the polyps, patients should be under the supervision of proctologists, gastroenterologists and oncologists. In addition, he is shown systematic endoscopic studies to identify and prevent the development of relapses. The duration of observation and its frequency depend on the type of polyps developing in the colon.

The article presented the symptoms and treatment of polyps in the colon.

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