Medicine "Afala": instructions for use

Today it is no secret that most men after forty are prone to prostate adenoma. There are many reasons for this, however, the most important one is the age-related change in the hormonal background.

It is not customary for men to discuss this topic among themselves, and some are even embarrassed to search for the necessary literature. And only when unpleasant symptoms interfere with a normal life, men go to the doctor. It is very difficult to treat the advanced form of adenoma or hyperplasia. That is why every male should know the symptoms of adenoma and, at the first sign, seek medical help. The disease is very treatable, and with timely intervention, it allows preserving men's health until very old age.

At the first stage of the disease, urge to urinate is usually more frequent, but the stream is weak, intermittent. The process begins and ends with difficulty. At the second stage, the muscles hypertrophy, squeeze the bladder. It cannot be emptied completely. In the third stage, uncontrolled urination occurs.

There are many effective medical and homeopathic medicines that can save a man from this disease. One of them is the Afala medicine. The instruction for the drug explains that this is a homeopathic remedy that eliminates swelling of the gland, prevents involuntary urination, increases potency. In addition, this medicine normalizes the blood microcirculation, prevents the proliferation of tissues and prostate cells.

Tablets packaged in blisters contain affinity-purified antibodies and excipients - lactose, magnesium, cellulose. Pills "Afala" - a medicine that relieves pain, burning sensation, and other unpleasant sensations. Timely prescription of the medicine, its proper use guarantee an improvement in the condition of the man.

To whom and when can I take the Afala drug? The instruction recommends starting treatment with this medication in the following cases:

With acute or chronic prostatitis,

With benign adenoma hyperplasia.

Like all homeopathic remedies, the Afala drug is recommended to be taken for at least four months, and then repeat the course (after about 2 months).

The medicine β€œAfala” (the instruction explains this) is available in the form of tablets. They are recommended to dissolve half an hour before meals 2-4 times a day. The exact dosage is prescribed by the attending physician, focusing on the nature of the disease.

If the disease is at the very beginning or the doctor for some reason considers it necessary to take a preventive course, the Afala drug (instructions for use explains this) can be used independently, without the use of other drugs.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, this medicine may be part of complex therapy. The advantages of the Afala drug (the instruction explains this) are numerous:

Β· The medicine does not negatively affect the internal organs,

Β· Does not cause retrograde ejaculation,

Β· Saves libido,

Β· Has no side effects,

Β· Combined with all types of drugs

Β· Accidental overdose does not cause damage to the nervous system, but manifests itself exclusively in dyspeptic disorder caused by the components of the drug.

Every man should know and remember that taking care of his health is not a shame. Timely access to a doctor and a timely prescribed course of treatment do not just prolong youth and retain potency for a long time. If prostatitis does not cure, then it is unlikely to avoid prostate surgery. In addition, over time, prostatitis can degenerate into a deadly disease - prostate cancer.

Love yourself, take care of yourself, timely undergo medical examinations - and then you can permanently maintain your male health.

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