Osteopenia - what is it and what are the methods of treatment

The normal functioning of the human body directly depends on the state of the skeletal system. A decrease in bone density leads to their weakening, as a result of which fractures can occur. Most often, such a pathology is diagnosed in women who are in the postmenopausal period. But sometimes the disease occurs at a younger age, both in women and in men. A decrease in bone density is the main manifestation of a disease such as osteopenia. What it is? Why arises? What are the symptoms and treatment? Osteopenia precedes such a serious disease as osteoporosis, therefore pathology cannot be ignored.


Why the disease of osteopenia develops is not fully known today. Bones become thinner with age. This is a completely natural process. When a person reaches a certain period, old bone cells are destroyed much faster than new ones are formed. Peak bone growth occurs at the age of thirty, then this process is on the decline. At the maximum possible bone thickness, the likelihood of developing osteopenia is significantly reduced.

Osteopenia of bones can also occur if a person has initially reduced their density.

osteopenia what is it

Factors contributing to the development of this pathology

Osteopenia most often develops:

  • among women;

  • with a thin physique;

  • in people belonging to the European race;

  • in old age;

  • with prolonged use of corticosteroids, gastric and anticonvulsants;

  • with alcohol abuse and smoking;

  • due to an unbalanced diet (vitamin D deficiency);

  • with a sedentary lifestyle;

  • as a result of the use of carbonated drinks;

  • with malabsorption of nutrients in the intestine;

  • after chemotherapy for malignant tumors;

  • after exposure to ionizing radiation.

In addition, the pathology can be hereditary.

osteopenia symptoms

Osteopenia: symptoms of the disease

With the development of this ailment, pain does not appear, and the patient often does not realize the problem. Even if a crack appears, a person may not feel anything until a bone lesion occurs. After going to the hospital, he will be sent for diagnosis.

Causes of osteopenia of the femoral neck

Osteopenia of the femoral neck is most often diagnosed in old age. Contributes to the development of the disease violation of bone mineralization. This condition is the main provoking factor for a fracture of the femur. Osteopenia of the femoral neck is diagnosed quite difficult, so the pathology is not treated. In addition, secondary diseases can develop in old age, which are manifested by various symptoms. A symptom such as a short-term loss of sensitivity of the skin in the thigh area is often not associated with osteopenia. A low degree of bone density is detected only in the case of a fracture of the femoral neck. But, unfortunately, by this time the pathological process acquires a systemic nature and is detected in the entire bone system of the body.

A qualified radiologist will clearly distinguish osteoporosis from a normal structure in an x-ray. But for osteopenia, a significant decrease in the concentration of calcium in the bones is not characteristic, for this reason pathology is not detected in the picture.

Osteopenia of the lumbar spine

This condition most often develops as a result of lung pathology, transplantation of internal organs, the use of anticonvulsants and antidepressants, prolonged fasting. Also, osteopenia of the spine (treatment of the pathology will be described below) may be the result of intensive bone resorption and imperfect osteogenesis. Thinning of bone tissue in general and of the lumbar spine in particular is a physiological process of aging. Osteopenia of the spine, as well as osteopenia of other sites, does not occur.

osteopenia of the lumbar spine

Osteopenia in children

This pathology is observed in about 50% of deeply premature babies. An ailment develops due to an insufficient content of minerals (phosphorus and calcium) in the body during pregnancy. The fetus receives the main amount of these substances in the last trimester, and its bones grow faster. A premature baby, accordingly, is practically deprived of these essential elements. Such a baby from birth should receive significantly more phosphorus and calcium.

Also, the growth of the supporting apparatus depends on the active movements of the fetus in the third trimester. A premature baby is weak enough, moves very little, and bone strength is therefore reduced.

Mother's milk substances are insufficient for intensive bone growth. Therefore, minerals should be added either to breast milk or to a specialized milk mixture until the baby's weight is 3.5 kg. The required daily dose of vitamin D is determined by the doctor, as a rule, it is 800 units. In addition, physical activity (massage) helps to strengthen bones and growth.

symptoms and treatment of osteopenia


We talked about such an ailment as osteopenia, what it is and why it develops, we found out. And how to diagnose this pathology? To determine osteopenia, it is necessary to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) in the spine, thighs, and sometimes in the hands. The Z-score as a result of the test shows the difference in patient BMD with an average of people of the same gender and age. To date, the most informative and accurate method is densitometry or dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DERA). This procedure allows you to detect bone loss of 2% per year. A standard X-ray study in this case is not sufficiently informative and does not allow to detect loss of such an amount of bone mass or small changes in bone density, therefore this method does not allow to confirm or refute the diagnosis of "osteopenia".

Symptoms of the pathology are most often found in older people, when the bone density exceeds 2. The patient also shows changes in the lumbar spine. Radiography will help to identify deformation. In the photographs, in addition to specific vertebral disorders, a decrease in their density will be noticeable.

Densitometric diagnostics has the following criteria:

  • norm with a density index of less than 1;

  • osteopenia with a density index of 1 to 2.5;

  • osteoporosis with a density index above 2.5.

spinal osteopenia treatment

Who is recommended for osteopenia?

The BMD test is highly recommended for the following individuals:

  • Women after 50 years (during menopause) and men after 70 years.

  • People of both sexes from the age of 50, if there are prerequisites for the development of osteoporosis.

  • If there were cases of bone fracture after 50 years.

  • Persons of both sexes with prolonged use of drugs that help reduce bone mass.

  • If osteopenia is already diagnosed, regardless of gender and age, regular examinations should be performed.

Method for treating weak bone mineralization

Therapy of a pathology such as osteopenia (what it is, was described above), is to prevent its further development. To strengthen bones, experts recommend revising your lifestyle and abandon bad habits. In addition, the use of poor-quality food should be excluded and the body should have full-fledged motor activity.

Diet for osteopenia

If osteopenia is diagnosed, treatment, first of all, is to maintain a balanced diet. Every day you need to eat fruits, herbs, vegetables. It is very important to include milk and dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt) in the menu. Magnesium, which contains beans, vegetables, cereals, will also help increase bone density.

You should be aware that caffeine and salt contribute to calcium loss. In order to improve bone health, it is recommended that you drink caffeine-free drinks and limit the amount of salt in your finished foods.

We should not forget about the importance of the presence of vitamin D in the body. In the skin, it is formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so in sunny weather you need to walk longer.

osteopenia disease

Drug treatment

With such an ailment as osteopenia, treatment may include the use of medications.

The most common drugs:

  • Calcitriol.

  • Calcitonin.

  • "Teriparatide."

  • "Raloxifene."

  • bisphosphonates.

Means "Calcitriol" is a vitamin D drug. This substance is contained in a medicine in high concentration, so the drug is dispensed by prescription. When using this medication, it is necessary to control the level of calcium.

Calcitomine is a thyroid hormone that regulates calcium metabolism in the body. With a deficiency of this hormone, resorption begins to prevail over osteogenesis. In this case, the drug "Calcitonin" obtained from sea salmon is used. The structure of this substance is similar to human hormone.

The use of the drug "Teriparatide" is prescribed by the endocrinologist. This drug refers to stimulants of anabolic metabolism. Its excess can provoke a resorptive effect.

The drug "Raloxifene" has an estrogenic effect that inhibits bone resorption. Under the influence of the drug, bone mass increases and calcium loss through the urinary system decreases.

Bisphosphonates are also aimed at preventing bone resorption. Medicines belonging to this group do not contribute to osteogenesis, they only prevent bone destruction. If bisphosphonates are used regularly, osteoclasts (cells that destroy bone tissue) will not be able to fulfill their function. Therefore, such medications can be used only for a short time. During experimental studies, it was found that with prolonged blocking of bone resorption, cancerous transformations of bone cells develop, which can threaten the patient's life.

Physical activity

An effective fight against osteopenia involves compulsory sports. Great choices are swimming or brisk walking. A gym is also recommended. In old age, outdoor walks are useful, daily and for several hours. Young people are recommended morning jogging and regular exercise.

osteopenia treatment

Preventative measures

Prevention of osteopenia is similar to therapeutic measures. First of all, it is a healthy lifestyle. It is very important to ensure sufficient intake of vitamin D and calcium, the diet should be balanced and varied. It is highly advisable to give up smoking and minimize alcohol consumption. From youth, monitor your health and take measures to strengthen bone tissue.

It’s never too late to change your lifestyle to improve your well-being. If you follow the above recommendations, ailments will bypass you.


After reading this article, you learned about the causes of a disease such as osteopenia, what it is and what treatment methods exist. We hope you find the information useful. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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