Symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic spine are quite difficult to recognize, so it is important to know exactly what this disease is. This is a pathological process that occurs in the space between two or more vertebrae. A hernia is characterized by a protrusion of cartilage with destruction of the fibrous ring.
The cause of the pathology is the displacement of the vertebrae, degenerative diseases of the spine and metabolic disorders in the cartilage. As a result of this, the neoplasm protrudes toward the spinal cord, thereby pinching the nerve endings, arteries and blood vessels.
Disease feature
Before determining what the symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic spine can be, you need to understand exactly what the disease is. For this, it is important to have an idea of how exactly this area of the human body is arranged. The spine consists of 33-34 vertebrae, interconnected by cartilage and ligaments. In between are intervertebral discs surrounded by a fibrous ring. This structure allows the spine to endure prolonged increased stress without undergoing irreversible changes.
Under the influence of certain adverse factors, the fibrous ring may lose the required strength and elasticity. In this case, in the thoracic spine, the pulpous nucleus of the spinal disc is displaced, leading to a protrusion of the fibrous ring. This is exactly the intervertebral hernia.
It is very important at the initial stages to recognize the symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic spine and to conduct treatment that will help prevent the development of complications.
Causes of occurrence
Symptoms of the intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region are not too pronounced and they do not depend on the cause of the disease. The most common provocative factors include:
- metabolic disorders;
- problems with posture;
- infection of the body;
- injuries
- consequences of osteochondrosis.
The hernia protrudes at high pressure in the intervertebral disc, which occurs as a result of many factors. There are several reasons that affect the increase in this pressure, which include:
- excess weight;
- scoliosis;
- sharp movements of the body to the side.
The risk group for the development of pathology includes people who are in the car for more than 2 hours a day, spend a lot of time at the computer, and also regularly lift weights.
Age-related changes lead to fraying and aging of bone tissue. They lead to the fact that the bone structure becomes more fragile and dry. In addition to the intervertebral hernia, older people often experience rib fractures.
Also among the reasons it is necessary to highlight the hereditary factor and developmental anomalies. They do not depend on a person, but are transmitted to him at the genetic level. After several years, a hernia of the thoracic region is often attached to congenital diseases of the spine.
In infants, a predisposition to rickets can be detected or pyramidal syndrome can be diagnosed. After some time, this can lead to the formation of a hernia, but already at a more adult age.
Symptoms of the intervertebral hernia of the thoracic spine are many confused with signs of diseases of the heart, stomach, intestines, pancreas. The vertebrae in this area are covered by a skeletal frame. If a posterior hernia develops, then the access of surgeons to it is somewhat difficult, since it is hidden behind the nerve endings and the intervertebral disc.
Main symptoms
The problem of diagnosing the disease is that the symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region are well disguised as signs of other diseases of the chest organs. This is especially well seen at the initial stage. Often, pain in the sternum is confused by many with heart diseases, and discomfort in the lower body with ulcers, pancreatitis, and gastritis. This sometimes leads to improper treatment, especially with self-medication at home.
Symptoms and treatment of an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region largely depend on the location and area of the lesion. However, it is necessary to highlight certain, rather characteristic signs, in particular, such as:
- soreness in the sternum;
- tingling and numbness in the back and limbs;
- partial or complete paralysis;
- muscle weakness;
- dysfunction of the pelvic organs.
As a result of damage to the spine in the thoracic region, there may be other manifestations, in particular, such as urinary retention, fecal incontinence, impotence. The most characteristic symptom of a hernia of the intervertebral disc of the thoracic region is pain, the intensity and manifestation of which largely depends on the localization of the pathology, as well as the degree of compression of the spinal cord and nerve fibers.
When the upper thoracic region is affected, pain is felt at the top of the back and between the shoulder blades. Perhaps the spread of pain completely throughout the sternum, which resembles heart disease. Neurological signs include numbness of the upper limbs.
In the middle area of the sternum, the pain syndrome resembles a manifestation of intercostal neuralgia. Signs of an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region are manifested in the form of pain in the chest, which increases with sneezing, coughing, turning the body, and taking a deep breath.
The defeat of the lower part is characterized by the fact that soreness is felt mainly in the lower back. It gives pain to the upper abdomen, so many confuse it with diseases of the stomach and kidneys. Shortness of breath and trouble breathing may occur.
If treatment measures are not taken, dangerous complications may develop that can lead to a person’s disability.
When the first symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the cervicothoracic appear, you need to visit a neurologist to diagnose and prescribe treatment. The doctor will palpate to determine the localization of the pathological process. After this, the specialist will refer the patient to undergo a hardware examination. To do this, apply such techniques as:
Radiography is the easiest way to study. It is based on x-ray irradiation of several projections of the spine. Use it only to confirm the presence of a hernia.
MRI is a highly informative technique that allows you to scan multiple projections of the spine at once, resulting in a series of detailed images. They resort to a similar method if it is necessary to distinguish a normal hernia from Schmorl's hernia, to determine the degree of damage and the size of the neoplasm.
Computed tomography is a modern technique that is used to detect anatomical damage to bone tissue and pathological formations. If it is suspected that the vertebral artery is pinched, the patient may be referred for myelography. This is a technique in which a contrast agent is introduced, which helps to better visualize the nerve endings, blood vessels and arteries.
Treatment features
How to treat an intervertebral hernia of the chest, only a doctor can say, since much depends on the form of the course of the disease. For therapy, traditional and non-traditional methods are used. With uncomplicated forms, positive dynamics can be achieved through the use of conservative methods of treatment. These include such as:
- drug therapy;
- physiotherapy;
- wearing a corset;
- the use of external funds;
- physiotherapy;
- massage and manual therapy.
Drug therapy involves the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesics, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants, and vitamin complexes. Physiotherapeutic techniques - treatment with light and heat, magnetic currents and electric pulses.
The use of corsets contributes to the formation of the correct position of the spinal column. Physical therapy is aimed at restoring normal blood circulation in the affected area, stretching and strengthening spasmodic muscles, as well as strengthening metabolic processes in tissues.
During the period of remission, external agents, in particular, such as gels and ointments, can be used. Massage and manual therapy are not used in all cases, as careless movements can provoke a displacement of the vertebrae.
A radical treatment is surgery. It is carried out if within a few weeks there is no progress in treatment and the person is still experiencing very severe pain.
The use of medicinal herbs can be attributed to non-traditional methods, on the basis of which tinctures and decoctions, compresses and applications are made.
Drug treatment
To eliminate the symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region, treatment is carried out with the help of medications. Initially, the doctor prescribes medications that help relieve acute pain in the shoulder blades, shoulders and arms. Often these are anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs that act directly on the site of inflammation, blocking the flow of nerve impulses. These drugs include Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin. All these drugs are available in several dosage forms, which is very convenient.
Corticosteroids are prescribed in advanced cases when conventional anti-inflammatory drugs do not produce the desired result. They can be used orally or in the form of injections intended for blockade of the spine. Hormonal drugs are used in combination with local anesthetics, which are injected into the spinal space, located next to the affected area.
In addition to painkillers, the use of chondroprotectors and muscle relaxants is also required. The former are responsible for the restoration of cartilage tissue and the return of its elasticity. The composition of such drugs includes components that replace the affected cells of the disk.
Muscle relaxants are prescribed by neurologists to eliminate muscle spasm. In particular, such drugs as Sirdalud, Tolperid, and Midokalm are used.
Folk techniques
Many are interested in how to treat a thoracic intervertebral hernia with the help of folk methods, since they believe that they are as safe as possible, but at the same time effective. Treatment involves the use of various methods, namely the preparation of alcohol tinctures, decoctions, oil extracts.
Take 300 g of saberfish roots and pour 500 ml of vodka. Mix everything and put in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking every day. Drink three times a day for 1 tbsp. l An oil extract from this plant is used to rub the diseased spine. Take the roots of the saberfish, fill a liter jar by a third, pour vegetable oil. Allow the composition to brew for 20 days, filter and apply to rub the problem area.
Take in equal proportions chamomile and rose hips and pour boiling water. Let stand for 20 minutes, filter and drink 0.5 tbsp. three times a day.
Physiotherapeutic Techniques
The treatment of intervertebral hernia of the thoracic spine is also carried out using physiotherapeutic procedures. They contribute to the healing of damaged areas of the disc and the elimination of inflammation, pain and cramping. In addition, some physiotherapy procedures increase the effectiveness of medications. These include electrophoresis. It implies the introduction of drugs using electric current. Specialists use such physiotherapy methods as:
- acupuncture;
- spinal traction;
- manual therapy.
When extended, compression of the nerve endings of the spinal cord can be reduced and pain can be eliminated. Manual therapy is a procedure performed by a specially trained specialist working on the most inaccessible back muscles.
Acupuncture implies an effect on the active points of the body. This allows you to improve blood microcirculation, stop the flow of pathological processes and restore damaged cartilage tissue.
In case of an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic section, only the attending doctor should select the exercises, taking into account the patient’s well-being and the features of the pathology. It is not recommended to perform workouts on your own, as there is a danger of deterioration in well-being.
Classes should be aimed at working out all the muscles of the back. They gradually warm up, which leads to an increased blood flow to the affected area. With regular exercises, pain, burning and numbness in the shoulders and shoulder blades pass.
To eliminate the symptoms of intervertebral hernia in the chest in women, you can conduct yoga classes. This will help relax muscles, relieve cramping and pain.
If a hernia of the intervertebral disc of the thoracic region proceeds in more complex and neglected forms, when conservative therapy does not bring the desired result, then there is a need for the operation. It is prescribed in case of:
- ongoing pain;
- impaired motor activity with loss of sensitivity;
- respiratory and heart failure;
- deterioration of the functions of the organs of the peritoneum and pelvis.
There are two types of surgery, namely, open and endoscopic intervention. An open operation is performed by performing an incision through the sides or chest. To reach the affected area, dissection of the skin and bones is required. Only with an open method of intervention can a pathological formation be removed as accurately and safely as possible.
Endoscopic surgery is considered a minimally invasive method of therapy and is very popular. During such an intervention, adjacent tissues are not injured. In addition, the risk of complications is minimal. The operation is performed through small incisions on the skin by introducing tools and a camera into them.
To prevent the development of intervertebral hernia, prophylaxis is necessary, which implies:
- weight control;
- maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle;
- proper nutrition;
- strengthening the muscles of the back;
- performance of special exercises;
- swimming classes;
- fight against stress and overwork.
By following all these simple rules, you can prevent the development of a hernia of the spine and to maintain good health until old age.