The medicine "Control". Instructions for use and description

controls 20 mg Price

The medicine "Control" (20 mg), the price of which varies from 630 rubles, belongs to the group of antiulcer drugs, proton pump inhibitors. The tool has an antibacterial effect relative to Helicobacter pylori, contributes to the development of anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of other drugs. After a single use, therapeutic efficacy is noted quite quickly. The effect of the drug remains for a day. When using the medication "Control" in ampoules, the antisecretory effect reaches its maximum level within an hour. The drug contributes to the rapid reduction of symptoms and the healing of peptic ulcer in the duodenum. When administered, absorption is fast and almost absolute. The medicine is found in milk, the BBB does not pass well. Metabolism is carried out in the liver, excretion - with urine mainly. A small amount of the drug is found in the feces. The active ingredient is pantoprazole.



The β€œControlok” tool recommends the use instructions for ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal tract (duodenum or stomach) in the acute stage, which are associated, inter alia, with NSAID therapy or histamine receptor refractory to H2 blockers. Indications include gastroesophagic reflux (in severe and moderate form), manifestations of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. The medication is prescribed in combination with other agents in anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy in patients with peptic ulcer lesion to reduce the number of relapses.

The drug "Control". Instructions for use

Intravenous administration is carried out in especially severe cases or when oral administration is not possible. Inside, the medicine is prescribed for ulcerative lesions of 40-80 mg per day. The duration of the course is two weeks with exacerbation in the duodenum and 4-8 weeks in the stomach. With anti-relapse therapy, 20 mg of the drug is prescribed once. It is preferable to drink the drug in the morning. To eradicate Helicobacter pylori, individual combined regimens for taking the drug with other medicines are prescribed.


control instructions for use

The tool "Control" (instructions for use warns about this) is not prescribed for cirrhosis and hepatitis, intolerance, severe liver failure. The advisability of taking during lactation or during pregnancy is established by a specialist. Dosage adjustments may be required in the treatment of children and the elderly.

The medicine "Control". Instructions for use. Adverse reactions

While taking the drug, increased appetite, dry mouth, acne, abdominal pain, tinnitus are noted. The medication can provoke gastrointestinal carcinoma, flatulence, dizziness, myalgia, angioedema. The negative consequences of treatment include exfoliative dermatitis, hematuria, nervousness, hyperglycemia, swelling, photophobia. The medicine sometimes causes impotence (rarely), hypercholesterolemia, tremors, drowsiness, depression.

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