Tequila Sunrise and Boom. The best tequila cocktails

What is always associated with a rich and beautiful idle life? Certainly, catchy beach parties, luxury car parties and rampant club parties. And without which not a single party? Of course, without strong drinks! And tequila cocktails occupy the first positions in the bar card of any self-respecting institution.

A bit of history

Tequila came to us from Mexico. According to legend, lightning struck the trunk of a blue agave, and the Aztecs saw a juice pouring from the middle of a split cactus, which, having fermented, had a merry effect on the people. So there was a low-alcohol drink, which the natives called pulke.

Mexican pulke

After the invasion of the conquistadors, when the supply of rum and brandy ran out, the enterprising conquerors learned to distill the pulka into a stronger and more boiled drink. Thus arose mezcal - the progenitor of modern tequila.

Over time, this swipes became ennobled, a real production technology appeared, and after 1600 (thanks to the Marquis Altamir) the world recognized a new unique alcoholic drink called tequila.

What is tequila?

Now there are two types of tequila. This is a 100% Blue Agave, distilled from pure blue agave juice without any additives. And also Mixto. This is a mix of 51% juice (Mexican GOST prohibits less) and 49% of various additives, flavors, sweeteners and fragrances.

Types of Tequila

These two species are subdivided into several subspecies.

  1. "Super-matured" (Anejo) - aged in oak barrels from 1 to 10 years.
  2. "Aged" (Reposado) - stored in a barrel of oak from two months to 1 year.
  3. "Golden" (Joven) - after distillation, the drink is ennobled with glycerin, sugar syrup, extract from oak bark or dye.
  4. "Silver" (Blanko) is an absolutely pure product, without any impurities, fragrances, dyes and additives. Bottled immediately after distillation. It is she who is the basis for most modern tequila cocktails.

Tequila Boom - a simple and easy cocktail with Mexican vodka

The most common tequila cocktails include Tequila Boom and Tequila Sunrise. The first one is easy to cook even at home, as its recipe is simple. For him, you need light ("Silver") tequila - fifty grams, and "Sprite" in a ratio of about two to one. Some lovers can experiment - they replace "Sprite" with "Schweppes".

The ingredients are poured into a special glass and shaken until foaming with sudden movements. If there is no fear of damaging the dishes, then the glass is covered with a napkin, and the components are mixed with a sharp blow to a horizontal surface (table or bar).

Tequila boom

Drinking Tequila Boom cocktail in one gulp. Due to gases, alcohol quickly enters the bloodstream, and, accordingly, the state of intoxication occurs sooner. You can also add lime juice to the drink, and change Sprite to any lemonade or even mineral water (this is for lovers of unsweetened cocktails).

Sunrise over the desert - Tequila Sunrise

One of the most famous and widespread tequila cocktails is the Tequila Sunrise. His recipe is on the official list of the International Barmen Association. And every person who considers himself a bartender is obliged to know him. Although the tap recipe is simple. Take orange juice, light tequila, grenadine, all in a ratio of 6/3/1. Based on the classical canons, then this is approximately 90/45/15. And, of course, ice is added.

Tequila Sunrise

Ice is placed in a tall glass (250 grams), tequila is poured, then orange juice, and at the end pomegranate syrup is added. All this is mixed up. The glass produces color mixing, very similar to sunrise.

It is for this cocktail "Tequila Sunrise" and got its poetic name. And the amazing taste of the drink to match its appearance.

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