Syntomycin ointment: instructions, reviews

In the article, we consider the instructions for use for synthomycin ointment for children and adults.

This is a medication that has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect. The drug is inherently an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of effects. Among the main indications for its use is the presence of burns, trophic ulcers, wound infections. It is strictly forbidden to use liniment in the treatment of pregnant women and in the lactation period. It is allowed to use ointment in the treatment of very young children - from 1 month from birth.

syntomycin ointment instruction

Syntomycin ointment is also often used in gynecology. Instructions for use will be presented below.

Pharmacological form

According to the instructions, synthomycin ointment is available in the form of liniment. The tool is packaged in aluminum tubes. Each tube holds 25 grams of the product. It is in addition packed in a pack from a cardboard.


Syntomycin ointment is a liniment having a slightly yellowish or white color. The smell of funds is weak.

Chloramphenicol is used as its active component. Excipients that make up its composition are: water, sodium carmellose, sorbic acid, emulsifier, oil extracted from ordinary castor oil seeds.

syntomycin ointment

Pharmacological group

As the instructions indicate, synthomycin ointment is a bacteriostatic drug.

Synthomycin is inherently an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of effects. Chloramphenicol can disrupt protein synthesis in microbial cells. The drug has activity against most strains of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms having resistance to tetracycline, sulfanilamide and penicillin preparations. The medicine has a beneficial effect on the healing process of ulcerative lesions of a trophic nature, burns due to the production of epithelization.

Indications for use

Many are interested in what syntomycin ointment helps. The instruction to it describes in detail all possible cases. The drug is indicated for the treatment of infectious lesions provoked by bacteria that are sensitive to chloramphenicol.

For adult patients, ointment is indicated for use if they have:

  1. Trophic ulcers that do not heal for a long time.
  2. A wound infection, which is in the second phase of development and characterized by the absence of necrotic tissue and pus, provoked by microorganisms that are sensitive to chloramphenicol.
  3. Burns of 2-3 degrees.

Children ointment should be prescribed by a doctor. Its use is allowed from the age of 1 month and in the presence of indications similar to those in adult patients.


In accordance with the instructions, synthomycin ointment should not be used in the treatment of patients in whom the following pathological or physiological conditions are noted:

  1. Porphyria, which has an acute intermittent character.
  2. Eczema.
  3. Renal failure
  4. Psoriasis.
  5. Gluco-6-phosphadehydrogenase deficiency.
  6. Lack of liver function.
  7. Infection with fungi.
  8. Inhibition of hematopoiesis with bone marrow.

Also unacceptable is the use of the drug by pregnant women and in the lactation period. Do not use liniment and people with individual hypersensitivity to any of the components that are in its composition.

A contraindication is also the age of the child less than 4 weeks.

It is important to be careful when prescribing therapy using the drug to pediatric patients, those who have undergone radiation therapy or treatment with cytostatic drugs.

thermal burn


As the instructions indicate, synthomycin ointment should be used exclusively externally.

Adult patients should apply the ointment to the wound, and then apply a sterile gauze dressing on top. In addition, it is allowed to place tampons soaked in ointment in the wound cavity after surgical procedures. Also gauze turundas with liniment are introduced into fistulous passages. Application should be done up to 3 times a day.

What can I learn from the instructions for use for syntomycin ointment for children?

syntomycin ointment for children

When treating babies, ointment methods are used similar to those in adult patients. More detailed recommendations can be given by a specialist.

For the treatment of pregnant women and in the lactation period, liniment is not used.

The instruction for syntomycin ointment in gynecology reports that this antibacterial agent is often used in the treatment of vaginal infections, for example, vaginitis. In addition, the drug is effective for vulvitis in girls, acts quickly and is safe for the child. Also, the liniment of synthomycin in gynecology is used as part of a complex therapy for cervical inflammation. As a rule, medicinal tampons with this agent are used.

Negative impact

According to the instructions for use and reviews of syntomycin ointment, against the background of the use of the medication, some negative reactions are able to develop. Among them:

  1. Aplastic anemia.
  2. Reticulocytopenia.
  3. Erythropenia
  4. Skin rashes.
  5. Thrombocytopenia.
  6. Agranulocytosis.
  7. Leukopenia
  8. Angioneurotic edema.

So it is said in the instructions for synthomycin ointment. We will consider reviews below.

Interactions with other medicines

What else does the instructions for use for syntomycin ointment tell us? When using liniment with lincomycin, erythromycin, clindamycin drugs, mutual blocking of effects is possible.

With parallel therapy, the ointment is able to weaken the therapeutic effect of cephalosporin and penicillin medicines.

syntomycin ointment gynecology instruction

Special instructions for use

Throughout the entire period of therapy using synthomycin ointment, it is necessary to periodically monitor the condition of peripheral blood.

When applying liniment to wounds with a wide surface and parallel prolonged use of ethanol, there may be a risk of disulfiram-like effects. Among them:

  1. Reflex cough.
  2. Cramps.
  3. Tachycardia.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Vomiting
  6. Hyperemia.

Experts warn against the use of the drug in the first phases of the wound process.

There are currently no cases of overdose in clinical practice.

Terms of purchase and storage

The release of ointment in drugstores is free. That is, for her purchase a prescription from a doctor is not required.

Storage of the tube with the drug should be carried out in places that are protected from light and inaccessible to young children. The temperature should be less than 20 degrees Celsius.

The medicine retains its therapeutic properties for 2 years. Specialists and the manufacturer categorically prohibit the use of a drug after its expiration date has expired.


At the moment, the pharmacological market provides a selection of drugs for which synthomycin ointment can be replaced, since they have a similar composition and have a similar therapeutic effect. The most popular are:

  1. Chloramphenicol. It is an antibiotic intended for local use. The drug is available in several pharmacological forms - cream, gel, solution intended for external use. In its composition, chloramphenicol is present as the active component. The drug "Levomycetin" has activity against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It can be used for cracks and cuts of the skin, otitis media, burns. You should not use the drug for the treatment of pregnant women, children up to a year and in the lactation period.
  2. Bactroban. It is a local antibiotic. Mipyrocin is in its composition as the main component. The manufacturer produces in several pharmacological forms - in the form of a cream, nasal ointment, ointment intended for local use. The drug can be used to treat skin lesions provoked by a bacterial infection: furunculosis, folliculitis, impetigo.
  3. "Neomycin." The drug has two pharmacological forms: suspension and aerosol. The main active component in its composition is neomycin, which is an aminoglycoside antibiotic. It can be used to treat infected frostbite, burns and purulent lesions with staphylococci. Pregnancy should be avoided, since the safety of the drug has not been scientifically proven.
    ointment syntomycin instructions for use reviews

If it becomes necessary to replace synthomycin ointment, it is important to consult a specialist.

The average cost of liniment in Russian pharmacies will be about 70 rubles per tube.


Most often there are positive responses about the experience of using the drug. Patients report that the medication can successfully deal with skin problems, whether it be wounds or inflammatory rashes.

No less rare are reports of the high effectiveness of liniment in the fight against acne, for some people, sintomycin ointment is the best remedy.

Undoubtedly, the advantage of the drug is its wide availability and affordable cost.

syntomycin ointment for children

Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the use of liniment should be agreed with the doctor, especially if it is intended to use the product for children. Instructions for synthomycin ointment will help to understand all the nuances of use, but specialist advice is necessary in any case.

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