So, now we will try to figure out with you what Gonal-F reviews its customers are earning. This drug is very often mentioned in gynecology. And there it is used. But is it really possible to apply it? Maybe it's better to use some other drug? Anyway, why exactly do you need Gonal-F? We have to learn about all this.
What it is
To begin with, we’ll figure out what we’ll deal with. Maybe we are faced with some dangerous means for the body as a whole? Or a potent antibiotic? Not at all.
"Gonal-F", reviews of which we have to learn - this is nothing more than the most common solution for subcutaneous administration. A kind of injection. And it is used in female gynecology. So, do not be afraid. We are dealing with the most common solution, which is not an antibiotic. But is it worth it to trust? When exactly is this medicine used? And why is it needed at all?
Who will need
"Gonal-F 300" reviews from customers and doctors receive a variety of. But in general, they are positive. And all this because this injection is very useful in the modern world. We are dealing with a solution that is necessary in the treatment of infertility.
That is, the main indication for use is infertility. Next is a hormonal failure or menstrual irregularity. The effect of the drug is based solely on stimulating the growth of follicles. In other words, if you have problems conceiving, and you also suffer from an irregular menstrual cycle, the doctor may prescribe Gonal-F for subcutaneous administration. It’s not worth it to be afraid. Many claim that the drug really works.
True, there are some contraindications to the medicine. In fact, there are not so many of them as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, children are not allowed to take injections. This also applies to adolescents under the age of 18 years. Only in exceptional cases can a doctor prescribe this medicine to a young girl.
Secondly, during pregnancy and lactation, you need to abandon Gonal-F. Reviews say that at these moments, women should generally refrain from medication. Gonal does not pose any particular danger to the fetus, but a sufficient number of tests to confirm safety have not been carried out. So, it’s better not to risk it again.
Individual intolerance to the drug or a tendency to allergies - these are several other reasons for which you should not take "Gonal-F". In principle, exceptions can sometimes be made. But only under the strict supervision of doctors. On this, all contraindications end. Unless, stimulation "Gonal-F" receives not the best character reviews from girls who have obvious signs of a violation of the structure of the genital organs. It’s unlikely that anything will help them. And for this reason, you should not once again inject yourself. Violations of the structure of organs is the last contraindication. It is found, as practice has shown, extremely rarely.
Doctors say
What kind of reviews does Gonal-F earn among doctors? As already mentioned, doctors quite often recommend this drug to their patients in case of hormonal imbalance and with problems with conception. So, there are reasons for that.
Firstly, gynecologists note that "Gonal" gently affects the body. No adverse effect or side effects are observed in most patients. And this, of course, pleases. Most hormones can really not work in the best way. And they can cause side effects.
Secondly, doctors assure the excellent effect of the drug. That is, it is considered extremely effective. In this regard, receives good “Gonal-F” reviews. IVF, for example, is now faster and easier. Yes, and with less harm to the body of a woman. In addition, doctors say that after 1-2 injections you will see the result. More precisely, it will become noticeable on an ultrasound scan. And this, of course, pleases.
Thirdly, often medical workers advise Gonal-F because of its availability. A drug that is easy to buy at a pharmacy will be more popular than one that will have to be searched throughout the city, or even beyond. So it turns out that our medicine has a very good reputation among gynecologists. And what can patients say about this?
Price tag
"Gonal-F" customer reviews are pretty good. And you can verify this on the basis of the fact that women very often advise each other in case of problems with conceiving our injection today. True, there is one point that is not very pleasing. It's about the cost of the drug. She does not play the last role. After all, few will agree to give crazy money for a medicine that will have to be taken for a long period of time.
On average, an injection pack will cost 1,000 rubles. On the one hand, this is not so much. But on the other hand, if the average duration of the course of taking the drug is 3-4 months, then the price tag may affect your budget. Here's a Gonal-F 75 price. Reviews about this drug, however, are often still pleasing. After all, if you have real problems with conceiving, then 1,000 rubles for a small package of a drug of similar action is not so much. Analogs are several times more expensive. Many customers say it’s more profitable to buy large Gonal-F packages. If you compare them by volume, it turns out that you will save about 2-3 thousand rubles. Especially if you have a long course of treatment.
About efficiency
Now we know what the Gonal-F price is. Customer reviews, as you see, do not vary much from the cost of the drug. After all, the main thing in it is efficiency. And there are no complaints. All that can be found as opinions expressed on the drug is the delight of the patients. Progress is visible after 2-3 applications.
Many girls claim that after 1 course of taking the drug (lasting 1 month or 1 menstrual cycle), in the absence of other problems in gynecology, you can successfully conceive a child. But such cases are rare. Practice shows that most often conception occurs after 2-3 months of injection. Given that this process can occur in only 1 day out of 30, then this is a very high rate.
All this, of course, pleases. And so many girls advise each other "Gonal-F". But remember, it is better not to take it without the supervision of doctors. Otherwise, some side effects may appear.
Negative influence
About Gonal-F, reviews are left as a safe tool. And indeed it is. But with an overdose (which is extremely difficult to achieve), some not the best effects may appear.
For example, a rash or acne on the face and body. Rather, all the actions of the drug will be reflected in appearance. Indeed, for the body, it does not carry any danger. In addition, in exceptional cases, as doctors and some patients say, scabies may appear. Redness allergy is also a common occurrence. But to be afraid of all this is not necessary. Firstly, all this does not affect the maturation of follicles. And secondly, an overdose of Gonal-F is so rare that it is generally considered some kind of legend among patients.