Creativity M.Yu. Lermontov. The famous poems of Lermontov

The 30s became a difficult time in the history of the 19th century. The massacre of the Decembrists was replaced by a harsh reaction, which led to the spiritual decline of progressive minds. It was during this period that the loud voice of a young poet, M. Yu. Lermontov, who was called the worthy successor of A.S. Pushkin, sounded. Mikhail Yuryevich’s poems are an attempt to rethink history and reality, a protest against the established despotism in the country, an angry rebuke to compatriots who silently endure lawlessness and oppress the authorities.

Recall Lermontov’s most famous poems, which forever inscribed his name in the history of Russian classical literature.


The poet’s name primarily recalls the lyric work written in St. Petersburg in 1832. It was not an easy time for an eighteen-year-old boy - he only left Moscow University and was preparing for a new life, from which, however, he expected little pleasant. Confusion and a feeling of uncertainty aroused the lines in the poet’s soul: “The sail turns white ...” It’s hard to find a person who would not be familiar with these famous Lermontov’s poems. Usually they are perceived as the author’s reflections on his future life. In each of the three stanzas, the first two verses containing a landscape sketch are replaced by a description of the psychological state of the lyrical hero. And now the sea is already associated with human life, and the sail on its surface - with the rebellious soul. The main motive of the poem is the loneliness of the lyrical hero, whom he is trying to find salvation from in the struggle, like a sail fighting the elements. But this attempt is unsuccessful - the reason for this condition lies within the person himself.

famous poems by Lermontov

Years will pass, and the poet’s soul will never find reassurance, always remaining rebellious and lonely, as in his youth.

"Poets death"

Glory and exile are what his youngest poetry brought to the young poet in 1937. For several days, Mikhail Lermontov was recognized by the entire advanced part of Russia as a man who dared to challenge the existing government. And in court circles, he immediately turned into the author of “shameless freethinking” and until the end of his life was under the scrutiny of censorship and the emperor (he still did not allow the “rebel” to be rewarded with deserved battles).

The beginning of the poem was written the day after the duel of Pushkin. And a day later - immediately after the death of the poet - it went on the lists throughout St. Petersburg. After the trial of Dantes, a sequel appeared that began with famous poems - Lermontov was sent to the Caucasus for “The Poet's Death” - “And you, arrogant descendants ...”.

The historical and social significance of this work was determined primarily by the fact that in it the author tried to comprehend the tragic fate of Pushkin as a poet in general. He blamed the death of a genius on society, directly calling Dantes a “murderer”, and the “new” aristocrats “arrogant” and “vile”. At court, Lermontov’s most famous poems could not endure: “And you won’t wash away all the blood of the Poet with righteous blood!” Mikhail Yuryevich was first arrested, and then sent to the Caucasus in the army.

Lermontov's most famous poems


This poem, relating to the late period in the work of the poet, has its own background. In 1840, before his next departure to the Caucasus, M. Lermontov stood at the window in the St. Petersburg Karamzin’s house and watched the clouds floating in the sky. The seen picture made the poet think about his own fate. Very soon, he should leave Petersburg, the people he loved. That is why the main device in the work, which included Lermontov’s famous poems: “Clouds of heaven, eternal wanderers ...” - became a comparison. The poet saw his own destiny as restless and lonely as these celestial bodies. Hence the feeling of exile and the feeling of permanently broken connection with the homeland. A similar state, by the way, was characteristic of many of Lermontov's contemporaries who grew up in the difficult 30s and 40s.

But the lyrical hero cannot fully identify himself with cold and indifferent clouds. In contrast to them, he has a feeling of homesickness that cannot be drowned out. This is seen in philosophical overtones: nature is free, and the fate of the disgraced poet is entirely dependent on the decision of the authorities.

Lermontov’s famous poems about love

“K ***” (“I will not be humbled before you ...”)

Lermontov also has soulful lines about love. Several of them are dedicated to N.F. Ivanova, whom Mikhail Yurievich was carried away in his youth. However, the girl did not appreciate the sincere feelings of the young man, and this forever undermined his faith in women in him. The result of unrequited love was the poem "K ***", written in 1832. Its author contrasts the pure sincere feeling with deceit and pretense, and the hope of happiness versus deep disappointment. These are Lermontov’s poems about love. Famous lines: “Who knows, maybe those moments that leaked at your feet, I took from inspiration!” in many ways determined the life position of the poet, who devoted himself entirely to creativity.

the most famous poems by Mikhail Lermontov

“Lermontov’s meditation is his poetry”

So said about the work of Mikhail Yurievich A. Herzen. During his short life, the poet wrote more than four hundred lyric poems. This “Borodino”, and “Duma”, and “I go out alone on the road”, and “Prayer” ... It is difficult to choose one, because each of them worthily replenish the list of the best poetic works of Russian literature.

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