The medicine "Filtrum-STI" is an enterosorbent of natural origin. It contains hydrolysis products of wood components, the structural elements of which are derivatives of hydrocellulose and phenylpropane.
The tool has increased sorption activity, detoxification effect of a non-specific nature. The action of the drug is determined by the ability of the components to bind and excrete pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products, drugs, metal salts, poisons, food allergens, and alcohol. Means "Filtrum-STI" (instructions for use attest to this) sorb an overabundance of certain metabolic products (urea, cholesterol, bilirubin and others), metabolites that provoke endogenous toxicosis. The drug is not toxic, is not absorbed from the digestive system. Excretion occurs through the intestines.
The medicine "Filtrum-STI" recommends the use of it as a detoxification agent for endogenous and exogenous poisoning of a different nature. In particular, intoxication includes alcohol, poisons, metal salts, medications. In combination therapy, the drug is prescribed for dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning, dyspepsia. The drug "Filtrum-STI" also recommends the use of the drug for hyperazotemia, hyperbilirubinemia, purulent inflammatory diseases complicated by intoxication. To prevent chronic poisoning, the medication is indicated for workers in hazardous industries.
The drug "Filtrum-STI". Instructions for use
The drug is taken orally. It is preferable to grind the medicine. Drink the drug with water. They drink the medicine an hour before eating or taking other medicines. Patients from twelve years old are prescribed 2-3 tablets, from 7 to 12 years old - 1-2 tablets, from 4 to 7 years old - 1 tablet, from year to three years old - 0.5-1 tablet, patients under one year old - half a tablet. The frequency of admission is not more than four times a day. On the recommendation of a specialist, the dosage may be increased. In acute conditions, the duration of administration is from three to five days, against a background of chronic intoxications and allergic pathologies - from two to three weeks. If necessary, according to the doctorβs instructions, repeat courses are conducted in 14 days
Is Filtrum-STI effective for children?
Reviews of many parents indicate the high effectiveness and safety of the drug. The product does not irritate the digestive system, gently and quickly neutralizes the effect of toxins. The drug is allowed for admission in infancy. However, therapy or prophylaxis should be administered under the supervision of a pediatrician.
Adverse Reactions and Contraindications
In rare cases, constipation or an allergic reaction may occur. "Filtrum-STI" tablets are not prescribed for intestinal atony, exacerbations of ulcerative lesions in the digestive tract, intolerance. With prolonged use, a violation of the absorption of calcium and vitamins is likely.