Good spirits have been appreciated by people at all times. Whatever price the manufacturer sets, quality has always been in demand. Currently, there are many brands of cognac, expensive and cheap, one of them is Dvin. Reviews about cognac, description, composition and how to recognize a fake - all this will be described in the article.
The drink was first created for the Yalta Conference in 1945. The order was made by Stalin himself, and the cognac was magnificent. Alcohol was very fond of Winston Churchill who was present at the meeting . Joseph Vissarionovich suggested that he try one glass, but that was enough for the ruler of England to become a fan of Dvina.
The creator of brandy is Markar Sedrakyan. Only he managed to mix all the ingredients so that the drink turned out to be very strong (50%) and at the same time light. At one point, the Armenian was exiled to Siberia, but then returned due to his creation. Churchill complained to Stalin that the cognac is losing its charm, and its taste is not the same. Affected by the replacement of the manufacturer, so everyone returned to normal.
By the way, the ruler of England drank a bottle of 0.7 L Dvina daily until the age of 70. On his 75th birthday, Joseph Vissarionovich sent him 75 bottles, which Sir Winston was immensely pleased with, but expressed his pity that he had not turned 100 on that day.
What is so popular with Churchill and many other people for the Dvin collection cognac? The description cannot fully convey its charm, because such things must be tried. But some features can be highlighted.
Firstly, the drink is very strong, not every person can stand it. But at the same time, there is a bright aftertaste in it, which makes you drink it again and again.
Secondly, due to the long aging in oak barrels, cognac acquires an amber color with a red tint, as well as a unique aroma. The minimum exposure of the drink is 10 years.
The history of the collection brandy "Dvin" reports that for some period of time the production was closed for unknown reasons. However, in 2011 it resumed, and the drink found a new package and an improved taste.
Large doses of alcohol negatively affect the condition of the human body, especially on the liver. You should not abuse it, but in small quantities any alcohol is useful.
Cognac refers to high-quality drinks made from natural products. Exposure helps to gain strength, to show taste in all its glory. The decoction of herbs that underlies the recipe gives the body the necessary substances, and seasoned with alcohol, it becomes a real medicine.
Firstly, cognac benefits the gastrointestinal tract. It enhances the production of gastric juice, improves appetite, helps digestion and assimilation of food. It is enough to drink one glass before a meal, and the intestines will thank you a month later. Over time, the desire to overeat will disappear, and this is the guarantee of not only good digestion, but also a beautiful figure.
Secondly, alcohol warms the body. With hypothermia, the best recipe is hot tea with a tablespoon of brandy. Such a drink will replace a heating pad, will be the best remedy for colds.
Thirdly, the drink should pay attention to people whose body does not absorb vitamin C. If you spray an orange or lemon with amber liquid, the tannin contained in it will solve the problem completely.
Collection brandy "Dvin" composition is almost the same as any other. The drink is based on a decoction of herbs with berries and spices.
Legendary alcohol contains a decoction of dried fruits. When mixed, its taste acquired sweet notes and a unique fruity aroma. To make the whole charm of the drink better manifested, the liquid was seasoned with cloves.
Another unusual ingredient is nuts. In Dvin, it was added the forest, fragrant, ripened in the sun fruits that add astringency and a little bitterness.
As mentioned earlier, cognac is infused exclusively in oak barrels, which also contribute to the taste. The tree has a special aroma, and when combined with dried fruits, nuts and spices, it turns out to be an incredible drink.
The remaining ingredients are hidden, because the company will not sell its secret for any money. And customers can only enjoy the brandy "Dvin". Reviews of drink connoisseurs are presented below.
Since the described drink is a very high-quality product, almost everyone is satisfied with its quality. Customer reviews about Dvin brandy are mostly positive.
Firstly, most emit a unique taste of alcohol, its simultaneous strength and lightness. The aftertaste is hot, but pleasant. Even women like a drink.
Secondly, a relatively short endurance for cognac (5-10 years) does not prevent it from remaining as pleasant. The high alcohol content is not felt due to the sweetness and astringency, manifested in all its glory.
The only criterion that buyers do not always like is price. Although everyone claims that she is fully justified for such a quality drink, I would still like less.
Cognac "Dvin" (see photo in the article) is a product of the Armenian company "Ararat". The quality of the drink of this country is known throughout the world. Fruits and herbs that have grown under the hot sun of the southern state are carefully harvested and then turned into aromatic liquors.
There are several popular brands of Armenian cognac:
- Nairi He is the pride of the country. A bouquet of herbs, which became its basis, gives a unique aroma to drinking, stains the liquid in a dark brown color. The fortress is 41%. The advantage is endurance: each subspecies of cognac is infused in the cellars for at least 20 years.
- "Ararat". Belongs to one of the most popular not only in Armenia, but throughout the world. There are 3-, 4- and 5-star varieties, each of which has its own unique taste, smell and color. Fortress - 40%. Many say that he is superior to most Western counterparts.
- "Selective." Cognac is fully consistent with its name. It consists of alcohols aged for at least 6-7 years. The velvety taste is appreciated by lovers.
How to drink
A true connoisseur of this wonderful drink will say that cognac cannot be drunk, you can only enjoy it, this is the main principle. Many people turn a blind eye to such things and drink strong alcohol in glasses, in one gulp, having a bite than they have to. If it comes to expensive brandy, then with this approach we can say that the money wasted.
- It is important to choose the right glass. At the base, it should be wider, upward - to narrow. The capacity is convenient to hold with the palm of your hand, fully obhativaem.
- Drink only in small sips or without snacking at all, or savoring dark chocolate. Conventional lemon blocks taste buds, and the taste of the drink is not fully felt, so it is better to refuse it.
- The liquid needs to be shaken sometimes, so that the aroma appears. Then the brandy will be fully revealed, it will be palpable by all receptors and imprinted in your memory with its astringency.
Reviews about the collection brandy "Dvin" almost unanimously reiterate that this drink is almost the best among all brands. Quality is felt from the first sips, therefore, the price of the product is appropriate.
Currently, the market has developed fraud consisting in the fake of well-known brands. Cognac "Dvin" (reviews confirm this) is subjected to the same fate. If you have met alcohol for 2,000 rubles or less, then this is a 100% fake. Even a bottle for 5000 rubles, most likely, will not be the original.
The company engaged in the release of "Dvina" puts a price of at least 7,000 rubles. With the growth of the exchange rate, the cost rose, although earlier real booze could be found for 2000 rubles. The product has a 10-year exposure, beautiful packaging and a blue label.
Find collection brandy "Dvin", according to reviews, is not so difficult. Typically, a drink is delivered to alcoholic beverages that are profiled at alcohol, but sometimes it is found in hypermarkets.
How to identify a fake
Connoisseurs of expensive alcohol can determine the βfakeβ drink by smell and taste, but, unfortunately, you canβt make a product tasting in the store. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the following criteria:
- Price. The production of cognac takes a huge amount of products, time and effort, and therefore it costs accordingly. The cheapest product is estimated at 10-15 US dollars. If the price is less, time to think about a fake.
- Packaging. Dear manufacturers of high-quality cognac always pay special attention to the "wrapper": a bottle should not be too elaborate, but even the simplest will not work; cork tightly and on all sides closes the neck; the company logo is always on the front side, closer to the center.
- Label. In addition to the name, it should indicate the date of production of brandy, type of alcohol, place of production and country, as well as a list of the main components.
- Color. The more exposure the brandy has, the lighter its shade becomes. If the label says that the drink is already more than 10 years old, and its color is determined exclusively as brown, then the product is 100% fake.
Additional application
The following tips can be implemented not only with brandy "Dvin", any other is quite suitable:
- Throat treatment. To cure a sore throat or a cold, mix cognac with honey and lemon. The resulting mixture, gargle for several days. The best medicine is simply not to be found.
- For hair growth. There are many masks based on alcohol. They help restore hair follicles and activate growth. It is also proven that this drink eliminates dandruff.
- Grinding. With a cold, you can not only consume cognac inside, but also rub it. The hot effect will cause blood to run through the body and secrete antibodies against the virus.