Chicken legs in the oven with crispy crust: recipes with photos

Among representatives of different age categories, there are a considerable number of fans of such a type of meat as chicken. Huge attention of fans of such a product is paid to the legs, as this part of the carcass is quite simple to prepare and has excellent taste. Oven-baked chicken legs can be a wonderful decoration for any festive table, as well as a main course during a family dinner. This is especially true for legs on which there is a delicious crust.

How to cook a delicious meat dish with such an ingredient? Consider several options for recipes with photos of oven-baked chicken legs, which can be easily prepared for any reason.

Features of cooking legs in the oven

Oven-baked chicken legs are a tasty, but rather high-calorie dish that can be prepared in various ways. Legs can be baked with vegetables, which will go well with meat, and often use various sauces for this. Among other things, in any recipe, the legs in the oven are baked with various spices that give an unusual aroma and taste.

As you know, chicken is a very tender meat, the preparation of which requires a small amount of time. As a rule, only half an hour is enough for this (in some cases even less), provided that the cooking process will be carried out at a temperature of 180 degrees. Some happy owners of air grills in the kitchen also use such a device - the cooking rules in it are the same as in a simple oven, but the temperature should be raised to 200 degrees. It is under these conditions that the legs will not become dry even by the end of the treatment.

This moment is perhaps the only one that you should pay attention to in the process of preparing chicken legs baked in the oven. Due to such simplicity of cooking, chicken has become a very popular meat among housewives with different culinary experiences.

Oven baked chicken legs

Classic recipe

Not wanting to spend a lot of time preparing and using many ingredients, you can create a fragrant dish with original tastes according to the classic recipe. For 750 g of legs, you should prepare a mixture of spices, which will include: five crushed cloves of garlic, favorite seasonings (you can take the mixture in the store), and salt to taste. Spicy mass should rub the legs abundantly and generously coat with 1.5 cups of mayonnaise (it is advisable to take the fattest). In this form, they must be left at room temperature, and then sent to the refrigerator for no more than an hour. When the legs are marinated properly, they need to be laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment and sent to the oven for no more than 25 minutes - during this time the meat will become juicy and ready.

In foil

Very juicy baked chicken legs in the oven are obtained if foil is used for their preparation. To create a special meat dish, you need to take four medium legs, wash them, thoroughly dry using a paper towel, and leave for a short period.

In the meantime, you should start preparing vegetables that will be baked with meat. To do this, three onions must be peeled and cut into large rings. Separately, grind in large cubes (1.5 cm each) one zucchini zucchini, as well as four medium tomatoes.

Separately, it is necessary to prepare four pieces of foil of this size so that each of them is enough to wrap one leg and a quarter of vegetables in it. In the center of each piece of foil, you need to lay part of the vegetables, along the chicken leg, and place on top a sprig of rosemary, which will make the aroma of the finished dish special. Sprinkle each leg with a small amount of spices (store mix or spices to taste, as well as salt), wrap tightly in bags and lay on a baking sheet.

The assembled sheet must be sent to the preheated oven for 40 minutes. Given the fact that the dish is prepared in foil, the temperature in the oven should be about 200 degrees.

Oven baked chicken legs

Up the sleeve

Baking chicken legs in the oven in the sleeve is very simple. The output will be a special dish that can surprise all households.

To prepare it, you should take 8 medium-sized legs and prepare them well - wash and allow to dry slightly from moisture. While this will happen, you can start preparing a spicy mixture that you need to create from 5 g of suneli hops, a pinch of black and red pepper (you can use a mixture of ground spices), salt, as well as a couple of tablespoons of ketchup and the same amount of mayonnaise. To the listed ingredients you need to add the desired amount of the mixture of spices that are sold in stores in the finished form. All components must be mixed very well and coated with each leg very plentifully. After that, they should be placed in a sleeve intended for baking, tied up with its tips so that air does not exit the bag, and pierced several times so that there is no explosion during cooking.

After all preparations, the sleeve must be placed on a baking sheet and sent to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake the dish until ready for an hour - it will turn out juicy and very mouth-watering.

With potato

Undoubtedly, the favorite dish of all households will be chicken legs baked in the oven in potatoes. For five legs, take no more than 10 medium potatoes, which must be cut into large slices.

The baking dish chosen should be greased with oil and a vegetable placed on it, then sprinkled with a mixture of peppers and salt to taste. On top of all this, you need to place the legs, which must be grated with a mixture of seasonings and salt. In each leg, you need to make a small incision and place a small clove of garlic in it (you can cut the part).

In this form, a pan with chicken and potatoes should be sent to the closet. How much to bake chicken legs in the oven? This recipe provides for no more than 60 minutes of thermal processing of meat and vegetables. Due to this, a crisp will form on the surface of the legs. Some cooks recommend adding spicy herbs (zira, sage, rosemary, etc.) to these legs.

How much to bake chicken legs in the oven

Breaded legs

Chicken legs baked in the oven can surprise all guests who will take part in the festive feast. The technology for their preparation is very simple, its implementation does not require special culinary skills.

To create a fragrant, mouth-watering and crispy meat dish, you need to take five legs. For such a number of legs, a special batter should be prepared. To do this, in a separate bowl, mix three eggs, which must be beaten with a whisk, add 10 g of milk powder, spices, salt, and also dried herbs, which are sold in stores. In another bowl, melt 100 g of butter, and pour a half cup of breadcrumbs into a third bowl. Next, each leg, which should first be cleaned of the skin and unnecessary veins, should be dipped in melted butter, then in the egg, and then in breadcrumbs. The meat that is rolled in this way will turn out to be very juicy and unusually delicate in taste.

All legs should be laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for 30 minutes. Such a hot dish goes well with mashed potatoes, which are preferably prepared with the addition of milk and butter.

Baked chicken legs in the oven recipe with photo

In sour cream

How to bake delicious legs in the oven? For this purpose, you can use sour cream, which will provide their amazing delicate taste. To start cooking such a spicy meat dish should be with the creation of the marinade. To do this, in one dish you need to combine a glass of sour cream, half a tablespoon of dried oregano seasoning, salt, black pepper (or mixture), four crushed garlic cloves, as well as a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. After that, juice should be added to the listed ingredients, squeezed from half of one lemon, as well as zest, removed from it and grated on a fine grater. All this must be thoroughly mixed until a uniform state is obtained and sprinkled with a small amount of finely chopped parsley.

The prepared marinade is designed for baking a little less than two kilograms of chicken legs. They should be washed, thoroughly dried with a towel, and then dipped in the cooked marinade and allowed to be drunk in it for half an hour. After this time, the meat must be transferred to a prepared baking sheet, pour on top the remaining sour cream marinade and send to bake for 50 minutes. After this period, it will be possible to observe the legs, baked in the oven, with a crust of pleasant golden color. This dish is an excellent decoration of the table, laid for any occasion.

Baked chicken legs in the oven photo

Stuffed chicken legs

How to bake chicken legs in an oven with a crisp in such a way that the dish turns out simply delicious and unusual? To do this, you can stuff them with something. Following the recipe proposed here, the hostess has the opportunity to save a considerable amount of time on the preparation of the side dish, since it is already part of the dish - this is rice.

To prepare the legs in this way, you should take a third of a glass of rice and boil it in slightly salted water until it is half ready for use. After that, he needs to let it cool slightly, add a couple of tablespoons of dried cranberries, as well as two finely chopped Italian sausages. All the combined ingredients must be mixed well.

The next step is to prepare the chicken. For it, you should prepare a baking tray, which is previously recommended to cover with parchment or foil so that the finished dish does not burn anywhere. Also at the moment it is advisable to put the oven on top of it. Pursuing the legs (4 pcs.), It is necessary to remove the seeds from them, which is done by making an incision at their base. All holes formed should be stuffed tightly with the prepared filling and close them with toothpicks. Prepared chicken legs should be laid out on a baking sheet, generously greased with a couple of tablespoons of butter, and then sprinkled with a mixture of seasonings created from black and red pepper, herbs, salt, and other spices (to taste). A fully formed baking sheet should be sent to the oven for baking for an hour - during this time a crust should form, and all the contents have time to bake.

Following the recipe for making such baked chicken legs in the oven (photo below), you must remember that before serving, you must remove the toothpicks from them.

How to bake delicious legs in the oven

Legs in foil: option 2

This is another recipe by which you can cook a very piquant dish, full of unusual aroma and taste. How to bake chicken legs in the foil in the oven?

To begin with, you should prepare the legs, which for the amount of the remaining ingredients in this recipe must be taken about 1.5 kg. Each of them must be cut in half and removed from the carcass parts unnecessary components that interfere with the preparation, in particular fat and possible streaks. After this, the legs should be thoroughly washed under running water and allowed to dry or dry with a paper towel. Prepared meat should be sent to a common bowl, sprinkled with seasonings, add a tablespoon of black pepper and salt to taste. Also at this stage, dried garlic and ground ginger can be added to the meat, however, such components are included exclusively by request. The chicken should be mixed with spices, and then add one orange sliced ​​into circles.

At the bottom of the mold chosen for baking, you should cover the layer of foil and lay onion on it, cut into rings. At this point, you should also turn on the oven so that it starts to warm up to the required temperature. After that, the legs should be spread on the onions, and oranges on top of them. The resulting mass should be abundantly poured with marinade, which will have time to stand out during this time - with it the finished dish will be the most juicy. Next, the legs should be covered with foil and sent to bake for half an hour. After the allotted time, the foil must be opened and fry the contents of the pan until cooked.

Oven baked chicken with crispy crust

Juicy and spicy

Legs baked in the oven with mayonnaise and garlic are not only mouth-watering, but also very tasty. In addition, in the finished form they are inherent to a delicious crust, which is made from batter. Now about everything in more detail.

At the very beginning of the preparation of such a dish, you should set the oven to warm up, and also prepare a baking sheet, covering it with parchment. After that, you need to wash a couple of kilograms of chicken legs and let them dry. In the meantime, you can cook a mixture of spices. Ingredients such as salt and pepper must be included in it - they give the dish a unique flavor. Otherwise, you can use the store mix, which is sold in bags. You also need to create a sauce, which should consist of half a glass of French mustard with grains and the same amount of mayonnaise. 4-5 crushed cloves of garlic should be added to these ingredients, mix everything thoroughly and spread each leg with this mixture, after which dip in breadcrumbs, which you need to take a couple of glasses. In this form, the legs should be placed on a baking sheet with parchment and sent to the oven for the baking process.

How many oven-baked chicken legs cooked according to this recipe? As practice shows, 40 minutes are enough for this.

How to bake chicken legs in an oven with crispy

A few tricks that can be applied in the process of cooking legs

Some chefs of well-known catering establishments often share their advice on cooking a particular dish. Baked chicken legs are no exception.

So, in the process of preparing such a meat dish, they recommend turning their attention to the fact that if ketchup or spicy tomato sauce is added to the marinade, the color of the legs becomes very appetizing.

In some cases, to get a more piquant taste, professional chefs recommend using soy sauce in the chicken cooking process, which can be included in the marinade - this way the meat will be prepared for baking quite quickly. For juiciness, you can also use sour cream or mayonnaise - also excellent ingredients.

And finally, the basic rule regarding the choice of meat ingredient. In order for the finished dish to be the most delicious and juicy, you need to use only the freshest and youngest meat.

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