The medicine "Umkalor" is available in the form of a clear solution of light or with a reddish tint. The medication has an antimicrobial effect. The drug helps to increase the nonspecific stability of the body, exhibits a mucolytic effect. As an active ingredient in the product there is an extract of the roots of the sidoid pelargonium. This substance includes biologically active compounds whose properties determine the therapeutic effect of the drug.
The drug "Umkalor" instruction recommends taking for infectious inflammatory pathologies of chronic and acute course. Indications include, for example, bronchitis, rhinopharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs. The medication is prescribed in complex therapy.
Means "Umkalor". Instruction Contraindications
Not recommended medication during pregnancy, predisposition to bleeding, hypersensitivity to the components. The drug is not prescribed for pathologies of the kidneys and liver of a severe course, during lactation. The concomitant use of the drug with medicines that inhibit coagulation is contraindicated. In connection with the presence of ethyl alcohol, the drug is contraindicated in the age of up to a year.
Side effects
In general, the product is characterized by satisfactory tolerance. The medication "Umkalor" (the instruction warns about this) can provoke allergic reactions. Epigastric pain, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are rarely observed. Typically, these effects occur due to intolerance to the components. With the development of any side effect, you should stop taking the medication, consult a doctor.
Dosage regimen
The drug "Umkalor" instruction recommends taking before meals, preferably half an hour. Drink the product with water in a small amount. Patients from 12 years old are prescribed 20-30 drops, from 6 years old - 10-20 drops, from a year to 6 years old - 5-10 drops. The medicine is taken three times a day. The duration of a therapeutic course is on average 10 days. After eliminating the symptoms of the disease, experts recommend continuing the use of the medication for several more days in order to avoid relapse of the infection. When used, the bottle is held upright.
Additional information about Umkalor. Price
For children there is no special form of funds. In this regard, therapy is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The cost of the drug starts from 200 rubles. In practice, there are no recorded and described cases of overdose with the drug. However, in order to avoid the development of negative consequences, the doctor's recommendations should be followed. During storage, the solution may become slightly cloudy. This phenomenon does not affect the therapeutic properties, does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug. The drug should be taken with caution to persons whose activities are potentially dangerous (for example, drivers of vehicles). Dose adjustment may be required for head injury, alcoholism, brain pathologies.