Norman Mailer: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Norman Mailer is. His books are popular, so you should talk about this person in more detail. We are talking about an American writer, journalist, playwright, screenwriter and film director. He was born in 1923.


Norman Mailer
Born Norman Mailer in New Jersey, Long Branch. Comes from a Jewish immigrant family. Father - Mailer Isaac Barnet, accountant from South Africa. Mother - housewife and nurse Fanya Schneider. After our hero, the spouses had two more daughters - Norma and Barbara. Ros Norman Mailer in New York. He attended the Styvesant school in the Brooklyn area of ​​Bedford. In 1939, he became a Harvard student. He studied aeronautics there. In 1943 he graduated from the university. In the student period he was engaged in literary activity. The first story was written and published in 1941, at the age of 18. He was awarded the prize of a university journal. Our hero fought in the Philippines. In addition to literature, the writer was engaged in journalism. He wrote film scripts. He shot several pictures. In some, he acted as an actor. One of the founders of the school of "new journalism." In 1960, while intoxicated, he wounded his wife with a penknife. As a result, he ended up in a madhouse, where he stayed for two weeks. Later, this episode was dedicated to the poem entitled "Rainy evening with his wife."

Literary work

norman mailer books
Norman Mailer wrote the novel “Naked and the Dead” in 1948. This is his most famous book, and it is dedicated to the theme of World War II. In addition, the following works belong to our hero’s pen: “Deer Reserve”, “American Dream”, “Why are we in Vietnam”, “Gospel of the Son of God”, “Castle in the Forest”, “Evenings in Antiquity”, “White Negro” , “Song of the executioner”, “The ghost of a prostitute.” The documentary reports of our hero were widely known. In particular, the work “Army of the Night” tells of a peace march on Washington and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. The report “Miami and the Siege of Chicago” tells of the national conventions of the Democratic and Republican parties. The work “Fire on the Moon” tells about the landing of people on the Earth’s satellite. The writer authored biographies of Lee Harvey Oswald, Picasso and Marilyn Monroe.

Movie work

In 1968, our hero directed the films Outlaw and Wildness 90. In 1970 he shot "Maidstone" - a satirical film about the presidential election. He also played a major role in this film. In 1987, our hero acted as a screenwriter and director of the movie “Tough Guys Don't Dance”. The film was put on the writer’s own book of the same name. In addition, this creative person starred in Jean-Luc Godard, Milos Forman, Jonas Mekas and Kenneth Enger.

Editions in Russian

Norman Mailer, as already mentioned, is the author of The Naked and the Dead. Its Russian-language version was published in Moscow in 1976. This novel tells about the fighting and life of the US Army. The scene is the Pacific Front. The time of the story is the period of the Second World War. The author exposes the manners and orders prevailing in the US Army.

In 2004, AST published a book, The Phantom of a Prostitute. In 2007, the work of the writer "Evenings in Antiquity" was published in St. Petersburg. This novel is a spectacular attempt to recreate a period from the history of Egypt. The book is about the era of the New Kingdom of the 19–20 dynasties - the Ramses. The warrior Menenhethet tells his grandson about the various campaigns of the pharaoh against the Hittites. He also describes the battle of Kadesh, the beautiful, refined wife of the pharaoh - Nefertari. The hero tells the story of years of power, when temples were built, people praised the gods, the treasury was overweight. In this book, word magic evokes a string of memories of mysterious distant lands that do not cease to excite the imagination of modern writers and artists.

The writer died on November 10, 2007 in New York. He was 84 years old.

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