A nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - an element vital to the body. It can be synthesized from tryptophan entering the body with food. It is found in the muscles, liver, kidneys and other organs of animals, milk, yeast, buckwheat, fish, vegetables, fruits and other products. It is necessary for the body to supplement the vitamin, it also has a vasodilating effect, improves nitrogen, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and helps to reduce atherogenic lipoproteins.

In addition to the mentioned (most common) names, it also has a number of synonyms: Vitamin, Vz, Induracin, Apelagrin, Liplit, Niacin, Nicodon, Nikolai, Nikonatsid, Nikovit, Pellagramin, Nikoten, Peviton, Pelonin, Vitaplex N.

Niacin is available in tablets, powder, or as a solution for injection. It is not only a vitamin, but also a lipid-lowering agent.

Once in the body, it turns into nicotinamide, which is able to bind to coenzymes of codehydrogenase, which carry hydrogen and are involved in the metabolism of purines, proteins, fats, amino acids, glycogenolysis, tissue respiration, and synthetic processes. It well replenishes decium B3 (vitamin PP), is an anti-pellagric agent, normalizes the balance of blood lipoproteins, helps to lower cholesterol, TG, LDL, and also improves microcirculation of liquids, fibrinolytic activity of the blood.

Vitamin Niacin is taken after eating by adults at 15-25 mg, for children the norm is from 2 to 20 mg per day. In some diseases, the required dose of the drug increases, so before taking it, you need to consult a specialist. The drug is administered intravenously for ischemic stroke. Intramuscular and subcutaneous administration is rather painful.

The drug is prescribed for hypo- and avitominosis of PP, malabsorption, gastrectomy, rapid weight loss, Hartnup disease, gastrointestinal diseases, conditions of increased need for vitamin PP, hyperthyroidism, malignant tumors, chronic infections, prolonged stress, pregnancy, and lactation. It is also prescribed to take the drug for hyperlipidemia, obliterating diseases of blood vessels, ischemic cerebrovascular accidents, spasms of limb vessels, diabetic polyneuropathy, microangiopathy, facial neuritis, hypoacid gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers.

Niacin is contraindicated in people hypersensitive to the drug, suffering from peptic ulcer in the acute stage, children under two years of age. With caution, taking the vitamin should be with hemorrhages, glaucoma, gout, liver failure, hyperuricemia, arterial hypotension, hyperacid gastritis, chronic peptic ulcer disease.

Side effects when taking excessive doses can be flushing of the skin of the upper half of the body (including the face), flushing, arrhythmia, dizziness, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, orthostatic hypotension, dry eyes, diarrhea, myalgia, peptic ulcer vomiting, skin itching. With too long-term use, the onset of fatty liver disease, an increase in the concentration of LDH, AST, alkaline phosphatase in the blood, the occurrence of hyperuricemia, dizziness, a sensation of heat, increased sensitivity to glucose, skin hyperemia, headache, asthenia.

Niacin is not combined with anticoagulants and antihypertensive drugs. It is included in the composition of preparations: vizitina, vititodurol, xanthinol nicotinate, nikoverin, lipostabil, nikospan, spasmocore, etc.

Nicotinic acid (powder) is stored in a clogged form in darkened places; ampoules and tablets - in places protected from light.

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