Yanix: biography and creativity

Today we’ll talk about a man who calls himself Yanix. His biography will be discussed in detail below. The work of this musician on paper may look somewhat caricatured, but very impressive in sound.

Yanix: biography, what is the name of the artist

yanix biography
Our hero will be born in the Moscow region, in the city of Krasnogorsk. The real name of this person is Janis Badurov. The creative nickname is Yanix. His biography began in 1993, on November 16. The rapper's parents are doctors. He also has two older brothers.


We have already briefly talked about who Yanix is. His biography as an artist began in 2010. In creativity, he always strove for a southern sound, even before such a direction found its own audience and aroused the interest of the audience. In 2011, the first release of our hero, called Finish Him, was released. This work has not brought any fruit. This is a mixtape - a collection of tracks that are recorded under Western instrumental compositions. Next came a small creative crisis. However, the rapper did not become discouraged. Soon he reappeared himself.

Teamwork and success

yanix biography what is the name
Yanix has recorded several tracks with rapper TALoc. In 2013, he worked on the 4EU3 mixtape. Next was presented his own album “Ghetto Street Show”. One of the specialized rap resources called this work one of the most significant rap releases of the year. Soon, a sequel came out called The Ghetto Street Show 2. According to the author himself, the mixtape turned out to be of high quality, and the audience should like it. The musician also said that he received a lot of laudatory comments. At the same time, listeners praised not only the content, but also the cover, which the rapper also really likes. The musician noted that a huge merit belongs precisely to the beatmakers. Now you know who Yanix is. The biography of the musician and the features of his work were described above.

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