"Glycine Active": instructions for use and reviews

The intense rhythm of life of a modern person negatively affects the state of the nervous system and can lead to serious problems. Improve the situation will help timely prevention. For this purpose, doctors often recommend taking a drug such as Glycine Active. We will study in more detail what a similar medication is, and also in what cases it must be used.

glycine asset tablets

Description of the drug

Glycine is an amino acid that can enter the body from the outside or be synthesized independently. Deficiency of this substance negatively affects the state of the central nervous system, causes anxiety, memory impairment, irritability. To increase efficiency and improve overall health, you can take "Glycine Active." Instructions for use and reviews of such a drug prove that it can bring great benefits to the human body.

The drug is universal and is suitable for patients of all age categories. It belongs to the group of nootropic and psychostimulating drugs. It is produced mainly by domestic pharmaceutical companies. So, on sale you can often find "Glycine Active" produced by the BIOTIKI Medical Research and Production Complex.

Another well-known manufacturer of the drug in question is Farmgroup LLC. You can buy it at any pharmacy and without special permission of a specialist. The average cost of the drug is 45-60 rubles per pack.

Release form

The product is available only in the form of small cylindrical tablets, which are white. Pills are intended for resorption under the tongue. Tablets are packaged in blisters of 50 pieces.

glycine asset


What components provide the therapeutic effect of Glycine Active tablets? The instruction reports that each pill contains 100 mg of the active substance - glycine. This is an amino acid that takes part in the most important metabolic processes occurring in the cells of the structures of the central nervous system.

As auxiliary components, substances such as magnesium stearate and water-soluble methyl cellulose are used.

Drug action

Glycine is a transmitter of nerve impulses. Amino acid helps to eliminate psycho-emotional arousal, improves mental abilities and enhances cognitive functions. In addition, glycine has an antitoxic and antioxidant effect. Due to the fact that the amino acid is able to regulate glutamate receptors, it is possible to normalize the process of falling asleep, improve sleep, increase the level of social adaptation, stabilize mood, and reduce the severity of vegetative-vascular disorders. There is also reliable evidence that glycine neutralizes the toxic effects of certain drugs and ethyl alcohol on the nervous system.

When ingested, the active component of the drug "Glycine Active" quickly penetrates into tissues, including the substance of the brain. In tissues, the component does not accumulate. Metabolism products are carbon dioxide and water.

glycine instructions for use

Indications for appointment

Tablets are usually recommended to take, if necessary, treatment or prevention of various pathological conditions in which there is a malfunction of the central nervous system. A distinctive feature of the medication is that it is well tolerated and does not cause severe side effects. This allows you to use it in combination with other drugs.

In what cases should you use Glycine Active? Instructions for use indicate that the drug will be useful in the following pathological conditions:

  • with emotional instability;
  • with high nervous excitability;
  • with frequent stress and depression;
  • with increased mental stress;
  • with a decrease in performance;
  • with vegetovascular dystonia ;
  • during rehabilitation after a traumatic brain injury;
  • with perinatal damage to the central nervous system in infants;
  • when recovering from strokes.

There is evidence that Glycine Active can be used during the treatment of alcohol dependence. The drug will reduce the attraction to high-degree drinks. Also, tablets are used to eliminate the symptoms of a hangover syndrome.

Pediatric use

Due to its sedative properties and high safety, glycine-based tablets are often used in pediatrics. For children of different age groups, the drug is prescribed to reduce the stress of the nervous system and stimulate the activity of the brain. Many experts believe that the use of the medication in question for children is justified. Indeed, in some adults, pathological disorders of the nervous system appear against the background of various mental traumas that occurred in early childhood.

Pediatricians practice the use of the drug, even in the treatment of babies up to a year. For children, “Glycine Active”, the instructions for use recommend that you prescribe it in case of problems such as limb hypertonicity, birth injury, chin tremor, hypoxia during pregnancy or childbirth, high irritability, congenital encephalopathy, trouble falling asleep. It is important to understand that only a neurologist or pediatrician should prescribe a medication.

glycine asset for children

How to give the drug to children?

The dosage of the drug is selected by a specialist, depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease in an adult or child. When prescribing tablets to infants, the doctor takes into account the course of pregnancy and the presence of complications during childbirth.

The recommended dosage for babies up to one year is 0.25 or 0.5 pills. The tablet must be crushed into powder and dip a baby's dummy into it. You can also give the powder by dissolving it in a spoon of cooled boiled water.

During treatment, the child must observe changes in his behavior, the reaction to the drug.

For children from three years of age, “Glycine Active” instructions for use recommends giving half a tablet no more than 3 times a day. From the age of 7, the drug is given 1 tablet three times a day.

Pills are intended for sublingual use. The duration of such treatment is usually 1-2 months. You can repeat the therapeutic course after a three-month break.

glycine asset analogues


During the period of gestation, the future mothers prescribe a drug based on glycine for disorders of the nervous system. Such pathological conditions can cause further excitability in the baby.

Using the medication without first consulting a doctor is highly not recommended. The dosage is selected individually and will depend on the condition of the woman. The standard regimen for the use of the drug “Glycine Active” is 1 tablet 3 times a day.

when glycine asset is prescribed

Contraindications and side effects

A complete contraindication to the appointment is intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary components that are in the composition.

Side effects during treatment with the drug are extremely rare. The manufacturer reports that the medication is usually well tolerated by both children and adult patients. Only occasionally do negative consequences occur in the form of an allergic reaction.

Glycine Active: reviews and analogues

Most patients who took this medication for therapeutic purposes leave positive recommendations. Pills help reduce the level of excitability, normalize sleep, increase the efficiency of the brain and cope with increased mental stress. The drug is considered one of the safest and therefore is used even for the treatment of newborns.

glycine asset analogues

What can replace Glycine Active? Vitamins B 1 , B 6 and B 12 in combination with glycine are an effective tool to help support the nervous system and eliminate the symptoms of depression, nervous exhaustion. Such a set of nutrients contains in its composition the drug “Glycine Forte” from the pharmaceutical company “Evalar”. This domestic product has proven itself exclusively on the positive side and is often used as an analogue of Glycine Active tablets.

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