Can I take Phenazepam during pregnancy?

Many women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to take the drug "Phenazepam" during pregnancy. This medicine is a sedative that can inhibit some functions of the nervous system. In this case, the medication has the effect of sleeping pills.

phenazepam during pregnancy

This drug is prescribed by doctors as an anticonvulsant. It is able to relax the muscular system and suppress reflexes. You can buy it at any pharmacy, with a prescription from your doctor.

Is it possible to "Phenazepam" during pregnancy

In fact, this medicine is prescribed to pregnant women extremely rarely. It is recommended to use it only in cases where there is a threat to life for the expectant mother.

"Phenazepam" during pregnancy is able to have a toxic effect on the body of the unborn baby, therefore, there is a possibility of the presence of various defects at birth. Moreover, this risk will increase significantly if a woman began treatment with this drug in the first trimester of pregnancy (that is, in the very early stages).

Thus, β€œPhenazepam” during pregnancy (including in the third trimester, including) is strongly not recommended. The components that make up its composition can inhibit the work of the central nervous system of a newborn baby. In most cases, doctors will be able to choose safer analogues for their patients.

phenazepam during pregnancy

Another nuance. If a woman uses the drug "Phenazepam" during pregnancy, from the beginning to the end of its course, then most often a child develops a kind of dependence syndrome. Therefore, after childbirth, you will also have to deal with this problem.

When, nevertheless, the drug is prescribed

"Phenazepam" is still prescribed by doctors in pregnancy in some cases. In fact, this drug copes with such pathologies:

- Neurological diseases associated with insomnia, nervous irritation and constant anxiety;

- the medicine shows itself well in eliminating the withdrawal syndrome that occurs after the withdrawal of alcohol;

- it is also recommended to use the tool when detecting a disease such as schizophrenia;

- if a pregnant woman has epileptic and other seizures.

In no case do not take this medicine yourself! The consequences can be sad not only for you, but also for your baby. The schedule, dosage and duration of treatment can only be determined by your doctor. Typically, the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Sometimes it is prescribed in the form of tablets.

Important Nuances

"Phenazepam" during pregnancy can cause addiction in a very short time. Therefore, for maximum safety of its use, the dosage should be very gradually increased, and then gradually reduced as well. In this case, the course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. Otherwise, there is a very high risk of addiction.

Side effects

"Phenazepam" during pregnancy in the early stages, just like in the later ones, can manifest itself on the negative side. Before you start using this tool, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the possible adverse reactions.

phenazepam during pregnancy third trimester

Please note that this tool can cause allergic reactions, manifested in the form of itching, redness and a rash on the skin.

Also, "Phenazepam" can have a negative effect on the digestive system. Some patients have noticed symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Also, the active components of the drug adversely affect the circulatory system. In the blood, the number of platelets, white blood cells and red blood cells can significantly decrease.

early pregnancy phenazepam

There have also been cases of urinary incontinence or, conversely, its retention.

Some women experienced a very frequent mood change - from depressive to enchanting.

Emergency cases

Very often, doctors recommend using the phenazepam medicine before caesarean section. It must be entered immediately before the operation itself or on the night before it.

Such preliminary preparation will contribute to good relaxation before the introduction of general anesthesia. Thanks to this, a pregnant woman will be able to calm down. The feeling of anxiety will disappear without a trace, and the work of the endocrine glands will normalize.

is it possible phenazepam during pregnancy

The use of this drug before anesthesia will enhance the effect of the latter.

"Phenazepam": instructions

During pregnancy, this drug is used, as you could understand, only in the most extreme cases. Early use may increase the risk of birth defects. In the later stages of pregnancy, there is a possibility of depression of the nervous system of the unborn baby.

The dosage will be selected by the doctor purely individually. However, most often experienced specialists replace this drug with safer analogues.

Reviews of patients and doctors

Of course, doctors prescribe this remedy to their pregnant patients extremely rarely. Most often this is done in order to calm and relieve anxious experiences in front of the birth itself. Patients who experienced the effects of this medication were mostly satisfied. Anxiety really disappeared, and a quality healthy sleep ensued.

When using the product during cesarean section, the operation was successful. After anesthesia, the women quickly departed and felt wonderful. However, adverse reactions have also been observed in the form of allergies, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

phenazepam pregnancy reviews

During pregnancy, the drug must be used very carefully and exclusively under the strict supervision of a doctor.


With extreme caution, you need to take the drug during serious depression, since the drug can be used to carry out suicidal intentions. Very carefully, you need to use the drug for weakened patients.

Persons suffering from liver and renal failure, during the course of treatment with the medication "Phenazepam" should be regularly examined and monitor liver enzymes, as well as the state of the blood.

The frequency of side effects, as well as their intensity, depends on the general condition of the patient, as well as on his sensitivity to the components of the drug. Usually, with a decrease in dosage or with the complete withdrawal of the drug, all side effects completely disappear.

phenazepam pregnancy instructions

Note that with too long use, this drug can cause dependence. Therefore, to start taking it, and also to finish it, you need to do it very smoothly and carefully. If you stop treatment very sharply, then withdrawal syndrome may occur, since the body has already managed to get used to the active components.

In no case during pregnancy do not drink alcohol, especially if you are undergoing treatment with this drug. "Phenazepam" is able to significantly enhance the effect of alcohol on the body.


The drug "Phenazepam" during pregnancy (reviews of the tool is a direct confirmation of this), if it is prescribed by a doctor and all risks are taken into account, it copes well with its tasks. However, you need to use it extremely carefully. Do not prescribe this medication yourself. Only a doctor can do this after conducting a special examination and passing appropriate tests.

During pregnancy, the course of treatment with Phenazepam can still be prescribed, but only if it does not pose a threat to the life of the baby or his mother.

The medicine can be used once before performing a caesarean section for pregnant women. In this case, the drug can have a positive effect. The level of anxiety will decrease and a state of full healthy sleep will come. The tool also enhances the effect of anesthesia and allows you to get out of it in a more normal condition. Be treated properly and lead a healthy lifestyle. Be healthy!

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