"Miconazole": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Miconazole is an antifungal drug. The tool effectively fights yeast, dermatophytes, fungi of the genus Candida and a number of gram-positive bacteria, including staphylococci and streptococci. Thus, it copes with fungal infections of nails and skin, as well as with mixed bacterial-fungal skin and vaginal candidiasis. Instructions for Miconazole will be discussed in this article.

miconazole ointment


The drug "Miconazole" prevents the formation of ergosterol, which is part of the membrane of the fungal cell.

The active substance of the drug is miconazole nitrate.

Auxiliary components are liquid paraffin, water, preservatives and surfactants that prevent the separation and damage of the ointment: E435 - polysorbate 60, E218 - methyl parahydroxybenzoate, solvents (E1520 - propylene glycol and cetostearyl alcohol).

For example, the cream "Miconazole" has the following composition: the active substance is miconazole nitrate, additional ones are emuxol, macrogol 400, propylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol.

Release Forms

"Miconazole" is available in the form of ointment, gel, spray, and it is also in tablets. The ointment looks like a uniform white cream with a peculiar aroma. Formation of mechanical impurities or sediment is inadmissible. On sale there are candles "Miconazole". Instructions for them are discussed below. This release form is intended for intravaginal use.

miconazole ointment instruction

Pharmacokinetic features

According to the instructions, "Miconazole" in the form of an ointment must be applied with a thin layer to the inflamed area once or twice a day. If the medicine is applied externally, the active substances are almost not absorbed into the blood. Treatment lasts most often from two to five weeks.

Indications for use

Spray and cream for external use with miconazole in the composition are used to treat such pathological phenomena as:

  • damage to the fungal nature of nails and skin provoked by yeast or dermatophytes Trichophyton, Malassezia furfur, Candida, Epidermophyton (for example, epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, multicolor versicolor, skin candidiasis, ringworm);
  • fungal-bacterial skin infections (foci of fungal infection are also complicated by the bacterial inflammatory process with the release of fluid, suppuration);
  • secondary skin infection with staphylococci and streptococci.

Suppositories and cream with miconazole for vaginal use are used for the following diseases:

instruction reviews
  • vulvovaginal and vaginal candidiasis;
  • fungal balanitis (inflammation of the head of the male penis);
  • secondary vaginal infection with staphylus and streptococci after the treatment of colpitis, other gynecological diseases.

This is confirmed by the instructions for "Miconazole."

Features of the dosage of the drug

The drug in tablets in accordance with the instructions is prescribed for the treatment of fungal infections of the muscle layer and gastrointestinal mucosa. In this case, the dose ranges from 120 to 240 mg during the day, divided into four doses. Starting from the age of two, children are prescribed the same dosage in three divided doses. Up to two years, 120 mg per day is recommended.

For the introduction into the vein, the dose is calculated individually for the patient, while it is necessary to take into account the sensitivity of the pathogenic microorganism to the drug and the specificity of the disease. The dose varies from 200 mg to 3.6 g per day.

As indicated by the instructions for the ointment, "Miconazole" is prescribed to combat fungal infections and is applied a thin layer in the mornings and evenings, gently rubbed with circular motions on the skin. Depending on the characteristic signs of the disease, the therapeutic course can last at least two weeks, but not more than six weeks. If the nail bed and plate are treated, then the ointment is applied in the same way, however, an airtight dressing is necessarily applied. Therapy should be continued until the full restoration of the size and shape of the nail. It also describes in detail the instructions for use.

Taking pills

"Miconazole" in the form of a gel is used to combat fungal infections in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Its standard dosage is half a spoon. Reception - four times throughout the day. According to the instructions, the gel must be kept in the mouth for a long time and only then swallowed. Most often, a weekly course of treatment is carried out, if necessary, it can be extended.

In the form of shampoo, the product is also sold. It must be applied to the affected areas of the hair and skin, withstand from three to five minutes, rinse with a sufficient amount of warm water.

According to the instructions for use, Miconazole suppositories are used to treat vaginal microflora and are placed at night once a day. Therapy should be continued until the signs of the disease have completely disappeared, as well as over the next two weeks as a preventive measure.

It is undesirable to use vaginal suppositories during pregnancy for expectant mothers in the first trimester.

From the third month of gestation, Miconazole can be prescribed in the form of suppositories and only in limited quantities.

miconazole suppository instruction

List of contraindications

What else does the instruction tell us? "Miconazole" is undesirable to use for violations of the epidermal cover (scratches, abrasions, wounds), as well as chickenpox. The patient may experience individual intolerance to the components that are included in the composition of the drug, allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning and tingling in the area where the ointment was applied.

In addition, the use of "Miconazole" in the form of an ointment for the treatment of young children is not recommended. The use of the drug by pregnant patients and nursing mothers has not been investigated, so the possibility of including the drug in therapy should be discussed with your doctor.

Side effects

As indicated by the instructions for use with ointment "Miconazole", as a result of clinical trials and the use of the drug in medical practice, it turned out that unwanted symptoms can manifest themselves in the form of:

  • itching, burning, skin rash, redness, contact dermatitis in the area where the spray or ointment was applied;
  • urges to vomit, attacks of nausea, inflammatory processes in the venous wall;
  • the appearance of allergic reactions (rash, urticaria, edema), diarrhea, rarely hepatitis with a prolonged therapeutic course.

In the event of the appearance of certain symptoms, it is necessary to stop using the drug. If burning and irritation occurred in the genital area after applying ointment or suppositories, then the area should be washed with plenty of warm water.

miconazole instruction reviews


Miconazole has the following analogues for the main active ingredient: Ginezol 7, Gino-Dactarin, Dactanol, Gino-Dactanol, Dactarin, Mycoson, Lanaderm, Gino-Mikozal.

But about analogues there is no information in the instruction.

Reviews about "Miconazole"

Doctors and patients generally speak well of Miconazole. They note that treatment with this drug is highly effective. For example, in patient reviews about the use of an ointment with the main component of miconazole, it was indicated that the treatment of infections on the nails and skin of a fungal nature was quick, after which the skin acquired smoothness and luster. It is worth noting that this was observed even in the most serious cases, in the absence of a positive effect from other drugs intended to combat the fungus.

miconazole instruction

About suppositories "Miconazole" reviews are also in most cases positive. Women noted the speed of action and the excellent effect of the treatment of thrush. Literally the day after the use of tampons soaked in ointment (or candles), unpleasant discharge disappeared. In addition, the symptoms of this disease no longer bothered patients for a long time after the end of the treatment course.

Another positive point during the use of this drug is that the suppositories are very comfortable, are well introduced and do not stain underwear. One of the important advantages of this drug is the price, because Miconazole, compared to analogues sold in pharmacies, is much cheaper.

There are not so many negative reviews, most often they are related to the side effects provoked by the use of Miconazole. Such reviews are even more rare in which there are user complaints about the lack of effectiveness of the drug. Remember that you need to use the drug only as directed by a specialist. It is not addictive, so it can be reused for treatment. This applies to all forms of release of Miconazole.

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