What is postprandial distress syndrome? This question is asked by many people who have problems with the functioning of the digestive system. The presented pathology is also called functional dyspepsia of the stomach. At the root of the phenomenon are specific manifestations of discomfort, which are associated with malfunctions in gastric motility and secretion. All this is determined by a number of factors, not only at the physiological, but also at the emotional-reflex level.
What is postprandial distress syndrome really? What are the reasons for the development of such a pathological condition? How is gastric dyspepsia diagnosed, and what is the therapy? What actions are used to prevent functional disorders? We will try to answer these and other questions in our material.
What is dyspepsia?
To answer this question, it is enough to understand what happens in the human body with a similar phenomenon:
- With the development of postprandial distress syndrome, malfunctions in the production of acid secretions of the stomach are noted. In many ways, the sensations here are similar to the manifestations of gastritis.
- A person suffers from gastric motility disorders. Failures can be observed in the motor activity of the duodenum.
- People with functional dyspepsia are more prone to distension of the walls of the digestive system. Against the background of the problem, a variety of uncomfortable manifestations can occur.
In general, functional dyspepsia is defined as a condition in which absolutely healthy people identify the symptoms characteristic of quite serious gastrointestinal diseases.
What causes postprandial distress syndrome? The causes of the pathological condition to this day remain a burning issue for researchers. Only one thing is certain. Postprandial distress syndrome (functional dyspepsia) is often transmitted according to heredity. The likelihood of genetic inheritance of indigestion has long been a proven fact.
The risk of a functional disorder is significantly increased if there is a particular addiction to smoking. Errors in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract in this case are caused not only by the substances contained in cigarettes. Psychological dependence is also important, which increases the level of human anxiety and, as a result, is reflected in the intensification of symptoms of postprandial distress syndrome.
Errors in the functioning of the digestive system also lead to malnutrition, in particular, an overabundance of fatty, fried foods in the daily diet. A certain role in the formation of such a pathological condition is played by alcohol abuse. Like smoking, alcohol leads to disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract and makes adjustments to the emotional state of a person.
Has postprandial distress syndrome code according to the ICD K30. The latter is assigned to pathologies, which are characterized by digestive disorders. However, dyspepsia can be diagnosed only if structural diseases of the digestive system with similar symptoms are excluded.
So what is dyspepsia? A complex of the following symptoms is characteristic of a pathological condition:
- Unsystematic bouts of pain in the upper abdominal cavity.
- Heartburn, frequent belching, hunger at night.
- Discomfort due to delayed empty stomach.
- Sensation of bloating, fullness, heaviness with possible urge to vomit.
- Fast saturation with a small amount of food.
There are several varieties of functional dyspepsia of the digestive system:
- Ulcer-like dyspepsia - is expressed in hunger pains, which are most pronounced at night. Discomfort is eliminated by the absorption of food in combination with the use of medications, the effect of which is to slow the production of hydrochloric acid by the secretory glands.
- Reflux dyspepsia - with the development of such a pathological condition, the sensation of heartburn comes first, frequent burping appears. There are also epigastric pains, the increase of which is observed after eating.
- Dyskinetic dyspepsia - in this case, bloating, nausea, regular urge to vomit are the dominant manifestations.
- Nonspecific dyspepsia - a variety of negative effects in the gastrointestinal tract are characteristic. For this reason, pathology cannot be correlated with a certain type of disorder.
Postprandial Distress Syndrome: Diagnosis
Making such a diagnosis is only possible with the confirmation of several conditions. Firstly, the pathological phenomenon is characterized by the localization of pain along the midline in the epigastric zone. Moreover, discomfort should be observed in the patient regularly, at least for 12 weeks. In addition, the diagnosis can be made only in the absence of organic lesions of the tissues of the digestive organs, for example, if gastritis is not detected.
In the case of a combination of the above factors, the following laboratory tests are carried out:
- Ultrasound - makes it possible to reject the assumption of the manifestation of characteristic symptoms due to the development of chronic pancreatitis or gallstone disease.
- Electrogastrography - allows you to determine the level of activity of gastric motility.
- X-ray diagnostics - reveals the fact of delayed emptying of the stomach, which is typical for functional dyspepsia.
- Gastroduodenal manometry - makes it possible to assess the degree of stretching of the walls of the stomach by recording indicators with pressure sensors.
If suspected of postprandial distress syndrome, they also resort to a number of laboratory studies of samples. In particular, a biochemical and clinical blood test is performed.
It is worth noting that the accurate diagnosis of functional dyspepsia is a rather difficult task. Since the pathological phenomenon is extremely similar in symptoms to irritable bowel syndrome, which is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, as well as an alternation of constipation and diarrhea.
Prokinetics treatment
How is the treatment? Postprandial distress syndrome gradually ceases to resemble itself in the case of the use of so-called prokinetics. The medicines of this group include a number of highly effective drugs, among which one can note: Domperidone, Cisapride, Metoclopramide. Reception of these funds not only improves the work of the esophagus, but also provides a decrease in the volume of gastric reflux. Such drugs make it possible to accelerate the emptying of the stomach and the passage of recycled waste through the duodenum.
The main function of prokinetics is the blocking of dopamine receptors in the upper gastrointestinal tract. The result is increased peristalsis of the esophagus, toning the walls of the stomach. In general, such drugs counteract the relaxation of the digestive organs, which may result in the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of postprandial distress syndrome.
Antacid intake
An effective group of drugs for the treatment of dyspepsia are antacids. The results of special studies show that such medications lead to an improvement in the general condition in the largest number of patients.
The most effective antacids are such funds as: "Phosphalugel", "Gelusil", "Almagel Neo", "Rutatsid". The main effect of taking such drugs is the neutralization of an excessively acidic environment on the walls of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. The use of these drugs makes it possible within a few minutes to relieve pain in the epigastric zone, eliminate the excruciating sensation of heartburn, and also neutralize other dyspeptic conditions.
Especially effective in the treatment of the development of distress syndrome is the drug Almagel Neo. Its reception provides the elimination of discomfort with high acidity, makes it possible to prevent flatulence, and also accelerate the process of emptying the digestive tract. Elimination of unpleasant symptoms becomes possible due to the content in the composition of the product of the optimal amount of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide. It is these substances that block the processes that can cause functional digestive disorders.
Acid-suppressing drugs
The indicated group of drugs is also often used if necessary to eliminate signs of the development of functional gastric dyspepsia. However, discussions between the researchers do not stop here regarding the choice of a particular drug. Tests conducted in Western clinics have shown that the drug "Omeprazole" shows an excellent effect on treatment. However, the domestic association of gastroenterologists is inclined toward the option of using Rabeprazole, which also has a good acid-suppressing effect.
It is worth noting that positive results after taking the above funds are noted within a day. There are other medicines of this spectrum of action on the Russian market, including: Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole.
During the treatment of patients who suffer from the development of postprandial distress syndrome, it was found that the use of acid-suppressing drugs helps to reduce anxiety, normalize the autonomic functions of the body, reduce the severity of pain, and also improve the quality of life.
Quite often, the signs of dyspepsia disappear naturally as a result of taking a placebo - pseudo-medication, which in fact turns out to be ordinary "dummies." In the composition of such tablets there are no components that produce a medicinal effect. According to research, about 40% of people with dyspepsia who took a placebo began to feel relief.
Psychotropic drugs
People with functional organ disorders, including those with postprandial distress syndrome, are characterized by increased emotional irritability, anxiety, and depressive states. Surprisingly, mental disorders have a negative effect on the work of the digestive tract. Clinical studies have shown that taking antidepressants can relieve pain in the digestive organs during the development of functional intestinal disorders.
Antidepressants work well in case of discomfort in the esophagus in case of a small dosage. Most often, dyspepsia patients are offered the drugs "Norpramin" and "Surmontil". At the same time, to this day it has not been proven how rational it is to take such highly effective medications as: Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil for distress syndrome.
What should I eat if postprandial distress syndrome develops? Diet suggests the following. First of all, it is necessary to avoid eating foods that can cause bloating and flatulence. This includes radishes, cabbage, peas, beans and beans.
Nutrition for dyspepsia should be fractional. Eat at least 6 times a day. At the same time, it is necessary to serve high-calorie dishes to the table that allow you to get enough in small portions.
Of primary importance is the rejection of heavy for the perception of fatty foods. It is these products that create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which is characteristic of dyspepsia. In this case, elimination of heartburn will allow the elimination of too salty and peppered dishes from the diet.
When diagnosing postprandial distress syndrome, it is important for a person to switch to eating steamed food. From alcohol only high-quality egg or milk liqueurs are allowed.
If postprandial distress syndrome, the first signs of a functional disorder, is identified, in terms of prevention it is important to immediately switch to a balanced diet. It is important to limit yourself in eating foods that provoke the development of heartburn. These include carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee, alcohol, citrus fruits. In this case, it is necessary to exclude cases of overeating.
Does postprandial distress syndrome have consequences? Among these, one can distinguish deviations of the gastronomic habits of a person. We are talking about the need to exclude from the diet some of your favorite dishes. A complication in this case may be a lack of vitamin and minerals, a deficiency of which is felt due to unbalanced nutrition.
Sometimes functional dyspepsia requires the rejection of dairy products. In such situations, the likelihood of developing osteoporosis, which can occur due to a lack of calcium in the body, increases.
As a complication of postprandial distress syndrome, it is also worth noting the loss of body weight, which is caused by loss of appetite. In turn, repeated urge to vomit often entails tearing of the mucous membranes of the esophagus. Sometimes bleeding is quite serious.
At least once a year should be sent for endoscopic examination of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. During the procedure, the specialist examines and evaluates the condition of the stomach, esophagus, and also the duodenum. If necessary, a biopsy is performed - taking a tissue sample for analysis.
Postprandial Distress Syndrome: Recommendations
In case of manifestation of symptoms characteristic of dyspepsia of the digestive tract, you need to follow these recommendations:
- Do not go to bed immediately after eating, but spend about half an hour on foot.
- Do not wear a tight belt that squeezes the stomach.
- Limit yourself in performing physical exercises that affect the abdominal area (all kinds of tilts of the body, twisting, lifting the torso).
- Pay increased attention to a balanced, balanced diet.
So we figured out what constitutes postprandial distress syndrome. We found out its main signs, symptoms, and also identified a wide range of medications with which treatment is possible.
Researchers have not yet fully determined the mechanisms of dyspepsia formation. Based on this, to this day there is no single panacea to eliminate such a functional disorder. In most cases, treatment is aimed at suppressing the main symptoms.
It is important for people prone to dyspepsia to understand that such a phenomenon does not pose a direct threat to life, but only acts as a functional disorder of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. A special role in eliminating discomfort is played by a quality specialist consultation. When a person masters all the necessary information, he begins to more calmly relate to the problem and the need for long-term therapy. All this leads to an improvement in the emotional state and, as a result, to the early elimination of the symptoms of the disorder.