As the body ages, pathologies often appear that are not related to diseases, but they bring troubles. These are cramps in the legs. They represent a spastic involuntary contraction of striated muscles.
One or two or three muscles can spasm. With age, the risk of such seizures increases, usually they occur at night in the calf muscles. Why exactly during sleep? Because at this time the muscles are inactive, while blood circulation is disturbed. The critical age for the appearance of seizures is the turn of 50 years, and after 70 years, 86% of people experience cramping.
The muscles of the lower leg with a spasm, as it were, turn to stone, while they are accompanied by sharp pain. It is so strong that it can cause pain shock and a sharp awakening. A cramp can last several seconds, or it can be inconvenient for 15-20 minutes. After a spasm, the pain often persists for a long time.
Causes of Seizures
The causes of leg cramps appear more and more, and this is due to a general deterioration in health in the elderly. If in youth night cramps are more often caused by great physical exertion, in the elderly they are natural.
The muscles contract spastically when a person unconsciously stretches his toes in a dream. But there are other causes of leg cramps in older people:
- blood circulation in the legs is almost always impaired with age;
- slow metabolism;
- imbalance of electrolytes - the ratio of K, Ca, Mg;
- lack of exercise, leading to muscle atrophy - atrophied muscles get less nutrition, so the slightest load gives cramps;
- drinking alcohol;
- hypoxia;
- Decreased tissue (tendon) elasticity and dehydration when less fluid remains between bones and muscles.
The lack of minerals leads to a deterioration in the nerve conduction of impulses and an increase in muscle contractility, which leads to convulsions. Iron plays an equally important role - its deficiency leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and hypoxia.
Of the external factors that matter:
- smoking, because nicotine causes vasospasm;
- unbalanced nutrition;
- intense physical activity;
- passion for black tea and coffee;
- taking certain drugs;
- stresses.
More often, the causes of leg cramps lie at night at an age when a person becomes very sensitive and vulnerable and for a long time experiences any little things. Stresses cause increased muscle tone and overexcitation of nerve endings, which means convulsions will occur.
Hypovitaminosis can develop with: addiction to sugar, tannin, caffeine, increased protein intake. Well, and finally, cramps can occur when the body overheats, hypothermia, improper sleep position, soft mattress. Also, one should not forget that aging leads to the body not working at full strength. In this case, muscle tissue loses its ability to strong and rapid contraction. This also happens because age-related changes also affect muscle tendons - they shorten and provoke muscle spasm.
Causes of muscle cramps
Cramp spasm is the most common cause. It occurs due to dehydration of the body, with hypothyroidism or muscle strain. When muscle tissue is overloaded, lactic acid accumulates, and the process of muscle relaxation is disrupted.
Toe spasm
It can be associated with overstrain of the foot when walking, climbing stairs, standing on toes, hypothermia, calcium deficiency, and circulatory disorders. But it should be noted that small muscle spasms in the elderly are rare. In 80% of their appearance, they are spasmodic among football players, gymnasts, figure skaters, ballerinas, etc.
Cramping Pathologies
Muscle cramps can be triggered by:
- chronic tonsillitis;
- atherosclerosis;
- osteochondrosis;
- hypothyroidism;
- liver and kidney diseases;
- varicose veins;
- diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy;
- leg injuries;
- arthritis and arthrosis;
- flat feet;
- infections with general intoxication.
Taking provocative drugs
These include:
- Antihypertensive drugs.
- Statins
- "Maalox", "Raloxifene 2" - are prescribed in the treatment of osteoporosis in women in menopause.
- Nifedipine - to improve blood circulation in Raynaud’s disease.
- Diuretics - contribute to the elimination of potassium from the body.
- A nicotinic acid.
Why is determining the cause important? With leg cramps in the elderly, the causes and treatment are inextricably linked - the second completely depends on the first.
Types of Seizures
Seizures are divided into epileptic and non-epileptic. The first are provoked by a pathological focus of excitation in the brain and the subsequent hypersynchronous discharge of many neurons.
With non-epileptic seizures, there are functional disorders of the central nervous system, insomnia.
For muscle contraction, seizures are clonic, tonic and mixed:
- Clonic - spasm gives way to complete relaxation, conditions alternate.
- Tonic - muscles in an increased tone, cannot contract, and the limb freezes in one position.
- Tonic-clonic - a combination of both species.
According to the etiology of convulsions are:
- Idiopathic - the cause of the appearance remains unknown.
- Secondary - arise against the background of other pathologies. This type of seizure is characteristic of the elderly.
Symptomatic manifestations
The clinical manifestations of nocturnal leg cramps in old age may be mild or markedly pronounced. An attack can occur before waking up. Characteristic symptoms of spasm:
- sharp pain;
- numbness of the fingers;
- inflammatory swelling of the soft tissues after the end of the spasm;
- minor muscle cramps in the form of pulsating subcutaneous twitches;
- weakness and darkening in the eyes;
- tingling sensation in the skin.
An attack can be single or as a series of smaller attacks. When the calf muscle is in a spasm, it is not possible to relax on its own.
In severe cases, headaches, dizziness, involuntary urination are possible.
In favor of an epileptic seizure will speak the generalized nature of seizures, the occurrence at any time of the day, foam from the mouth.
Night attacks of seizures in the elderly are local. The attack does not need to be tolerated, the causes of the appearance must be clarified.
First aid for cramping
If a spasm occurs, try to move your toes together. You can pull your thumb over yourself to stretch the calf muscle or gently stroke the spasmodic muscle, rub it slightly and knead a little.
You can apply warmth to the leg or lower the leg into warm water, prick the muscle with a needle or pin, or pinch the leg.
You should try to stand on a spasmodic leg and walk barefoot, grease the spasmodic area with an alcohol solution or a warming ointment. If the heat did not help, you can wrap the muscle with a wet cloth or massage it with a piece of ice. It should be noted that cold is better because muscle spasm stops for a long time.
With frequent cramps, it is better to have a pin ready, just fasten it to the pajamas collar. If tingling the leg does not soften the muscle, massage the mustache growth area, this part of the face is responsible for the leg muscles.
Important! With varicose veins, calf massage is not recommended.
After removing the spasm, you need to put on warm socks, drink chamomile tea, raise both legs and lie down for 10-15 minutes. This will improve the blood circulation of the legs.
The basic principles of treatment
The treatment of leg cramps in old age usually has specific goals and consists of the following measures:
- elimination of the cause of spasms;
- weight normalization and diet;
- warm foot herbal baths at bedtime;
- calf muscle massage with needle massagers;
- with varicose veins, instead of massage, bandage the legs with an elastic bandage or wear compression stockings;
- at night, it is advisable to drink the drug valerian, which relaxes the muscles, in addition to its sedative effect;
- take all medications prescribed by your doctor.
How to treat leg cramps in the elderly? Since there are chronic diseases and disturbances in the water-ion balance, muscle relaxants, vitamin-mineral complexes, diet and gymnastics are most often prescribed.
If night leg cramps occur in an elderly woman with varicose veins, the following are prescribed:
- Venotonics - Troxevasin, Rutascorbin, Venoflebin, Vazoket, etc.
- Detralex It increases the tone of the veins, strengthens the walls of the veins, reduces their stretching and reduces stagnation in the veins, improves blood flow. The course of treatment for leg cramps in old age must include this drug. Indications: convulsions, hemorrhoids, heaviness in the legs, trophic disturbances. It contains diosmin and hesperidin. Take 1 t. Day and evening with meals. "Detralex" - is considered the best drug for leg cramps in the elderly at night - it relieves pain and strengthens the walls of the veins. The course of treatment is 2 months, after which the cramps disappear for a long time.
- "Diosmin" - an angioprotector of natural origin, effective at any stage of varicose veins and phlebitis, prevents the occurrence of seizures. The diosmin contained in it blocks inflammatory processes in the veins, normalizes blood flow, leg cramps at night in the elderly are significantly reduced. It helps with stagnant processes in the lymphatic system, hemorrhoids, varicose veins of any stage, blood flow disorders. It acts quickly because it is well absorbed in the stomach. In tablets, it very well strengthens the walls of blood vessels, with varicose veins, up to 1 g per day is taken in 2 divided doses. The course of treatment is 60-90 days.
- "Venoflebin" - its granules help well with night cramps as a result of thrombosis, varicose veins; hemorrhoids and other venous pathologies. It is taken 6-8 granules before meals, 4-6 times a day sublingually. In acute conditions, 40 granules are dissolved in 100 ml of water, and they drink 1 tsp every 3.5 hours.
- "Venarus" - venotonic, angioprotector. Indications are the same. Reception on 1-2 tab. during the day with meals - day and evening. Duration of admission is prescribed by a doctor.
- "Troxerutin" is an angioprotector with a mutagenic effect. It quickly and easily removes inflammation of the walls of the veins, has vitamin-fortified activity. It is prescribed for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, leg injuries, convulsions.
- "Troxevasin" - is prescribed for venous insufficiency, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic disorders. Take a capsule 2 times a day. For prevention - 1 capsule for 3 weeks.
The appointment of phlebotonics must be accompanied by the wearing of compression underwear, weight control, walking and moderate physical activity.
Additional drugs
If the balance of electrolytes is disturbed, it is necessary to replenish their reserves. To do this, appoint "Asparkam" and "Panangin" - sources of potassium. They will improve the metabolic processes in the muscles and reduce leg cramps at night in the elderly.
Also effective are Magne-B6, Magnerot, Magnelis B6, which contain magnesium. Without combining it with vitamin B6, it is almost impossible to raise the level of magnesium. Magnesium does not allow calcium to be absorbed into muscle fibers, which leads to their relaxation.
To compensate for the calcium deficiency - use "Calcium D3 Nycomed", "OsteoVit", "Calcitonin", "Ostemed". Paracetamol helps with cramps, it also relieves pain.
Anticonvulsant drugs can also be prescribed - they enhance the inhibition of the central nervous system and the excitation of nerve fibers is weakened. These include Diphenin and Carbamazepine, Relanium. "Valparin" suppresses convulsions, has sleeping pills and soothing effect.
Treatment of night cramps in the legs of the elderly requires the appointment of vitamin and mineral complexes
- "Centrum", "Duovit", "Complivit", "Decamevit", "Alphabet" and many others. other
- Muscle relaxants - "Pankuronium", "Relanium", "Mivakurium" - reduce muscle tone. The natural muscle relaxant is valerian.
Special diet
It is aimed at normalizing the imbalance of the mineral balance, on which leg cramps in the elderly often depend. The basis of the diet should be slow carbohydrates. It is advisable not to get involved in protein products (fatty meat), minimize salt, animal fats, sugar, smoked and marinades, black tea and coffee.
In the diet must be:
- dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese;
- walnuts and almonds;
- greens, vegetables, Brussels sprouts;
- dried fruits, especially dried apricots, dates, prunes, blueberries;
- fresh fruits;
- buckwheat, oats, lentils;
- vegetable oils;
- sea fish and seafood;
- butter and liver;
- bran.
It is advisable to remove canned goods and confectionery from the diet.
Folk remedies
To reduce cramps in the legs in old age, medications are good to combine with folk remedies, which at such moments are very popular and effective.
- lubricating the feet with lemon juice is a simple and effective way;
- with convulsions, the muscle can be rubbed with mustard oil.
Reception of tinctures and tinctures:
- tinctures of echinacea;
- freshly prepared orange juice - also very useful for frequent cramps;
- tea from raspberry shoots;
- from birch buds;
- Linden blossom;
- chamomile tea;
- infusion of Adonis spring;
- broad-leaved godson;
- infusion of thyme ordinary;
- infusion of mint, lemon balm and motherwort;
- infusion of small-leaved linden;
- the use of garlic with honey (1 clove crushed with a spoon of honey).
Drinking herbal infusion - 1 tsp each. Adonis spring, birch leaves, horsetail, hawthorn mixed with 2 tsp. Swamp mash, + 300 ml of boiling water. The mixture is insisted for 6 hours, drink three times a day in half a glass.
A decoction based on poppy can be prepared for alcohol, the course of admission is a week.
Even ordinary honey helps relieve cramps: you need to use it for 1 tbsp. l before each meal for a week.
Rubbing muscles with tincture of garlic in camphor oil helps a lot.
You can make an ointment. For this, celandine juice should be mixed with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 2. Apply the prepared paste before going to bed on the calf muscles.
Gymnastic exercises
Moderate, but regular exercise very well normalizes blood circulation in the legs. To reduce leg cramps in old age, exercises are performed for 10-15 minutes daily:
- Stretch your legs on the floor while sitting. Pull socks on yourself and hold this position.
- In a standing position, resting against the wall with your hands, get up on your socks and drop sharply on your heels.
- Walk barefoot on the outside and inside of the foot for 2-3 minutes.
- In a sitting position, slowly reach for your socks, trying to touch them.
- Sitting on a chair - circular movements of the feet.
The number of repetitions individually - depends on physical fitness.
Preventive actions
To reduce the likelihood of leg cramps at night in old age, the following measures:
- Shoes for wearing should be comfortable, the height of the heel should not exceed 4-5 cm, the toe should be wide enough.
- Do not give large loads on the legs.
- You should not get involved in simple sugars and caffeinated drinks.
- Food should be balanced.
- Stop smoking.
- It is necessary to accustom yourself to make foot baths with herbs.
- Sleep better in socks.
- The water regime should be observed - drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
- It is useful to massage the leg with a needle massager or use the Kuznetsov applicator.
- It is necessary to treat tonsillitis and varicose veins on time.
In addition to the above, you should fully relax. Long loads on the same muscles should not be allowed - this usually happens with prolonged standing on legs.