Cervicitis - what is it? Diagnosis, causes, treatment

The modern pace of life does not allow paying enough attention to one's own health. Often a person simply does not notice the body's signals about violations in the functioning of systems and organs. As a result, medical statistics provide every year less and less comforting facts about the health status of modern people, in particular women: the level of inflammatory and infectious diseases is growing, an increasing number of women of reproductive age suffer from infertility or face problems with bearing a child. Cervicitis has become one of these common diseases. What is it, what are the symptoms of the disease and how to cure it - we will consider in detail in our article.

What is cervicitis?

Cervicitis is a process of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix. The causes of this condition can be various infectious diseases of the reproductive system, chronic problems of the reproductive system, mechanical trauma and damage to the mucosa.

Cervicitis - what is it?

What is the disease dangerous?

Cervicitis - what is it and why is this disease dangerous? The cervix is a muscular organ that is located between the vagina and the uterus. Its main function is to protect the uterus from the ingress and spread of various genital tract infections. During pregnancy, the cervix protects the fetus from infection and mechanically supports the growing organ in the pelvis, revealing itself only during labor for normal delivery.

The foci of inflammation in the cervix violate its protective functions, which, accordingly, leads to the spread of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora in the body. Cervicitis is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as the fetus becomes susceptible to infection by various diseases, and there is also the risk of premature birth or miscarriage. In addition, they contribute to the development of complications of the root cause of the problem, namely, bacterial and viral infections.

Cervicitis in women causes unpleasant symptoms, and also contribute to the development of concomitant diseases, such as erosion, polyps and atrophy of the cervical mucosa. Against the background of a general weakening of the protective functions of systems and organs, it is possible to attach one or more secondary infections, which complicates the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Types of Cervicitis

Depending on in which area of ​​the cervix an inflammatory lesion has formed, cervicitis is divided into two types:

  1. Exocervicitis is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the vaginal area of ​​the cervix. Such a problem can be detected with a standard gynecological examination.
  2. Inflammation of the cervical canal , which is indicated by the medical term "endocervix," is called "endocervicitis." This type of disease is quite difficult to detect during a routine examination. Additional tests and observation of characteristic symptoms are needed.
  3. Separately, it is necessary to highlight chronic cervicitis. What it is? This is a long inflammatory process in the cervix, which is characterized by the development of exacerbation during the occurrence of adverse external factors (weakened immunity, hormonal disorders, infection). Often accompanied by atrophy of the mucous membrane.

Cervicitis: how to treat?

The causes of the disease

The causes of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix are very diverse: from common thrush (candidiasis) to improper delivery. Therefore, it is extremely important for each woman to undergo regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist at least twice a year. And if you have any complaints, you should immediately consult a specialist for advice, since it is much easier to prevent the development of complications and chronic forms of the disease in the early stages of the spread of the focus of inflammation.

The causes of cervicitis can be classified as follows:

  • sexually transmitted infections (STDs), such as urogenital mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, candidiasis, vaginosis and others;
  • viral diseases: herpes, human papillomavirus;
  • getting into the cervix of a non-specific conditionally pathogenic microflora: E. coli, fungi, staphylococci;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • mechanical damage to the mucosa: birth injuries, the consequences of abortion and surgical intervention;
  • irritation with chemicals: contraceptives, personal hygiene products, uncontrolled douching.

In addition, inflammatory processes, neoplasms of the cervix, scars, and a decrease in immunity lead to the development of cervicitis. How to treat inflammation - consider below.

Symptoms of Cervicitis

Often cervicitis does not have pronounced symptoms. A disease is detected in this case only during the passage of a planned physical examination. A woman may experience pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, changes in color and consistency of genital discharge occur. Such symptoms are not immediately noticed, and in the meantime, the disease progresses and affects an increasingly large area of ​​the cervix, additional symptoms appear.

Symptoms of cervicitis are quite diverse and depend on the root cause of the development of the inflammatory process. Attention should be paid to the following signs that may indicate the development of the inflammatory process in the cervix:

  1. Change in discharge from the genital tract. So, with cervicitis caused by a bacterium of the genus Candida, curdled discharge appears. If the root cause of cervical inflammation is gonorrhea, then purulent, yellowish discharge is noticed. With urogenital mycoplasmosis and chlamydia - transparent, trichomoniasis is characterized by foamy discharge from the genitals.
  2. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, often aching and dull, reminiscent of menstrual. Less commonly, pain is acute, sharp. Can give back, sacrum.
  3. Spotting in the middle of the cycle or during intercourse.
  4. Unpleasant sensations during intimate relationships, decreased libido.
  5. Frequent urination or false urge.
  6. An additional symptom is confirmed colpitis. Cervicitis in this case is often a concomitant disease.

Cervicitis in women

Diagnosis of the disease

A gynecologist can diagnose cervicitis after examination using gynecological mirrors. In case of a disease, the cervix has swelling, redness, and hemorrhages and erosion can be detected. If the cause of the development of inflammation was an infection of the genital tract, the gynecologist will notice a discharge that differs from the norm: a change in color, quantity, consistency, smell.

The gynecologist, taking into account the results of the examination, the anamnesis and symptoms of the patient, will recommend a series of laboratory tests:

  • microscopy of an urogenital smear, which will determine the number of leukocytes (with cervicitis, indicators exceed 30), lymphocytes, histiocytes, the presence of morphological damage to the cylindrical and squamous epithelium;
  • bacterial culture of pathogenic microflora will reveal the pathogen;
  • PCR diagnostics and ELISA will detect human papillomavirus, gonorrhea, herpes, mycoplasmosis and other infections even if there is a single pathogenic microflora in the body;
  • the sensitivity of the identified pathogenic microorganism to antibacterial drugs for the appointment of an effective agent;
  • a cytomorphological study will indicate to the doctor cell damage and help to monitor the treatment process in dynamics.

    Cervicitis: reviews

Coloscopy is widely used to confirm the diagnosis of cervicitis. What is it and how does the procedure go? It is carried out by introducing a special apparatus - a coloscope, which displays the resulting image. Thus, the doctor can assess the condition of the cervical epithelium, detect the focus of inflammation, polyps, neoplasms, erosion. According to the testimony, it is possible to carry out the procedure using various tests, for example, iodine or vinegar, Hrobak's test. Coloscopy usually takes a smear and biopsy for subsequent laboratory testing.

Preparations for the treatment of infectious cervicitis

Inflammation of the cervix caused by a bacterial infection involves treatment with antibacterial drugs. In order to determine the substance acting on the identified pathogenic microorganism, an analysis is carried out for sensitivity to antibiotics. Based on the results, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. In order to cure infectious cervicitis, the following drugs are used:

  • Ceftriaxone;
  • "Azithromycin";
  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Doxycycline";
  • Ofloxacin;
  • "Flagil";
  • "Tinidazole";
  • "Penicillin";
  • "Azithromycin."

In parallel with taking antibiotics, the doctor will prescribe drugs to normalize the local microflora and relieve swelling, for example, Livarol suppositories. In addition to taking antibacterial agents, the gynecologist will give recommendations on refraining from intimate relationships, treating a sexual partner and will remind you of the rules of personal hygiene: frequent linen changes, washing, using individual towels.

Cervicitis: drugs

After taking a course of antibiotics, the doctor, if necessary, will prescribe surgical methods for removing papillomas, cauterization of erosion, and others.

Treatment of cervicitis of viral origin

Viral cervicitis how to treat? For this, antiviral drugs, for example, Acyclovir and its analogues, are prescribed. Typically, the duration of the course is 5 days. As with an infectious infection, the gynecologist will give recommendations on observing the rules of personal hygiene and offer laser treatment, cryosurgery or other methods of surgical treatment of complications of the inflammatory process.

Treatment of nonspecific and chronic cervicitis

In the treatment of cervicitis caused by opportunistic microflora or mechanical damage, the following drugs are used:

  1. Antibiotics: Lomefloxacin, Clarithromycin and their analogues.
  2. Antiprotozoal drugs: Metronidazole, Atrikan.
  3. Antimycotic drugs: Diflucan, Mycoflucan.
  4. Local therapy: candles "Neo-penotran forte", "Hexicon", "Terzhinan."
  5. Preparations for the restoration of microflora: "Bifidumbacterin", "Ginoflora", "Acylact".
  6. Immunocorrectional therapy: “Immunal”, “Immunomax”.

    Chronic cervicitis of the cervix

Chronic cervicitis of the cervix, which caused tissue atrophy, is treated with local hormonal drugs: creams, ointments, and candles. The most common drug is Ovestin. Reviews speak of its high efficiency and safety.


For the treatment of cervicitis of various origins, physiotherapy methods are used in parallel with taking medications. With their help, benign formations of the cervix, colpitis, ectopia are effectively treated. Cervicitis has a peculiarity to spread - physiotherapeutic methods help to reduce the area of ​​the focus of inflammation and relieve swelling. The following types of therapy are used:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasonic wave treatment;
  • irradiation with ultraviolet rays.

Surgical treatments

In modern medicine, cervicitis is treated with surgical methods. Feedback on such methods is mixed. Doctors say the high efficiency of surgical intervention in the inflammatory process of the cervix. But the procedures are often painful, have a number of contraindications and adverse reactions. The following methods are used to treat cervicitis:

  1. Cryosurgery is the cauterization of damaged tissue with liquid nitrogen. The procedure is usually painless, carried out without anesthesia for literally 10 minutes. But after the procedure within 3 weeks, the manifestation of various adverse reactions is possible: the presence of unusual discharge, bleeding, in rare cases, convulsions, infection, scarring occur.
  2. Thermotherapy is the cauterization of diseased tissues using a temperature sensor. Sometimes the procedure causes pain, so it is possible to use anesthetics. In the postoperative period, bleeding, changes in discharge, scarring are also possible.
  3. Remove tissue damaged by the disease and using a laser beam . A procedure is performed using anesthesia. During the recovery period, you must consult a doctor if bleeding, an unpleasant odor of discharge, pain in the lower back, pelvis and lower abdomen occurs.

Treatment of chronic cervicitis

Cervicitis: folk remedies

Inflammation of the cervical mucosa is a serious and dangerous disease with complications, so self-medication is not recommended. But to take advantage of the beneficial properties of plants as an additional treatment, without forgetting to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, will be useful. We offer such folk recipes for cervicitis:

  1. Squeeze the juice from a few cloves of garlic. Dilute it in a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Then add a tablespoon of honey. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and insert into the vagina for an hour. This tool can not be used in the presence of erosion of the mucous membrane.
  2. A steamy sitz bath with a few drops of tea tree oil helps with cervicitis caused by candidiasis. The duration of the session should be 15 minutes.
  3. Ready-made fees for the treatment of gynecological problems can be purchased at the pharmacy and they can be used for douching. In order to independently prepare the herbal collection, you will need such plants: plantain leaves, lilac flowers, chicory root, sage leaves - all in equal proportions. It is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of crushed plants with a liter of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes on low heat. Then you need to strain and cool to a temperature of 38 degrees. Using a rubber bulb, perform the douching procedure. You can use this tool for a week once a day, preferably before bedtime. Treatment of chronic cervicitis is not complete without douching with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Be attentive to your health: monitor your diet, do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene, choose a sexual partner and means of protection against STIs responsibly. At the first symptoms of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor.

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