Sophora Japanese is widely used in modern medicine. Alcohol tinctures and powders are made from it, which are used both for prophylaxis and for the treatment of a number of systemic diseases of the body. The most widely used medical tincture of sophora. It will be discussed about her.
Sophora Japanese: release form, composition and description of the drug
This medicine can be easily purchased at any pharmacy stall. It is produced in small glass jars. The alcohol tincture itself is a transparent brown substance with a characteristic pungent odor.
The main active substance is Sophora fruit extract. An auxiliary substance is 48% ethyl alcohol. The drug has persistent antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which are due to biologically active substances contained in the extract of this medicinal plant.
By the way, tincture not only relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect, but also acts on blood vessels, making them dense and less brittle. Rutin, which is contained in the fruits of the plant, lowers cholesterol, cleanses the walls of blood vessels from organic deposits and provides a higher digestibility of ascorbic acid.
Sophora Japanese: indication for use
Sophora tincture is a rather effective homeopathic remedy that is widely used for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Most often it is prescribed to prevent bleeding. The same drug is used for colitis, diabetes, angina pectoris, hypertension, urolithiasis.
Tincture is also used to treat external skin lesions, in particular, in the presence of open wounds, scratches, sores and burns. The medicine is also effective for furunculosis, carbunculosis, exacerbations of herpes, hemorrhoids, psoriasis. Sophora is also useful in the treatment of frostbite, fungal infections.
Sophora Japanese (tincture): application
The tincture of this medicinal plant is used both for internal administration and for external treatment. It is recommended to take it half an hour before a meal. The dose is not more than a teaspoon two or three times a day.
If you have been prescribed an external treatment for skin damage, then tincture can be used in different ways. The simplest method is to irrigate and lubricate the wounded. If necessary, you can make an application or apply a gauze bandage soaked in the drug.
And although the drug is considered safe, before you start using it, you should still consult your doctor, especially if you need an internal dose.
Sophora Japanese: contraindications
This medicine has practically no contraindications. But it is worth noting that the internal (oral) tincture is prohibited for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of twelve. But external use is allowed after prior consultation with a doctor.
Another contraindication is individual sensitivity to the components of the tincture. In this case, the medicine should be replaced.
Sophora Japanese: adverse reactions
Side effects from the use of tinctures in medicine are recorded extremely rarely, since the drug is practically harmless. In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs - redness, a small rash, small swelling and itching appear on the skin.
With the internal use of tincture, digestive disorders are possible, which are accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting. If there are any disturbing symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor.