Zhanna Epple - biography, filmography and the personal life of the actress (photo)

Zhanna Epple is a charming and charismatic film and theater actress, and also absolutely deservedly she is the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Her outstanding appearance and bright talent always attract the attention of not only the audience, but also directors and representatives of the media. And how much do we know about the thorny path to fame of such a bright woman in all respects as Jeanne Apple?

Jeanne Apple


The future heroine of many films and series was born in Moscow on July 15, 1964. Her father - Vladimir Nikolaevich Epple - worked at that time as a director of a research institute (a specialist in the peat industry), which meant good income and a good position in society. Jeanne's mother - Lyudmila Nikolaevna Epple - was a teacher. Almost immediately after birth, the future star was sent to live on Sakhalin, where at that time her grandmother and grandfather lived on her mother's side. Either Lyudmila Nikolaevna was not yet ready for responsibility for the child, since she gave birth to a daughter quite early, or there were still some reasons for Jeanne's departure, but the fact remains. When the girl grew up a little, her parents did not dare to take her home, but recorded her in a kindergarten, which worked on the principle of a boarding school. Here in such conditions, not quite suitable for the child, the future actress Jeanne Epple grew up. Only when it was time to go to school, the girl was taken home. Her parents at that time were already divorced, and her mother had a new man - Sergey Ulantsev - a former employee of the Ministry of the RSFSR.

Jeanne Apple biography

Origin of the surname

Jeanne Epple, whose biography is full of both happy and sad moments, is a descendant of French aristocrats. One of her great-grandfathers, Arthur de Epple, was the founder of genetic engineering, the other worked as an international journalist. But along the grandmother's line, Jewish blood also flows in the veins of our heroine. Jeanne Epple was always proud of her origin, and, as she herself said, this inspired her to new achievements and feats of life.

The beginning of the Star Trek in the theater

The girl studied well at school, was an activist, participated in amateur performances, but she did not dream of becoming an actress, as is usually the case. She became a student of GITIS by accident - a friend called her for the company. Trite, isn't it? Nevertheless, a friend failed the exams, and Jeanne Epple, whose biography changed dramatically even for herself, did well. After graduation, the girl went to work in the Comedy Theater, but something went wrong there. The young actress was not upset, but began to work at the Stanislavsky Theater, where she almost immediately played the leading role in the play “Khlestakov”.

Actress Jeanne Apple

Zhanna Epple and Vladimir Vinokur

It was this charming and always smiling man who gave Jeanne a chance to become famous. For many years, Jeanne took an active part in the filming of Vladimir Natanovich’s program, and there’s no need to talk about how much she played various vivid images in his performances. There were a huge number of them! For example, even for the TV show “Wine Show Chickens,” the scriptwriters came up with 24 different roles for the charismatic actress. By the way, not everyone knew that in each role was precisely our heroine.

Start a movie career

In this industry, Jeanne made her debut in 1989, she got a small role in the drama "Aboriginal". And the very next year, the charming actress took part in the filming of the crime drama "Trickster and the Hippose." Here she got the main role, and after that many directors paid close attention to her.

Jeanne Apple filmography

And off we go

Soon, Epple invited Leonid Belozerovich himself to the historical television series White Clothes, where the actress played the main role. Following this went a whole series of episodic roles in such films as Angelo, Transit for the Devil, Death Directory, Mom, etc. Moreover, in all these films, Jeanne Epple, whose filmography was rapidly replenished with new projects, starred in 1999 alone!

The beginning of the new century was marked for the actress with a number of ribbons that did not become iconic and especially popular, but helped Zhanna hone her skills, try herself in new roles. Such paintings include: 2004 - the series "Turkish March", where Jeanne played the role of Nino Vakhtangovna's niece; 2003 - the melodrama “The Shield of Minerva” (the role of a caring wife); 2003 - “Evlampiya Romanova” (charming Nadia); 2003 - “My Relatives” (good mother Nelly).

The symbolic role of Jeanne Apple and not only ...

The representative of the French family brought real popularity to the role in the TV series “Balzac Age, or All Men Are Own ...”, where Joan played the charming and unpredictable Julia Shashkova. In this series of Dmitry Fix, the actress got by accident, but she is incredibly grateful for the chance to the director, who appreciated her dignity on samples. After filming this film, the offers fell one after another, and Jeanne began to work almost without interruption.

In 2005, she played the journalist Ksenia in the melodrama "Madcap", in 2006 - the stewardess Tanya in the melodrama "Big Love". After such stormy roles, Jeanne appeared in the role of a calm mother in the film “Real Santa Claus” (2006), Vera’s guide in the film “Rails of Happiness” (2006), Lisa Sviridova in the film “Guardian Angel” (2007 )

If we talk about films with Zhanna Epple, which were released relatively recently, here we can include those: “I’m going to look for you -2” (2012), “Parallel Life” (2013).

TV presenter role

Who did not see the caring and sympathetic Joan of Apple as co-host of the famous show on the TNT channel “Club of Ex-Wives”? Most likely, there are none. The actress did not come to this project with the goal of shouting to the whole world that all men are scum. Here she is responsible for compassion, and, by the way, does not always take the side of women. She objectively listens to each side and sincerely tries to help.

Jeanne Apple personal life

Personal life of Jeanne Apple

Here, this bright woman, too, was far from everything and did not always work out perfectly. Zhanna Epple, whose personal life interests many fans and representatives of the media, has such a position that if in life it does not work with one man, then you should not focus on this, but try to be happy without him.

In fact, Jeanne had three husbands. The first husband, Alexei Bakay, was a dancer who soon abandoned the girl and went to live in the United States. By the way, only with him Jeanne had a legal marriage. Then, for 17 years, Jeanne was happy in a civil marriage with a businessman and cameraman Ilya Fraz, as a result of which she gave birth to two sons - Potap (born 1990) and Yefim (born 2000). After this alliance broke up, Apple lived with the aforementioned Dmitry Fix for a while, however, something went wrong here.

Frank dialogue or ...?

In November 2013, Zhanna Epple and Tatyana Vasilyeva became participants in a frank dialogue in the project “How to spirit”. The fact is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for journalists to lurk the stars in order to ask everyone questions about their career and personal life. Actors try to get rid of annoying paparazzi with standard and long-memorized phrases. As a result, journalists have nothing to write about, and only speculation and snippets of rumors reach the fans, which annoys famous personalities.

Zhanna Apple and Tatyana Vasilieva
In order to break this circle, the NTV channel created the “How to Spirit” program, where star people openly talk and themselves talk about various aspects of their lives. Within the framework of the project, two celebrities ask each other questions and extremely honestly answer them. And there is only silence around - neither spectators, nor cameras. And one fine evening, Jeanne Epple secreted with Tatyana Vasilyeva, and this conversation is still sometimes discussed in the press. The ladies discussed how they, no longer young, but apparently beautiful women, to behave with young lovers. We came to the conclusion that it is best to communicate at night and in the dark. A lot of other tricky topics were discussed by women, which, perhaps, they themselves already regret.

Let us wish Zhanna to remain just as charming and charismatic and to please us with more than one role!

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