Beef loin: recipes

Beef loin is the basis for many delicious dishes. Each housewife can cook them, knowing simple but good recipes. For example, not everyone is aware that apples go well with beef. And you can take not only sour, but also sweet varieties. You can also experiment with spices, getting new dishes.

Tasty spicy loin

The beef loin on the bones in the oven is a real treat. To prepare a simple but tasty spice marinade, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • coarse salt;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish root;
  • thyme;
  • peppercorns;
  • olive oil.

All ingredients are taken to taste, in the amount that seems optimal for the hostess. All these ingredients are crushed and mixed in a blender to make an aromatic paste. Then take beef loin. It is washed, dried with paper towels.

Then put the meat on a baking sheet, and on it - a paste of spices. Pieces are sent to bake in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Keep the beef loin until ready, and then, without removing it from the oven, cover with foil and allow to rest.

Now you can make the sauce. To do this, take a little flour and red wine. Drain the juice from the preparation, mix with these ingredients and cook until thickened. Tasty meat with sauce is ready. Garnish can be vegetables, mushrooms or cereals.

beef loin on the bone in the oven

Loin with apples - spicy taste

To cook beef loin in the oven, you need to take:

  • 800 grams of loin;
  • four apples;
  • black pepper;
  • salt;
  • a tablespoon of honey.
loin with apples

First, the meat is washed, and then excess fat is removed. You should not completely get rid of it. On the fat side, the meat is greased with honey, and on the others, salt and pepper. Leave the beef loin for forty minutes. Then they wash the apples. One cut into thin slices, the rest have not yet touched.

In meat, cuts are made, not reaching the bone. Then apple slices are inserted into them. Sent to cook in the oven. Preparing meat for an hour and a half. If the upper part starts to burn, then it is covered with foil, making sure that it does not touch the pieces. Twenty minutes before the meat is cooked, apples are put on a baking sheet, cut into quarters. Serve all together.

Tasty leek

For this dish you need to take the following ingredients:

  • two pieces of meat;
  • a tablespoon of mustard;
  • a quarter cup of soy sauce;
  • black and red pepper - to taste;
  • marjoram - a few pinches;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • one leek;
  • dried garlic - four pinches.

Due to the variety of ingredients, the dish is aromatic and interesting to the taste.

The specificity of this recipe is that the meat is pickled first, then grilled, and then sent to the oven. First, make incisions in the meat. Prepare the marinade, mixing oil, soy sauce, spices. Pieces of loin are sent to the marinade for five hours, preferably at night.

Then the prepared pieces are slightly squeezed and fried in a dry frying pan until a crust forms. Leek, or rather its white part, is cut large. The beef loin is transferred to a baking dish, onions are placed on top. Cover everything with foil. Cook in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about an hour.

beef loin recipe

Beef loin is a tasty and interesting dish. It is cooked with vegetables, with different spices, and some love the combination of meat and apples.

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