Hyperthermia in a child: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment methods, reviews

Hyperthermia is a condition in which the thermoregulation system in the child’s body does not work correctly, or when exposed to various external and internal factors, it stops functioning properly. Many parents are faced with the fact that for unknown reasons, the child suddenly rises in body temperature. In this case, it is very important to identify the cause as soon as possible and seek the help of a doctor, since such a condition can progress in a short time and even cause complications dangerous to the body. It is important to understand how to help your child with hyperthermia.

Danger state

To begin with, it should be noted that such a defeat should be considered only if the temperature has risen beyond the mark of 38.5 degrees Celsius. In this case, the temperature should rise very quickly. Such rapid changes provoke an increase in the load on the circulatory system, which significantly increases the pulse and respiration. Such a reaction of the body is considered protective and natural, it is with its help that you can restore the process of supplying body tissues with oxygen.

Danger of defeat

Long-term hyperthermia in a child can lead to the fact that over time the body will not be able to cope normally with the lesion, which will lead to the active development of hypoxia (in other words, oxygen starvation). The central nervous system is the very first to respond to an insufficient amount of oxygen in the human body. This condition is described by convulsions and a general feeling of malaise in the child. It is important to conduct treatment of hyperthermia in a child very carefully and correctly. In some cases, it is best to give the child’s body time so that he can independently cope with high body temperature.

Possible hazardous effects

It is important to remember that an increase in body temperature with such a disease is a protective reaction of the body to the spread of the infectious process through it. She is the first to report that there are some disorders and problems in the body. The main causes of the appearance of hyperthermia in childhood include:

  • an allergic reaction that may occur due to a recent vaccination;
  • acute intestinal and respiratory infections;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • inflammation arising from exposure to various factors from the outside.

Hyperthermia can also occur under the influence of external factors. Most often, this process is observed in recently born children, whose thermoregulation has not yet been fully formed, and the immune defense continues to be weak. If the child is kept in a stuffy room, wrapped in clothes, then his body can provoke a significant increase in body temperature.

Possible complications

Also, high body temperature can appear as a result of inhalation anesthesia, which is commonly called malignant. This form of damage is rare (the chance of its occurrence is 1 in 15,000), and it is also attributed to a disease of a genetic nature.

It is important to remember that hyperthermia in a child of a malignant type can be very dangerous and jeopardize the life of the baby. Treatment in this case should begin in a timely manner and only under the supervision of a professional doctor.

The main types of hyperthermia

At the household level, hyperthermia is classified into white and red. These two species differ from each other in the symptoms that they cause. Each species should be considered in more detail.

Hyperthermia is white

This kind of disease is considered the most dangerous. But it is found in children quite rarely. With white hyperthermia in children, the following characteristic symptoms occur:

  • the very behavior of the child changes, he becomes more capricious, his mood changes, it is difficult to interest him in anything;
  • chills in the limbs may appear;
  • many doctors note the cooling of the arms and legs of the child;
  • the child’s lips and nails change to a blue tint;
  • the skin changes color to pale, which is more like marble.

With white type hyperthermia, it is important to provide first aid to the baby as soon as possible. If this is not done in a timely manner, then various complications can occur, including convulsions and delirium.

Diagnosis of red hyperthermia

This condition is found in children at times more often. Red hyperthermia is considered a safe disease, it provokes the appearance of the following symptoms in a child:

  • the skin color of the child changes to reddish;
  • unlike white hyperthermia, the child’s hands and feet continue to remain at normal temperature, do not get cold;
  • the skin of the child is hot and even slightly moist when touched;
  • the child’s breathing and heartbeat are accelerating.

With red hyperthermia, the very behavior of the baby is almost no different from normal. He can behave actively, rejoice, have fun. But the temperature will only increase.

First Aid for a child

Help with hyperthermia in children will directly depend on the type of disease. With red hyperthermia, it is important to carry out the following activities:

  • Undress the baby and put him to bed.
  • Open the window in the room where the baby is to fill it with fresh air. But it’s important to prevent drafts.
  • The child may partially or completely lack appetite. In this case, parents should not force feed. In this condition, it is most important to provide the child with a drink of a large amount of water.
  • In this condition, parents are allowed to use physical cooling methods, wiping is the most common. At body temperatures above 40 degrees, cooling baths should be used.
Treatment features

Many treating experts advise to bring down the child’s body temperature if it reaches 39 degrees. But in the event that the child feels bad or has convulsions, then antipyretic drugs should be given at a lower value. If a high indicator of body temperature continues to persist even after all the measures taken, it is important to immediately call an ambulance.

It is important to remember that physical methods of churning high temperature during hyperthermia in a child should be used very carefully. This method can do more harm to the child than help. If you use cooling baths and wipe the child’s body incorrectly, you can provoke many complications.

Help with white hyperthermia

If the child has been diagnosed with white hyperthermia, then for starters it is important to call an ambulance as soon as possible. Prior to the arrival of an ambulance, it is important to provide emergency care for hyperthermia in children:

  • To begin with, it is important to ensure that the vessels work efficiently. To do this, the child should wear terry socks, give heated water, a vasodilator and wrap well.
  • Give an antipyretic based on ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  • Experts strictly prohibit the use of any physical methods of knocking down body temperature, since with this form of hyperthermia they are very dangerous.
Visit doctor

To reduce body temperature, it is forbidden to take adult medicines, for example, Aspirin or Analgin. In some cases, white hyperthermia in a child passes to a red form. In this case, it is important to seek the help of a doctor who will conduct diagnostic measures and prescribe the best treatment methods. In any case, you should go to the doctor’s office, even if the temperature has dropped.

Who is at risk?

There are certain children who are particularly prone to fever. For them, it is especially dangerous. These groups should include:

  • newborns under the age of 3 months;
  • children with diseases of the central nervous system;
  • children who have been diagnosed with febrile seizures;
  • children with diseases of the lungs and heart of a chronic form;
  • if the baby has been diagnosed with genetic diseases associated with the metabolic process.
Who is at risk?

If the child is at risk, then in the presence of red hyperthermia, antipyretic drugs should be used already at a temperature of 37.8 degrees, while white is already at a temperature of 37 degrees. If the child is less than 12 months old, then calling a doctor over the house is important without fail.

Lesion diagnosis

To identify the cause of the disease, it is important to see a doctor. Calling a doctor is important in the following conditions:

  • cramps
  • dehydration of the body;
  • severe diarrhea, vomiting, nausea;
  • severe rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, hemorrhages;
  • change in consciousness;
  • the age of the child is less than 12 months;
  • long-term preservation of temperature at high elevations.
Diagnosis of the disease

After the examination, the specialist will identify the type of fever, prescribe an effective treatment, or advise you to undergo a comprehensive study and consultation with doctors of a narrower profile.

Disease treatment

With hyperthermia in a child, it is important to ventilate the room, give the baby a lot of water. It is possible to reduce body temperature by physical or medical methods.

Physical cooling:

  • uncover the child, remove excess clothing, a diaper;
  • send a stream of cold air from the fan to the baby;
  • wipe the skin of the child with 40 percent alcohol until a slight reddening;
  • wrapping a child after wiping is prohibited;
  • put a cold compress on large arterial trunks (on the neck, in the groin, armpits);
  • wrap the baby with foil for half an hour.

Emergency care for hyperthermia in children with drugs:

  • "Paracetamol" - children under the age of 12 months;
  • Ibuprofen for children over 12 months of age;
  • "Nimesulide" - helps for any age;
  • "Aspirin" - for children over 14 years old;
  • "Analgin" - for children over 14 years of age, you can enter a young child once at a high temperature, which cannot be brought down with the help of other medicines;
  • with white fever, the patient is prescribed medications that provide normal microcirculation - Trental, Eufillin and Complamin.
Taking medication

Preventive actions

Prevention of hyperthermia includes a set of measures that help prevent the development of diseases that lead to fever. The main preventive measures include the following:

  • improving immune defense (hardening the child, regular gymnastics, playing sports);
  • a properly composed diet;
  • following basic hygiene rules;
  • prevention of infectious diseases, as well as intestinal disorders;
  • refusal to visit crowded places at the time of the epidemic.

Reviews on the treatment of the disease

Many parents note that with emergency care for hyperthermia in children according to the standard, they can cope with it on their own using physical methods of lowering the temperature and taking certain medications.

To cure hyperthermia, it is necessary to determine why it appeared, and also to know how to eliminate the root cause. It is important to remember that high temperature is very dangerous for the child, and if parents cannot reduce it on their own, then you need to call a doctor.

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