Michael Newton, Journey of the Soul: Reader Reviews, Summary, Characters, Criticism Review

Michael Newton’s books have recently attracted the attention of many. They talk about regressive hypnosis. The author assures that his creative work will allow everyone, even those who do not have detailed ideas about this area, to navigate the features of the hypnotic program. Soul Travels is presented as the research work of a person who has devoted his life to the study of reincarnation issues.

michael newton soul

general information

The author of The Soul's Travels Between Lives, M. Newton, appears to be a specialist in hypnosis, psychology, and regressology. In his books, he considered the likelihood of spiritual reincarnation. Man has devoted his strength to exploring the world in which the soul dwells after bodily death. According to the provisions of the author, when the body dies, the soul remains to live and moves to another world, significantly more attractive than ours. It returns to mortal earth when the time comes - for this you need to leave the perfect space. To prove his opinion, the author of popular books demonstrates the testimonies of patients who, in a hypnotized state, talked about their previous lives. In addition, as the writer assures, people can remember what happened between the incarnations.

The author of the book “Journey of the Soul” M. Newton is not too worried about the fact that modern science itself does not recognize the fact of reincarnation. In some powers, regressive hypnosis, supposedly allowing those who wish to remember their past lives, was officially banned. Others are convinced that any memories that a person voices are nothing more than his personal fantasies. However, opinions differ. There are those who are firmly convinced of the correctness of the theory of transmigration of souls. For such people, Newton’s books are a source of absolute and immutable truth. As can be seen from the many responses, there are quite a lot of those today.

michael travels life lives

True or not?

As can be concluded from the reviews of Michael Newton’s book “The Journey of the Soul,” the information offered by the author as reliable and reliable to many modern educated readers seems dubious. It is noted that some of the calculations sound fantastic. On the other hand, there are such moments that indicate a connection with previously organized research by recognized scientists. Certain assumptions of the author reflect hypotheses of interest to a number of recognized scientists. In the vastness of the virtual web, one can find numerous evidence of ordinary people, proving that regressive hypnosis really allows you to get exactly the kind of experience described by the author of popular books.

Many note in their reviews: "The Journey of the Soul" by Michael Newton was not a revelation. There are, however, other people who claim that this publication literally “opened their eyes” to our world and life. Many educated people believe that the information that the author offers the reader in his work cannot be taken on faith unconditionally and verbatim. Of course, the psychologist for many years conducted specialized research, and analyzed the information received, evaluated and interpreted taking into account the interests of the theory promoted by him. He set himself the task on his own, in simple words to explain what modern science is so far put on the shelves powerless. Literally many readers do not recommend perceiving a work, at the same time they admit that there is definitely a certain amount of truth. All persons who happened to read Newton’s editions admit that they have met in the books a lot of curious and noteworthy, pondering thoughts.

Curious Experience and Observations

As you can see from readers' reviews, Michael Newton's Journey of the Soul recalls many of his own experiences. In particular, others see peculiar dreams, very lively and vivid, telling about the life of a person in a completely different period of history. This gives rise to the assumption that any soul lives several lives in different bodies - and is fully consistent with Newton's theories. Many note that the idea of ​​numerous diverse lives fits in your head very easily, is perceived as something natural and taken for granted. Readers sharing their experiences and impressions of the book often say that they have very detailed dreams, and it is impossible to describe how real everything seems to be. In a dream, a person experiences the full gamut of emotions inherent in a situation, survives it in detail - it is hard to believe that such a thing could simply be dreamed of by someone who had never been in such a situation.

Of course, expert reviews of Michael Newton's Soul Journey are not always so positive. Some scientists agree that the soul can go through several reincarnations, and certain memories remain about each life, they can be extracted. In particular, they also manifest themselves through very vivid dreams in which people feel everything that is visible is exceptionally real, experience the full range of emotions and physical sensations inherent in the plot. There are those who are convinced that this is nothing more than a game of the mind, do not take visions so seriously, and souls do not really move, there is no reincarnation. Both the one and the other side in the scientific community have a huge number of followers and advocates.

book Michael Newton

Fate and Deeds

In his book, Newton assures us that living on mortal land is a kind of school for our spiritual essence. Within the framework of one life, the soul receives one lesson, which is obliged to master and learn. There is a likelihood of an unsuccessful task, that is, a person during his life brings others suffering, pain and disappointment. In the next reincarnation, he will become a victim. If a person killed someone, in the next rebirth he will be killed. A woman who abandons her own child will lose her passionately beloved child in her future life. According to the hypnologist, the soul has the right to choose a specific scenario. If a person is constantly confronted with suffering, pain, if such feelings and situations dominate, this does not mean a random factor: the soul made a conscious choice in favor of such a scenario so that an important lesson could be learned. In addition, suffering can be atonement for the mistakes that the soul has made before.

According to the calculations of Michael Newton, souls are united in groups according to a related sign, and such families exist in that parallel world where our entities live outside the mortal body. Many descend to Earth together, while being embodied in close relatives. For example, in one life, souls can be brothers, in another they can become spouses, and in a third - children and parents. The soul of one who is close to us in reality is close to ours in that world that a spiritual entity can call its true home.

Curious moments

As you can learn from the book of M. Newton's “Journey of the Soul”, our spiritual essence is not a kind of all-knowing supernatural object to which anything is available. Many are used to thinking that the completion of physical life opens up opportunities for the spiritual body to access unlimited information databases, and all the secrets of the universe immediately become clear and understandable. From the point of view of the author of the publication in question, the soul can remember the entire amount of knowledge gained over numerous incarnations, no matter how many there were, and this is only information about one’s own experience. If it was possible to discover some earthly secret while in the physical body, the soul will carry this knowledge with itself through subsequent reincarnations. But to learn new secret information outside the physical body does not work.

Another conclusion that many draw for themselves, having read M. Newton’s book “The Journey of the Soul,” concerns the passage of time in different planes of existence. The author believes that in the spiritual world time differs in speed from that inherent in our earthly plan. However, this does not interfere with the chronological order of embodiment of the spiritual essence. From the author's conclusions, it can be established that it is impossible to incarnate once in the 21st century, and the next to live in the 18th. Time on our planet moves linearly forward, and the soul does not have the ability to travel between periods, to voluntarily go back or forward. For spiritual entities, no matter how powerful they are, only the present is available. However, some researchers of other plans of our life believe that such a restriction associated with the passage of time is incorrect and incorrect. Others are convinced that the soul is able to travel in time.

soul journey life lives

The soul and its secrets

Talking about the life of the "Journey of the Soul" by Michael Newton is most interesting for those who seriously think about the meaning of life. As a rule, such people thoroughly research religious, scientific, philosophical, esoteric reference books and publications in search of valuable information that will help clarify this issue. Newton in his publications talks about how he immerses customers in a trance, which gives people the opportunity to remember what they have experienced before. At first glance, most readers perceive this idea as strictly scientific, despite the fact that the opinions of official scholars on this topic diverge quite strongly. Particular attention is drawn to exciting stories narrated by mesmerized people. If you believe Newton’s research, our souls outside the earthly plane live in some unique harmonious world where all entities are in a good relationship, where violence does not exist in principle, and the elders are ready to help, suggest and serve the younger ones. The basic meaning of existence in the world of souls is the development of oneself.

Many people note that Michael Newton's Journeys of the Soul, The Purpose of the Soul are publications that fall in love with themselves from the first lines. The paintings described in them are quite realistic, at the same time attractive, so I want to believe that this is all - the ultimate truth. Many readers say that books make such a strong impression that I want to memorize them. At the same time, people who are critical of the incoming information admit that real life often throws up situations that make it doubtful that the author is writing the absolute truth. If we compare the paintings described in the book and the situations from our everyday life, we can see some inconsistencies.

Reality and Assumptions

Talking about life between lives, the journey of the soul, Newton departs from the traditional Christian worldview, which causes some condemnation from a large group of readers. In addition, the calculations presented by him in his work, to some extent, conflict with what we can observe in reality. Many are extremely unhappy with the assumption that there is no hell as such. Those who read the book note that it is outrageous that the souls of those who live righteously and of people who have committed serious crimes, on a different plane, are on equal terms - in comfort and contentment. However, there are those who note that this only gives rise to hope - despite sins in everyday life, a person may not be afraid for his future.

As can be seen from the reviews of Michael Newton's Soul Journey, although the very idea of ​​the absence of hell seems attractive to many, people who are responsible for studying the issue of reincarnation believe that it conflicts with the evidence of those who have experienced clinical death. Such people often say that they happened to see hell with their own eyes. If you believe Newton's calculations, after death, the soul must meet with loving and equal to herself, she is waiting for a world filled with friendliness and fair attitude. However, survivors of clinical death then talk about visions with demons. Of course, there are doubters who believe that such stories are simply invented to attract the attention of the public, but this assumption is extremely controversial. Indeed, why would anyone take on sins that were not there, talk about hell, if instead they could come up with a meeting with the divine essence? By the way, from history it is known that many people who survived acquaintance with hell, after restoration of health began to live righteously, and many, in general, became like monks.

newton soul journey reviews

Punishment and righteousness

As you can conclude from the reviews of the “Journey of the Soul” by Michael Newton, thoughtful readers of this work doubt the truth of the idea of ​​the afterlife without any hell. This is largely due to the abundance of religious worldviews in human society - all of them have an idea of ​​some punishment for unrighteous behavior during the dwelling in a mortal body. Even those movements that are far from Christianity talk about the possibility of going to hell. Some believe that the idea of ​​the underworld could come through cultural exchange, but such a theory does not stand up to the following criticisms: even those tribes who lived apart and did not interact with the inhabitants of other continents had ideas about hell. For example, the Aztecs also knew that hell awaits them for unrighteous acts.

As testimonials from Michael Newton's "Journey of the Soul" testify, often his books attract the attention of educated people who know a lot about the nature of our planet and its structure. Such people note that the center of the world in which we live is magma, whose temperature becomes higher when approaching the center of the nucleus. It is known from world religions that underground there is a space of incredible heat in which the temperature rises as one moves toward the center. In ancient times, people could not even imagine how our planet is arranged - moreover, many believed that the Earth was completely flat. The only explanation from which we can conclude the formation of ideas about hell is the fact of the presence of clinical deaths in those ancient times. Apparently, people who survived such an experience shared their memories with contemporaries, which became the foundation for the formation of our religion.

Interesting Facts

It is known that the deepest well in our world reaches 12,262 meters in depth. It was dug by scientists of the USSR on the Kola Peninsula. Many who read about the life between the lives of Soul Travel by Michael Newton know that it was repeatedly said about the Kola well that it became a path to hell. On the expanses of the World Wide Web, you can even find sound files in which you can allegedly hear the voices of martyrs in hell. It is believed that the scientists made the record, trying to capture the sounds of the movement of underground slabs. Some say that some incredible creature, visually similar to the religious images of a demon, penetrated our world from a well. They say that scientists got to such a depth that the drill simply stood up and it was impossible to conduct further research. In any case, the well was abandoned, and the public did not wait for an official clear explanation of why this happened, so the field for speculation is more than huge.

It is known that creating a well required enormous resources. Scientists in the course of research were able to find samples of unique breeds. As many people who read about life between lives in Michael Newton's Travels of the Soul rightly believe, even if it was impossible to drill deeper, there were still some considerable opportunities for research, however, the place was completely abandoned. In addition, it is obvious that such a point would attract scientists and tourists from different corners of the earth. It is simply not possible to come up with any intelligible explanation that would not be connected with the other world. And at the same time, Newton speaks of the absence of hell, which is definitely at odds with the real situation.

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Or is there?

In The Journey of the Soul, Michael Newton makes some allusions to the possibility of punishment - a kind of alternative to hellish torment. In particular, the author says that one researched person could not remember anything from her past, no hypnotic techniques helped - her memory was tightly blocked.There are also many cases when, after a clinical death in the first few hours, a person remembered the torment that awaited him beyond the threshold of his usual physical life, but the memory of the experience soon completely and hopelessly disappeared. This is probably due to the ability of the human brain to exclude those memories that can harm the psyche. However, the option always remains that under hypnosis, the researcher simply inspires his subjects with some information that they reproduce. Absolutely, only the author himself can say this. Readers of the book in question mostly agree that it is necessary to treat all assurances of the psychologist with caution, critically, not considering the book to be true in the last resort.

We and our choice

According to Michael Newton's Journey of the Soul, the soul itself chooses what fate and life it will have to live in a new incarnation. For many, it seems unbelievable that some great essence will be able to choose for itself the destiny of a weak person, forced to survive in poverty, disgusting conditions. It would seem that the main idea of ​​reincarnation is the opportunity to learn something new, but in fact, many people live in conditions where they have neither a choice nor opportunities. Of course, we can talk about endurance, but, again, only those to whom it is given by nature survive in such adverse conditions, which means that the value of such a lesson is doubtful.

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According to the book of Michael Newton, a person’s life is an opportunity for the soul to learn to love, compassion. Living on mortal land should give the higher essence other positive qualities. On the other hand, as many have noted, a child being born is the purest creature on the planet, while as he grows up, he becomes inherent to the negative qualities of personality and character. Even in the book, the author gives cases of people who, under hypnosis, talked about the disappointment of the soul during reincarnation. Some said that reincarnation was an exceptional, absolute mistake for them.

To summarize

How much trust is placed in this book, whether these facts are considered contradictions, or attributed to the difference in the nature of the spiritual and mortal worlds, is up to the specific reader to decide. As can be seen from the reviews, many believe that the book deserves attention, although you should not perceive it as the most valuable source of true information.

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