How to draw a sphinx in various ways

Learn Egyptian art and want to get closer to it? Try to draw a sphinx. How to do it? You should carefully study the analogues and understand the history of the origin of these architectural monuments. And then you can sit down and draw. Our lessons will help you get a little closer to Egyptian art and improve your artistic skills.

Classic sphinx

How to draw a sphinx

Such a picture is more like a sketch or sketch, as it is fashionable to call sketches today. It helps a novice artist to feel the form, without focusing on the tone solution. How to draw a sphinx with a pencil in stages? To begin, we outline the silhouette. Now you need to check the proportions. The paws that are in the foreground should be large, but still the center of the composition should be the head. We build the proportions of the face. Be sure to outline the centerlines. This is done so that the proportions are not distorted. After the face is ready, you should draw a wig and hands. Then outline the chest and back. You can enter a light shading to emphasize the volume, but do not get carried away and make a full-fledged drawing. The main thing in the sketch is to stop on time.

Greek sphinx illustration

How to draw a sphinx with a pencil in stages

Such drawings are popular today. They help children develop imagination, because it is not so simple to concisely connect a person and an animal. This is by no means a stupid occupation - developing imagination is necessary. And with the help of nontrivial pictures, this is easiest to do.

How to draw a sphinx? The first step is to outline the general form. Now we divide it into parts, draw each one individually. Alternately depict the head, torso, arms, legs, tail and wings. We make sure that everything is proportionally true. You should not make too big a head, which even purely theoretically thin legs will not be able to hold. When the main form is outlined, you can move on to detail. We draw a face, claws on fingers, wool on paws and feathers on wings.

Sphinx silhouette with elaboration

How to draw a sphinx with a pencil in stages

It will be interesting to create such a picture, at least because it is done in a non-trivial way. How to draw a sphinx? First you need to depict the outline of a mythical character. Then paint it with a soft pencil. The next step is to work out the details. You need to draw them with a well-honed pencil. We draw face, wings, tail and fingers with thin lines. Then you can depict the ornament on the rim and wings. If something went wrong, the picture can always be corrected by painting it with a pencil and starting over again.

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