Anosmia is a loss of smell. This condition is a symptom of many diseases. Inability to smell significantly complicates a personโs life. Complete loss of sense of smell is quite rare. More often, the patient has a deterioration in the perception of various aromas - hyposmia. Next, the causes of deterioration in olfactory function and treatment methods will be considered.
How a person perceives odors
The mucous membrane of the nose is equipped with a large number of receptors. This site is called the olfactory epithelium. Vapors of various substances irritate receptors. From there, signals are transmitted through the nerves to the olfactory bulbs that are inside the skull. Then the impulses enter the temporal part of the brain, where they are processed. This is how the olfactory human analyzer works.
Failure in any section of this analyzer can cause anosmia. This means that the loss of smell can lead to a violation of the function of the nasal receptors, as well as deviations in the central nervous system .
Causes of loss of smell
Violation of smell can be congenital or acquired. If a person suffers from such a deviation from birth, then he has no idea about smells. Therefore, such patients rarely consult a doctor. Congenital anosmia is often accompanied by anomalies in the structure of the facial part of the skull and nasal passages.
The causes of acquired anosmia are divided into two groups:
In the first case, the loss of smell is associated with violations in the nasal cavity. Central anosmia is caused by abnormalities in the structures of the brain responsible for the perception of odor.
Peripheral anosmia
Disorders in the olfactory epithelium are the most common cause of anosmia. The following diseases can lead to loss of smell:
- rhinitis (viral and allergic);
- sinusitis;
- polyps and tumors in the nasal cavity;
- narrowing of the nasal passages;
- curvature of the septum of the nose.
Each person during a severe cold may experience anosmia. This is due to blockage of the nasal passages by secretions. This loss of smell is temporary. If the violation of smell perception continues after recovery, then this should serve as a reason for going to the doctor.
Abuse of vasoconstrictive nasal drops can damage the olfactory epithelium. Anosmia can also be caused by poisoning with toxic substances: heavy metals and pesticides. Often smokers suffer from a worsening sense of smell.
Peripheral anosmia is more commonly seen in older people. With age, the state of olfactory epithelium worsens and receptors become less sensitive to odors.
Anosmia of neurological origin
In more rare cases, anosmia can be caused by diseases of the central nervous system:
- skull injuries;
- meningoencephalitis;
- epilepsy;
- diseases of the hypothalamus;
- brain tumors;
- multiple sclerosis;
- senile dementia;
- diseases accompanied by intracranial hypertension.
With such pathologies, the signal transmission from the olfactory epithelium to a special center in the brain is impaired in humans. Nasal receptors function normally, but the central nervous system loses its ability to recognize odors.
Complete loss of smell is the main sign of anosmia. This means that a person loses the ability to distinguish smells, but at the same time, his tongue receptors work normally. The patient cannot smell the food, but tastes its taste.
This condition is quite dangerous. Patients with anosmia often receive food intoxication, since they do not feel the unpleasant smell of spoiled foods. In addition, they can be poisoned by volatile toxic substances, for example, due to a gas leak. Indeed, a considerable part of the information from the outside world comes to us through the olfactory analyzer.
Patients often have a decrease in appetite, because without the smell of smell, they can not fully enjoy the meal. Such patients often suffer from depression due to loss of smell.
In case of loss of smell, you should contact the otolaryngologist. If this symptom is associated with brain damage, then a neurologist should be consulted.
Olfactometry is the most accurate method for diagnosing anosmia. This study allows you to measure the severity of smell. A person is offered a set of odorous substances. Then the sensitivity of the olfactory analyzer is measured using a special device.
In addition, rhinopneumometry is done. This study evaluates nasal breathing. It is also necessary to examine and x-ray the nasal passages and sinuses.
If the otolaryngologist does not detect pathology of the respiratory system, then neurological diagnosis is necessary. Assign an MRI or CT scan of the brain. These studies allow us to differentiate the pathology of the nasal mucosa from anosmia of central origin.
Drug treatment
How to treat anosmia? This violation is not a separate disease, but only a symptom of various pathologies. Therefore, the choice of method of therapy will depend on the cause of the loss of smell.
Symptomatic treatment of anosmia with drugs is impossible. There are no drugs that can restore the sense of smell. You can only eliminate the cause of this symptom.
If anosmia is caused by a runny nose, then drops are prescribed to restore nasal breathing:
- "Nazonex".
- "Nasobek".
- Avamis.
- "Polydex".
- "Tafen Nasal."
These drugs contain corticosteroid hormones. The use of vasoconstrictive drops should be avoided, as they can worsen the state of olfactory epithelium.
In severe cases, treatment is supplemented with oral administration of dexamethasone-based drugs. With sinusitis and sinusitis, antibiotic therapy is indicated. It is also recommended to use B vitamins and ascorbic acid.
Anosmia of central origin requires long-term treatment. With meningoencephalitis, antibiotics are indicated. Degenerative diseases of the brain are treated with the help of nootropic drugs. If loss of smell is associated with epilepsy, anticonvulsant medication is needed. For diseases of the brain, the patient needs to tune in to long-term therapy.
In some cases, surgical treatment of anosmia is used. Surgical intervention is necessary for polyps and tumors in the nasal cavity, as well as for curvature of the septum. The obstacle that has arisen is removed, after which the normal sense of smell is restored.
Surgery is also necessary for brain tumors. This is a rather serious and difficult intervention. Before this, the patient needs to undergo a comprehensive examination and consult with a neurosurgeon. However, in advanced cases, the operation does not always lead to the restoration of the sense of smell.
If anosmia is innate, then even surgical intervention may not bring the desired effect. An operation usually only helps if it has been performed before the age of 4 years. But diagnosing anosmia in such young children is very difficult, because they have no idea about smells from birth.
Folk remedies
Alternative treatment of anosmia must be agreed with the doctor. It is impossible to restore the sense of smell by home remedies alone. However, alternative recipes can be used as an addition to the main treatment:
- A solution of sea salt with iodine. This tool helps cleanse the nasal passages of toxins, bacteria and pus. 1-6 g of salt should be dissolved in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of iodine. The resulting fluid is washed in the nasal passages several times a day.
- Decoction of buckthorn and tansy flowers. You need to take 20 g of each type of plant material and boil in 250 ml of water. Then insist 1 hour, strain and cool. The tool is consumed in 1 glass per day.
- Place 3-4 drops of peppermint oil in each nostril. This tool should also rub your forehead and temples.
Prevention and prognosis
Special prevention of anosmia is not developed. However, you can reduce the risk of such a symptom.
With a runny nose, doctors advise using special drops and aerosols to cleanse the nose. In this case, vasoconstrictor drugs should not be abused.
Otolaryngologists also recommend avoiding staying in places with polluted air and stop smoking. Diseases of the ENT organs must be cured in a timely manner.
Anosmia associated with nasal diseases is usually easily treatable. The ability to smell is restored in most cases. If anosmia is associated with diseases of the central nervous system, congenital anomalies and age-related changes, then the prognosis is significantly worsened. It is not always possible to restore the sense of smell, even with surgical treatment.