How to cook fish in a marinade: step by step recipe with photos

Fish cooked under a marinade is a dish that we all love. It has been familiar to us since childhood. A photo of fish under the classic recipe marinade is what makes drool swallow. Indeed, the dish is very tasty. Everyone loves him without exception. With its incredible taste, it is not difficult to cook this dish. Of course, if you are cooking the dish for the first time, then this is always a little scary, but our step-by-step photos and detailed descriptions of the process should remove all the difficulties.

Fried fish under the marinade is a dish that at one time almost left the everyday life of the inhabitants of our country. This is unfair, and it pleases that now it is actively returning to our tables on holidays and on weekdays.

Mistresses now love fish under the marinade for simplicity and unusual taste. They say that to cook this dish tasteless, you need to really, really try. Such a fish can be both an appetizer and a main course.


It is known that the first description of the recipe for fish under the marinade dates back to the 19th century, it was at that time that the description of this dish appeared in cookbooks. Since that time, the dish has been actively included in our diet. Fish under the marinade is part of the tradition of Jewish cuisine.

There is also an opinion that the dish originated in the USSR canteens. And many of our fellow citizens consider the dish truly Soviet and Russian now, as a legacy of that era. In other words, the true roots of the fish under the marinade are not so easy to find. But on the other hand, is it necessary to do this when you can simply enjoy this gentle and unforgettable taste?

Classic recipe

We will consider several options for cooking fish in the marinade. All of them are good in their own way. You yourself decide which one suits you to a greater extent. We start with the simplest classic recipe for fish under the marinade. Photos will step by step describe the stages of preparation and will be a kind of clue for you if you are faced with a recipe for the first time. This recipe does not require complicated manipulations and a lot of time. This is the most popular way to cook.

original marinade fish recipe

Essential Products

All products for this recipe are simple and affordable. We will need:

  • Fish fillet (cod, haddock, pike or any other white fish at your discretion) - 500 g.
  • Three medium-sized carrots.
  • Five tablespoons of tomato paste.
  • One large onion (white or red onion, if possible).
  • Flour for breading fish.
  • Vegetable oil for frying fish.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Salt, sugar, fresh herbs, spices (pepper, bay leaf, cloves).


We clean the fish from the insides and scales, remove the fins, clean them from the bones, cut the fish fillet into large pieces, put in a bowl, add salt and pepper. Next, the filet should be infused. The infusion time is 20 minutes. After that, roll the fish fillet in flour and fry in a pan in vegetable oil.

fish fillet

After that we put the fillet to cool and proceed to the preparation of the marinade for fish. We clean carrots and onions. Shred them in small pieces or straws (at your discretion). Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater, if there is no desire to cut it. Next, put the vegetables in a saucepan (or in a deep frying pan) and pass in a small amount of warmed vegetable oil. After 3-4 minutes of frying, add tomato paste and spices to vegetables, simmer it all over low heat until cooked (about 20 minutes), it is worth checking periodically to prevent frying from burning.

vegetable frying

5 minutes before cooking, pour a glass of water into an almost ready marinade and wait for it to boil. After boiling, salt and add a pinch of sugar.

After that, fill the already cooled fried fish with the prepared marinade and cool everything to room temperature, after which we put the dish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The fish in the marinade is ready! Before serving, decorate the dish with fresh chopped herbs.

Fish under the marinade: pollock

This recipe is simple, and the result is very tasty. Pollock is a fish from a β€œhealthy diet”. The fish is very healthy and not too oily. Perfect option. Pollock has a delicate taste. Buy it chilled, frozen options may already be frozen several times, during cooking such fish will crumble and fall apart.

Essential Products

To prepare this fish in the marinade, we need the following products:

  • Pollock fillet (approximately 500 grams).
  • Two medium-sized carrots.
  • One medium onion (preferably white or red onions).
  • One parsley root.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • Wheat flour in the amount necessary for breading.
  • Vinegar (3%) - 100 ml.
  • Water (it is preferable to take any broth) –350 ml.
  • Spices (cloves, tarragon root, bay leaf).
  • Salt, sugar, pepper (all to taste).

If you can’t find the tarragon root or the parsley root separately, then you can look for spice mixtures containing them in the composition.

Step cooking

Cut the fish into large pieces, pepper and salt. Next, give her a little insist (about 10 minutes). Then roll the pollock in wheat flour and fry in a pan in a small amount of vegetable oil.

fish before frying

The fried fish fillet must be cooled, and at this time you can cook the marinade for the fish. Finely chop the hands, grate the carrots, finely chop the roots of the herbs. All this is passaged in a pan with vegetable oil.

vegetable stewing

Add a pinch of sugar, salt and spices to almost ready-made vegetables. Then add vinegar and fill everything with water (or broth). Stew the marinade in a pan for about 20 minutes, then you need to cool it.

When the fillet and marinade have cooled to room temperature, we combine them in a special ceramic (or glass) container. The fish in the marinade is ready! We remove the dish in the refrigerator. After 1-2 hours, you can serve cold.

White fish under a spicy mustard marinade

The difference from other recipes is the lack of vegetables in the preparation. In fact, this is fried fish in a light sauce, which is a marinade. How to cook fish under the marinade in this way? Everything is very simple. The highlight is mustard. You need to choose something average in severity, this is best suited for cooking.

Essential Products

  • Fish (flounder is well suited for this recipe, but you can take any other variety of white fish) - 500 g.
  • Classic mustard - 3-4 tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil (the amount needed to fry fish).
  • Flour for breading.
  • Salt and greens.


Butcher the fish, we need the fillet to cook. Then cut the fish fillet into large pieces. Next, each piece of fish must be coated with mustard on all sides, put all the pieces in a bowl and let stand for about ten minutes.

fish fillet before frying

After that, fry the fillet in a frying pan in vegetable oil, after pre-rolling it in flour. Fry the fish until golden brown. After roasting, salt the fillets and decorate with herbs. This method of cooking involves serving on the table both hot and cold.

mustard marinade fish


When you buy chilled fish, you need to choose carcasses with clear eyes. If the eyes are cloudy, then the fish has an expiration date, it is better to refuse such a purchase. Also pay attention to the scales, in fresh fish it is shiny and even, and the gills have a pink hue.

If you have chosen horse mackerel or mackerel for cooking fish under the marinade, then it is better to boil them, and not fry them in the cooking process. This cooking option is preferable for these varieties of fish in this dish. If the pieces of fish are small, then cook them immediately in hot water, large pieces of fillet should be laid in cold water. If you add a little milk to the water during cooking, the fish will become more tender and pleasant.

An alternative to cooking can be steaming. In this case, the fish meat will also be tender and soft. Steaming usually takes about 15 minutes.

A large amount of vegetable oil during frying will make the final dish more heavy and satisfying. Sometimes it is required, sometimes they leave it. If the frying is burnt, the dish will acquire unnecessary bitterness.

It is necessary to insist on the dish before serving for about 1-2 hours, but if the dish stands in the refrigerator before serving night, it will become even more delicious and piquant. You can customize the recipe for your eating habits.

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