Wine alcohol is also called ethyl, or food. This transparent substance has been widely used not only in traditional medicine, but also in folk medicine. Wine alcohol in Latin - Ethly arcu.
It is actively used in the alcohol industry. Wine alcohol is often used in the manufacture of medicines, in the household, for canning.
It can be made at home. The main thing is to comply with production technology and proportions. In the article, we consider the composition of alcohol, the products that are necessary for its preparation, how to make wine alcohol at home. As well as its harm and benefits to the body.
For its production you need:
- wine yeast;
- distilled water;
- foods that contain sugar;
- charcoal;
- potassium permanganate;
- distillation apparatus;
- instrument for measuring fortress.
The first stage is the preparation of malt
This is the longest and one of the most important processes. For the preparation of malt, it is necessary to use grain. It can be barley, oats or wheat.
The grain must be soaked in water and left to germinate on the window for up to ten days. If you use millet or rye, then four days will be enough.
It is important that the grain sprouts correctly. A good germination result is considered if the grain does not change color, the sprouted sprouts will take the form of curls. Their color should be deep green. By smell, the sprouts should resemble a fresh cucumber flavor. If you do not intend to use the malt immediately, the sprouts can be dried and stored in sealed containers.
For cooking, it is best to use the grain of the current year's crop. Otherwise, germination will be small.
Use of sugar products
To prepare wine alcohol, you can use products with a high sugar content or starchy. It is better to apply the first so that the wort that turns out has a sweetish aftertaste. In this case, we take grapes. In this case, the wort can turn out white or red. It will depend on which grapes we use for cooking.
In the case of the use of starch-containing products (potatoes), it is necessary to extract starch from the cells and dissolve it in water. Instead of water, it is best to use fruit juice or berry juice. They will have to go through the process of pasteurization, straining, cooling and fermentation.
The process of making wine wort according to the white method
The white wort is prepared by separating the juice from the pulp. It is prepared using unpainted fruit juice with a streaky consistency. In order to improve the process of squeezing the juice, add 200-300 ml of water per liter of crushed mass. Then the mixture is heated for half an hour at a temperature of 60 degrees.
Red wort preparation
This method makes it possible to maximally extract salts, organic acids and dyes from berries, as well as other useful connectors.
When wondering how to make wine alcohol using a wort prepared using the red method, it is important to consider that heating pulp is strictly excluded.
As a result of fermentation, the sugar that is contained in the juice is processed into alcohol using yeast. In order to get 60 ml of alcohol, you need to take 100 ml of sugar.
In this case, the calculation is carried out on pure juice. If it was diluted with water, then in the calculations the amount of water must be excluded.
When we get the sweet wort in one way or another, it will need to be checked for acidity with indicator paper. The sweet must for the preparation of wine alcohol should be sweet-sour.
Next, add yeast to the mash and leave to ferment. We will consider their preparation below.
Fermentation Stage
During the fermentation process, the taste of mash can change from sweet to bitter-sour. There is no need to close the container in which the brew is located.
In general, the fermentation process takes about one week. In this case, the temperature changes, and foam forms. It is she who gives a sour - bitter aftertaste. This suggests that the fermentation is over.
At the final stage, the alcohol content should be at least 10% of the total volume.
In order to obtain a solution with a high alcohol content, it must be passed through the distillation apparatus several times. It is important to control the boiling point. At the first distillation, mash should boil, during the last - alcohol distillation.
Wine alcohol cleaning
Purification, also called rectification. Before it begins, crude alcohol must measure the percentage of alcohol. The environment is also checked. If it is acidic, then it must be neutralized with soda ash.
And only after that you can begin to clean the alcohol. To do this, use an aqueous solution of parchment potassium or it is also called potassium permanganate.
After the solution is clarified, it is filtered and betrayed to fractional distillation. The result is edible alcohol.
But that is not all. The process of purification of wine alcohol is considered completed only after it is passed through charcoal.
Making Wine Yeast at Home
We have already examined how to make wine alcohol at home, now we will analyze how to make wine yeast.
Alcoholic beverages, which are made on the basis of homemade wine yeast, have a pleasant sweetish aroma.
For the preparation of such yeast, we need purified water, sugar and grapes.
First, prepare the leaven. For its preparation, ripe berries are used, which were collected in ten days.
It is important to know that berries should never be washed. Otherwise, you can remove the bacteria from their surface, from which yeast is obtained.
We take two glasses of ripe mashed berries, half a glass of sugar and one glass of water. All ingredients are preferably diluted in a glass bottle. Mix them all well and close with a cotton plug. Leave to roam for 4 days. During this time, the juice should ferment well. Then it must be filtered and separated from the pulp.
Everything, yeast, is ready for making wine alcohol.
How to make wine yeast from raisins or figs
This method of making wine yeast is good to use in the winter, when the grape harvest is already over. In this case, you can use raisins or figs. Raisins should be of high quality. This will be evidenced by its slightly purple color. It is advisable to use berries with ponytails. To check the raisins for quality, you need to toss it over the table. When falling, raisins should create the sound of falling pebbles. If this does not happen, then, most likely, the berries are not of very good quality. In this case, the yeast will not work, because during the fermentation, such raisins simply grow moldy.
After the berries are selected, heat 400 ml of sugar over low heat so that a syrup is obtained. Pour the finished mixture into a container in which the fermentation process will take place. Next, pour a handful of figs or raisins into the sugar syrup. We close the container so that it can let air through. You can use cotton wool as in the previous method. If the container is wide-necked, then it can be covered with gauze. Sent to a dark place for 4 days. In order for the berries not to mold, during the day the container must be shaken periodically. When the fermentation process is over, the liquid must be filtered.
What is the best way to store wine yeast
Store wine yeast, cooked at home, can be no more than ten days. It is the essential oils that they contain that give alcohol a pleasant wine aroma.
During the production of wine yeast, it is important to maintain a stable temperature, and the room is constantly ventilated.
What strength can alcohol be
In the manufacture of the product, its boiling point may be at least 78.15 degrees. At the output, the degree of the product will be 96. Ethanol of 100% concentration has a boiling point of 78.35 degrees. It is impossible to make it at home, since at the stage of purification it must go through the evaporation procedure under a certain pressure. In this case, the boiling point should increase by only 0.24 degrees.
Benefit and harm
Having understood the question of what wine alcohol is, we can consider its harm and benefit.
Wine, it is ethyl alcohol is indispensable for the preparation of therapeutic tinctures. Also has disinfecting properties.
The use of drinks containing wine alcohol (cognac, beer, wine) in small quantities helps to thin the blood, improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels.
Also, in small doses, alcohol improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
The harm of wine alcohol is obvious. With regular use of it in large quantities, it can cause alcohol dependence. Also, its uncontrolled use can lead to severe food poisoning. In addition, the constant use of alcohol can cause oxygen starvation, which leads to the destruction of brain cells. This, in turn, leads to degradation of the individual. Other organs may suffer - the liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach.