What is Diclofenac: composition of the drug, form of release and instructions for use

Many people are well aware of what Diclofenac is and how to use it correctly. This medicine is used to eliminate inflammation and pain in the area of ​​muscle tissue and joints. The drug has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

The medicine is available in several forms and has a therapeutic effect of a general nature against many diseases. When using this tool, you must know what Diclofenac is, the peculiarity of its use, the available indications and contraindications.

Features of the drug

Those who have never heard what Diclofenac is, you need to know that this is one of the most powerful painkillers. It is presented in various forms, which is very convenient to use.

Diclofenac injections

Without a prescription, only external agents are dispensed, namely ointments and gels. How and how much to use the medicine should be decided only by the doctor after diagnosis. The drug "Diclofenac" helps to eliminate inflammation and pain in the joints, which are especially common in old age.

According to its chemical composition, the active component of the drug refers to derivatives of acetic acid. The drug "Diclofenac" has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • antipyretic effect.

The anti-inflammatory property of the drug is especially strong, as well as its antipyretic effect. Often, the drug helps when other remedies do not work. Diclofenac can effectively eliminate pain, although its analgesic effect is not so powerful. The medicine is more suitable for eliminating pain of mild to moderate intensity.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the fact that it inhibits the synthesis of substances that play a major role in the occurrence of inflammation. As a result, pain passes and swelling decreases. With prolonged use of "Diclofenac" its antihistamine properties are manifested. After administration, the active components are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, and from there they enter the synovial fluid, which is located in the joints.

Composition and form of release

Before using the medicine, you need to know what Diclofenac is, what its composition is, and also in what form it is produced. On sale you can find a medicine in the form of:

  • pills
  • injection
  • candles;
  • gel or ointment.

There are two types of tablets: film-coated and enteric-coated. The drug with a special soluble coating is made with an active substance content of 25 and 50 mg. The surface of the shell is orange. In addition to the main substance, Diclofenac tablets include sodium lauryl sulfate, starch and lactose components. Other substances are also present: magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.

The composition of the drug "Diclofenac" in the form of tablets with prolonged action:

  • diclofenac sodium - 50 or 100 mg;
  • sucrose;
  • alcohol;
  • silica;
  • talc.

This product has a pink film coating, which dissolves very slowly, which prolongs the period of action of the drug.

Injections are available in 3 ml ampoules. In one package 5 or 10 ampoules. In addition to the main active ingredient, Diclofenac injections contain benzyl alcohol and injectable liquid.

The drug is in the form of rectal suppositories. The composition of the candle “Diclofenac” contains 25, 50 or 100 mg of the main substance. Propylene glycol and components of Vitepsol and Aerosil are also included as auxiliary additives. In 1 package of 10 suppositories.

Ointment "Diclofenac"

100 g of ointment contains 1 g of diclofenac sodium. As auxiliary components, additives of dioxide and propylene glycol are also present. Available in aluminum tubes weighing 40, 50 and 100 g. Tubes are packed in cardboard boxes.

The gel is available in two forms. The composition of the gel "Diclofenac" 1% includes 10 mg of active substance in 1 g of the drug. Available in aluminum tubes of 30 and 40 g. 5% gel contains 50 mg of diclofenac in 1 g of the drug. Available in tubes of 30, 50, 100 mg.

Indications for use

The properties of the drug are due to its composition. Diclofenac injections are used for the following pathologies:

  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • rheumatism;
  • elimination of pain after surgery.

Tablets and suppositories of the drug are used to treat such diseases:

  • bursitis;
  • migraine;
  • toothache;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis.

According to the instructions, the use of Diclofenac ointment is indicated for such conditions:

  • muscle pain
  • bruises;
  • dislocation;
  • damage to the ligaments.

Suppositories are also prescribed to lower the temperature that occurs with colds and flu. It is worth noting that the dosage form of the drug is selected by the doctor, who, among other things, determines the optimal dosage.

The drug "Diclofenac" is used to eliminate inflammation, pain and swelling. He is prescribed in traumatology, rheumatology, neurology, orthopedics, gynecology.

Due to its good analgesic properties, the drug “Diclofenac” is used in the treatment of joint pathologies, in particular, such as arthritis and arthrosis. He helps:

  • eliminate puffiness;
  • improve motor activity;
  • reduce pain;
  • eliminate stiffness in the morning.

This drug helps to eliminate pain, but it does not affect the cause of the disease, and therefore it must be used in combination with other drugs.

Diclofenac is widely used in traumatology and orthopedics. Injections, suppositories and pills are prescribed for injuries, fractures, after operations.

The drug "Diclofenac" helps prevent the occurrence of pain attacks of a neurological nature. The form of release of the drug is selected separately for each patient, it all depends on the intensity of the pain. With a mild pain syndrome that does not constrain movement, you can use gel and ointment. In acute pain, injection is advisable.

Indications for use

The drug "Diclofenac" helps to relieve pain during menstruation. Indication for its use is inflammation of the pelvic organs. In gynecology, Diclofenac suppositories are mainly prescribed. They dissolve quite quickly, having a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Application features

A great advantage of the drug "Diclofenac" is the ability to use various dosage forms. This allows patients to decide how long to take the medicine and in what form, depending on the evidence. The ability to combine different methods of using the drug minimizes the risk of adverse reactions.

Diclofenac injections can be used for severe pain attacks. Injections are carried out within 2-3 days. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the symptoms and the age of the patient. The drug "Diclofenac" is administered daily in 1 ampoule with a volume of 75 mg. The maximum allowable dosage is 150 mg and is allowed to be used once to accelerate the action of the drug.

If a longer course of Diclofenac therapy is needed, the required number of injections is administered, and then they switch to the tablet form of the drug or rectal suppositories. If the doctor prescribed the drug in ampoules, it is important to correctly determine the place where you can inject Diclofenac. Each next injection should be done in a different buttock. According to the instructions, the drug is not allowed to be injected subcutaneously or intravenously.

If for some reason it is forbidden to use injections or Diclofenac tablets, then rectal suppositories are prescribed. They are much easier to carry and do not provoke local reactions.

As stated in the instructions for use, suppositories "Diclofenac" must be entered deep into the anus after a natural bowel movement or enema. With the occurrence of gynecological diseases, accompanied by painful manifestations, the suppository is inserted into the vagina.

Candles "Diclofenac"

The maximum dosage for adults is 150 mg daily. For the treatment of children, suppositories are prescribed from 12 years. The dosage is 50 mg 1-2 times a day.

The use of Diclofenac suppositories is best done at night, as you need to lie down so that the active substance acts on the affected area.

Tablets are made in various dosages. For each patient, the doctor selects the dose of the drug depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, as well as the severity of the symptoms.

Adult patients can take 50-150 mg of the drug daily. This dosage is divided into 2-3 doses. Children and adolescents are prescribed 2 mg of active substance per 1 kg of weight. The dosage should be divided into several doses.

If you need to eliminate the pain that occurs in the morning or in the evening, then you can use the tablets in combination with rectal suppositories. After achieving the desired result, you can switch to maintenance therapy. Tablets are taken orally with water. They are not recommended to chew.

When taking a prolonged-release drug, the therapeutic effect occurs later, but lasts much longer. This makes it possible to drink tablets less often and at the same time maintain the required amount of active substance in the body.

Diclofenac is indicated for chronic pain when long-term therapy is needed. The treatment course can last several months. With pronounced symptoms and severe pain arising in the morning or at night, the drug should be taken before bedtime.

When prescribing the drug “Diclofenac”, the composition and instructions must be studied necessarily, as there are certain indications and contraindications for the use of this drug. Ointments and gels are highly effective and are considered over-the-counter medicines. That is why they are very popular.

The substance is rubbed into the skin 2-3 times a day. The highest dosage is 8 mg per day.

When applying the medicine in the form of an ointment or gel on the skin, an effect occurs directly on the lesion, minimizing the negative effect on other organs and systems. Only the doctor must decide whether to use this tool and how long the therapy should continue.


According to the instructions, Diclofenac suppositories and other dosage forms of this drug are not recommended for use during gestation. It inhibits the production of prostaglandins, therefore, it can adversely affect the development of the fetus. According to studies, there is a high risk of miscarriage, the development of heart defects when taking this medication in the early stages of bearing a baby.


If Diclofenac is used in the last trimester for treatment, pulmonary hypertension, dysfunction or renal failure in the fetus, early closure of the ductus arteriosus, and oligohydramnios are possible. In addition, weakness of labor and an increase in the duration of the delivery process may develop. The mother may prolong bleeding.

The drug has a negative effect on fertility, and therefore it is not recommended for use by those planning a pregnancy. Small amounts of active ingredients may pass into breast milk. In this regard, the drug is not recommended for use during lactation.


According to the instructions, Diclofenac suppositories, tablets, injections, and external remedies have quite a few contraindications. It is forbidden to use this drug in conditions such as:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the age of the child is up to 6 years for external funds and 12 years for injections, suppositories and tablets;
  • proctitis (for suppositories);
  • individual intolerance;
  • inflammation of the digestive tract;
  • ulcer.

Relative contraindications may be the patient's complaints about the deterioration of the digestive tract, in the presence of suspected inflammation, ulcer, as well as:

  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • heart dysfunction;
  • problems with blood formation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • pathology of the respiratory system.

In the presence of all these conditions, it is necessary to use the drug "Diclofenac" with special care under the supervision of a doctor, since the appearance of negative reactions is not ruled out.

Side effects

According to the instructions and reviews, "Diclofenac" can provoke the occurrence of side effects, primarily from the digestive system. Depending on how long the therapy is ongoing and in what dosages the medicine is prescribed, there may be pain in the epigastric region, nausea, stool disturbance, flatulence. The occurrence of erosion, bleeding from the digestive tract, as well as liver failure, is not ruled out. Other side effects include:

  • dizziness, headache, weakness;
  • impaired kidney function;
  • colitis;
  • lower hemoglobin levels;
  • skin manifestations in the form of erythema, eczema.

Sometimes it is possible the occurrence of mental disorders, visual impairment, numbness of the skin, alopecia, nervous tic. After the injection of Diclofenac injection, local reactions may develop, in particular, such as the formation of infiltrate, fatty necrosis and discomfort in the injection area. When applying the ointment or gel externally, a skin rash, redness, and a burning sensation may appear.

Side effects

In the case of the administration of rectal suppositories, local irritation, soreness of bowel movements, and the release of mucus with impurities of the blood are not ruled out. Despite many contraindications and side effects, the drug “Diclofenac” has a fairly good tolerance even during prolonged therapy.


In case of an overdose, the appearance of such symptoms as:

  • renal failure;
  • hypotension;
  • respiratory depression;
  • cramps
  • gastrointestinal irritation.

There is no specific antidote for treatment. In acute poisoning, you must stop the absorption of the drug from the digestive tract. In addition, gastric lavage, the appointment of activated charcoal, and symptomatic therapy are indicated. The use of dialysis or blood transfusion is not recommended, since the drug binds to serum proteins.

Drug interaction

It is not recommended to use the drug "Diclofenac" together with other anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants, as this increases the risk of side effects, such as bleeding. Acetylsalicylic acid provokes a decrease in the concentration of Diclofenac components in the blood, and paracetamol enhances its nephrotic effect.

Anti-inflammatory drug weakens the effect of hypnotics, hypotensive and hypoglycemic agents. With the simultaneous administration of a medicine with antibiotics, seizures may occur. In the case of administration together with diuretics, there may be a weakening of their action or the accumulation of potassium in the blood.

special instructions

During the period of treatment with the drug, it is necessary to carry out a systematic monitoring of blood counts, the functioning of the kidneys and liver, as well as the study of feces. Patients taking this drug should refrain from those activities that require increased attention and rapid motor and mental reactions. Also during the period of therapy it is forbidden to drink alcohol.

If ointment or gel is used, it is important to exclude contact with skin that has damage. It is also important to prevent the drug from entering the organs of vision and mucous membranes.

In pediatrics, the drug is used taking into account age restrictions. For children under 6 years of age, ointment is prescribed in special cases, and the entire treatment process is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Analogues of the drug

If for some reason you need to replace the drug "Diclofenac", then analogues such as:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Ortofen;
  • Diklak
  • Naproxen
  • "Indomethacin";
  • Piroxicam.

The drug "Ketoprofen" has proven itself well. His indications and contraindications are practically the same as those of Diclofenac. However, it is worth noting that Ketoprofen has a more pronounced analgesic effect. This drug is safer, it can be taken even by the elderly.

For back pain that may occur due to osteochondrosis, the drug "Movalis" helps well. This is a good analogue of “Diclofenac” and is considered one of the most effective non-steroid type drugs. Doctors often prescribe it to treat diseases and disorders in the musculoskeletal system. The drug "Movalis" is available in several different dosage forms, which is very convenient for use.

The drug "Movalis"

The main active ingredient is meloxicam. It has a pronounced analgesic property and inhibits inflammation. Injections are allowed to be used only in the early days of therapy, and then it is recommended to switch to other forms of release of the drug. This will minimize the negative impact.

Due to its pronounced analgesic effect, the drug "Movalis" quickly suppresses inflammation. The medicine is well tolerated by patients, with the exception of those who have contraindications.


Reviews about the use of "Diclofenac" are rather mixed. Some patients say that this is a very good and effective tool that helps to quickly get rid of painful manifestations in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other ailments. Others argue that it is not effective enough and provokes many side effects.

As patients say, this drug does not eliminate pain and stiffness of movements well enough. In addition, it has a bad effect on the stomach, as after taking it, bloating and nausea appear. "Diclofenac" does not cure the disease, but only eliminates the symptoms.

In general, we can say that this is a pretty good anti-inflammatory drug that helps even with severe pain. If you take it correctly and carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations, then you can minimize side effects.

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