Ethamsylate: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

In the article, we consider the instructions for use for the preparation "Etamsilat". To combat bleeding, it is difficult to choose a drug that would be more effective and less hazardous to health. The range of use of this hemostatic medicine is very wide, and the cost is competitive. In this regard, the treatment of many cases of bleeding is not without its use.

Indications for appointment

According to the instructions to Etamzilat, the inclusion of the drug in the treatment is indicated for bleeding on the background of almost any pathological situation. The drug effectively stops capillary bleeding of various etiologies. This tool is very effective in the presence of abundant periods, it reduces the amount of menstrual flow. When a person is concerned about long periods, this medicine helps to stop menstruation.

instruction for use

In addition, indications for the use of Etamzilat are:

  • The presence of damage to the vascular walls in diabetes.
  • During surgical interventions in dentistry, and in addition, in the field of ophthalmology, urology, gynecology and other medical fields.
  • In the presence of diathesis, accompanied by vascular damage.
  • In emergency cases, for example, if there is a need to stop bleeding in the lungs, intestines and other organs.

Composition and format of the issue

As the instruction indicates, Ethamsilate has a variety of dosage forms. These include the drug in the form of tablets and injections. In each of the dosage forms, the active ingredient is the eponymous component etamzilate. Additionally, water is contained along with special sodium salts in the composition of Etamsylate in ampoules. The instruction confirms this. The tablets of the drug contain 250 milligrams of the active substance along with calcium salts and starch.

etamzilat instruction

There are ten or fifty tablets in the blister. In the treatment of children, this medicine is prescribed based on the weight of the child. Injections of the drug are released in packs of ten pieces. The ampoules contain 125 milligrams of the active ingredient.

Features of the effects of the drug

What else can you learn from the instructions for Etamzilat? Due to the pharmacokinetics of this drug, this tool is successfully used to stop menstruation. For such purposes, many women are prescribed pills. The medicine acts on permeability, and in addition, on the strength of capillaries and large vessels, strengthens them and makes them more elastic. By the effect on the composition of the blood, this drug is neutral. But against the background of platelet activation, after using the drug, the blood becomes viscous.

This drug does not increase the risk of blood clots, in addition, it does not increase fibrinogen in the blood. At the time of the onset of blood coagulation processes, the medication has no effect.

etamzilat instructions for use

The instruction for Ethamzilat tablets confirms that this medicine is effective and safe. Under its influence, blood microcirculation improves. These features are the main argument in connection with which they appoint Ethamsilate in the presence of bleeding. Its effect makes it possible to close the bleeding place in the vessel, but not to disrupt the flow of blood and the supply of organs to it.


As a rule, this drug during pregnancy is necessary to eliminate the threat of miscarriage. But at the beginning of pregnancy, injections of this drug are prescribed only if there is an emergency, since there is a risk of harming the fetus. This is what is said in the instruction to Etamzilat.

For pregnant women at a later date, this medicine is not dangerous. In the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, this tool is not used. In each case, only a doctor determines how much use of this drug is justified in the presence of pregnancy, taking into account the blood composition and other indicators. Considering the fact that Ethamsylate can penetrate into milk, this drug is not prescribed for lactation.

Method of use and dosage of medication

When using this tool, the instructions must be strictly observed. The manual very accurately and readily sets out all the conditions under which the use of this medicine is allowed.

etamzilat tablets

In the case of the appointment of tablets of this drug, the following dosage should be observed:

  • 0.25 milligrams of the drug is taken three times with moderate bleeding and with menstruation.
  • 0.75 milligrams of the drug is taken three times with extreme and heavy periods.
  • 0.5 milligrams are used four times, if necessary, to cope with long and plentiful periods.

It is worth saying that tablets are drunk for ten days and begin to be taken five days before the onset of menstruation. With each internal intake, the medicine begins to have an effect after twenty minutes, the maximum effect, as a rule, occurs within two hours. But the most effective injection of the drug. They are placed intramuscularly or intravenously. In the first case, the effect is observed almost in the eyes in less than ten minutes.

etamzilat ampoules instruction

How to use Etamsylate in ampoules according to the instructions for use? The dosage of this medication depends on the indications, and in addition, it is prescribed by a doctor. During therapy with injections, it is necessary to enter from 0.125 milligrams of the drug at a time. The maximum dose is 0.375 milligrams. The number of injections can be no more than four times in one day.

In extreme situations, for example, in the presence of bleeding due to the installation of spirals, up to six ampoules per day are required. Blood using Ethamsylate can be stopped if there is an open wound. For this, a tampon or bandage soaked in the medicine is used.


Among the factors that limit the use of Etamzilat are primarily diseases, which are accompanied by the formation of blood clots. The main contraindications include:

  • The presence of vascular disease.
  • The presence of thrombosis, thromboembolism, hemoblastosis, and in addition, acute porphyria.
  • The presence of hemorrhage or cancer.
  • The presence of individual intolerance.

Many women use Ethamsilate for menstruation to reduce them without serious need, for example, when the average discharge lasts five days. It is not right. The desire to reduce the period of menstruation to three days can lead to serious diseases. Thus, only the attending physician should prescribe this medication.

Side effects and overdose

This drug is characterized by adverse reactions in the form of a drop in pressure, headache, disruption of the stomach, heartburn, dizziness, skin rashes, irritation, itching and fever.

etamsylate in ampoules instructions for use

In accordance with the instructions for use with Etamzilat in tablets and ampoules, the occurrence of an overdose when using this drug is unlikely. No cases of exceeding the allowable dosage were found. But in some cases it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a negative effect of this medicine on the body. For example, during treatment, a woman should stop breastfeeding.

Taking this medicine in excessive dosages does not require special measures. To eliminate the undesirable consequences, it will be enough just to cancel the drug. Almost all the medicine is excreted by the kidneys, so in just three days its content in the body will cease to pose any threat.


In the event that, for any reason, this medicine is not suitable for patients, then analogues will successfully replace it. A direct analogue of Etamzilat is a medicine called Ditsinon. In its composition there is the same active substance.

etamzilat injections instruction

Other medications can also help cope with bleeding problems, in which there are substances that belong to other pharmacological categories. Among them, for example, “Vikasol” along with “Impedil”, “Ezelin”, “Cyclonamine”, “Aglumin” and others. In the event that the patient wishes to replace the currently used Etamzilat, analogues should be selected by a specialist.


Many forums have good comments about this medicine. In order for the medication to benefit, you must strictly follow the recommendations. This tool, as people write, saves many with open internal bleeding. Thanks to him, ladies get rid of the torment associated with debilitating blood loss during menstruation.

But there are also complaints about the effect of the drug. Most often, these arise against the background of self-medication, when the use of the drug is unreasonable or occurs without taking into account some features of the body. Now many people know the instructions for use for tablets and injections "Etamsilat".

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