The cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt. What to do if the cheek is swollen?

swollen cheek but tooth does not hurt

The cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt. With this controversial complaint, patients often turn to their doctors. To identify the true cause of this pathological condition, the doctor must not only conduct a personal examination, but also take an X-ray. And only after that the specialist can confidently say why his patient has a swollen cheek, but the tooth does not hurt.

If for any reason you cannot visit a doctor, and getting rid of this problem is extremely necessary, then it is allowed to use home remedies to remove the tumor. However, before that, you should still find out why you had such a nuisance.

Swollen cheek: causes

There are quite a few likely reasons why a person’s cheek can swell a lot. As practice shows, almost all of them are associated with problems of the oral cavity, including gums and teeth.

So, let's look at together why this pathological condition occurs.

Problems with teeth and gums

The cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt - this condition is completely unsuitable for this case. After all, if such a deviation arose due to caries, then a person will definitely feel it. It is also worth noting that a swelling of the cheek often signals inflammatory processes in the gums or the appearance of a cyst.

What to do if the cheek is swollen due to a bad tooth or sore gums?

what to do if the cheek is swollen

In this case, the patient should definitely visit the dentist. After all, the faster the tooth is cured, the faster the swelling of the cheek subsides. By the way, if you already have an abscess, then delay in treatment can lead to rather serious lesions of the oral cavity, nearby tissues. Thus, after contacting the doctor, the latter is obliged to give you an anesthetic injection, cut the gum, and then release pus and put in drainage. Next, the doctor should prescribe a course of treatment with antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Now you know what to do if the cheek is swollen due to a bad tooth or sore gums. Keep in mind that before visiting the hospital, it is not recommended to apply any warming or cooling compresses to the tumor site.

Swelling of the cheek after tooth treatment

This alignment is quite the place to be. As a rule, this occurs after treatment of the tooth on which the filling was installed, but the root itself was not examined by the dentist. In this case, you will have to visit a doctor again. It should be noted that it is with such a pathology that a person can complain that his cheek is swollen, but his tooth does not hurt. Indeed, in the previous treatment, the nerve was completely removed, but the inflammatory process at the root did not stop.

cheek swollen tooth does not hurt

Such a reaction of the body to filling quite often manifests itself in people. And for doctors there is no other way but to remove the previously placed filling, and then continue to treat the tooth in any other way. If your cheek is too swollen, then before visiting a doctor, you can rinse your mouth with a weak solution of baking soda, apply a cotton swab soaked in Kalanchoe juice to the affected area or make a compress from the crushed leaves of the named plant. By the way, aloe vera ideally helps with flux. Its leaflet should be cut along in half, put the pulpy part to the gum and hold for one and a half hours.

Swollen cheek after tooth extraction

A doctor can warn you about the appearance of a tumor on the cheek , but only if you had a difficult tooth extraction. The doctor is also required to give some recommendations on oral hygiene and eating. Thus, after a difficult tooth extraction, it is not advisable for the patient to drink hot drinks, alcohol, or chew solid food during the next day. If such advice did not help you, and the cheek is still swollen, ice should be applied to it (for about 10 minutes), then remove and repeat the procedure in half an hour. As a result of this, the capillaries should narrow under the influence of the cold, and the edema should gradually pass.

sore tooth wisdom swollen cheek

Wrong tooth growth

If your wisdom tooth hurts , your cheek is swollen, and you feel a general malaise, then this indicates that it does not grow as required. In this case, you should definitely visit the dentist, who must take an x-ray and explain the situation to his patient. In most cases, a wisdom tooth that grows crookedly is removed, because it can cause an inflammatory process. If such a procedure was successful, then the swelling of the cheek should subside the very next day. If, after two days, the situation has not improved, but, on the contrary, you began to feel unbearable pain, then you should consult a doctor again, since you will need additional medical treatment.

swollen cheek

By the way, exactly one day after the removal of the “wise” tooth, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with a salt solution (half a dessert spoon of bulk product should fall on one glass of warm boiled water). In this case, it is extremely undesirable to touch that place with the tongue, fingers or other hard objects where the tooth was previously. Otherwise, you can do even more harm to an unhealed wound, as well as bring a dangerous infection or virus there. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from brushing teeth located next to the inflamed area of ​​the gums. Of course, in a couple of days you will be able to carry out this procedure, but at first it is best to use a brush with soft bristles.


The cheek is swollen, the tooth does not hurt? The a symptom may indicate the presence of a serious infectious disease such as mumps or mumps. This disease is most often manifested in preschool children. However, there are situations that adults become infected with it. In this case, the disease proceeds and is treated much harder, and also has serious complications. That is why, if you have not been ill with a “mumps” in childhood, and suspect that you have contracted it, then it is better not to postpone a doctor’s call for a long time.

swollen cheek causes

Other reasons

A cheek tumor without pain in the teeth and gums can occur for completely different reasons. So, this symptom often indicates inflammation of the lymph node (lymphadenitis) or the spread of infection in the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the cheek can swell greatly due to a bruise and the further appearance of a hematoma in this part of the face.

If all the above reasons have nothing to do with you, then try to remember if any insect has bitten you. Indeed, quite often it is such a case that leads to severe swelling of the cheeks and other parts of the body. To reduce inflammation, it is recommended to apply a lotion with baking soda to the affected area or take an antihistamine.

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