Biography of Svetlana Ivanova: the rising star of modern cinema

The star of the popular TV series “Scouts”, which aired on television in 2013, was an actress, sportswoman and simply beautiful Svetlana Ivanova, who was born in a family of engineers. Biography of Svetlana Ivanova begins in the capital - she is a native Muscovite, born on September 26, 1985.

Svetlana studied at a school with a mathematical bias, but attended a drama circle with her friend. Before leaving school, Ivanova told her parents about her intention to enter VGIK. Parents did not support her decision, but the girl successfully passed the entrance exams and in 2006 she graduated from the institute, having studied all this time with Igor Yasulovich. Svetlana came to VGIK an enthusiastic girl with braids, and she already came out as a beautiful young actress.

biography of svetlana ivanova

Biography of Svetlana Ivanova in the movie begins with a role in the series “The God Son”, which was released in 2003. Since then, she has become a true TV star, playing in more than thirty films. Among them are such famous TV shows as “And Still I Love ...”, “Palm Sunday”, “Capital of Sin”, “Doctor Tyrsa”.

On a wide screen, viewers saw Svetlana in such films as “9th Company”, “Franz + Polina”, “Moscow, I Love You!”, “The Dark World”.

The biography of Svetlana Ivanova is a biography of a young actress with a special role - all the heroines she played are tender, vulnerable and romantic. Svetlana herself considers herself cynical and not like her roles. The actress wants to try herself in sharp genres and, tired of the roles of provincials with a difficult fate, she is very glad when she is offered to play funny roles.

Svetlana Ivanova biography

In 2009, Svetlana Ivanova’s biography was replenished again with the award - she was chosen as the best actress of the Children's Arts Festival, playing the role of Lera in “Hello, Kinder!”. In 2006, the star of six different film festivals was actress Svetlana Ivanova. Her biography that year was replenished with six awards for playing the main role in the film "Franz and Pauline". Already in 2007, she again received the prestigious award - “Golden Sword” in the fifth International War Cinema Festival for her role in the film “Father”.

2010 - nomination at the Golden Eagle for Best Actress on TV (film Palm Sunday).

This was followed by no less successful roles:

- 2011 - the role of the doll in the film "Tale. There is";

actress svetlana ivanova biography

- 2012 - the main role in the military film “August. Eighth. " Acting in this film, the actress quit smoking at the request of the director Janika Fayzieva, learned to masterfully control a military jeep and almost was abducted by a fan right from the hotel room.

In 2011, Svetlana Ivanova began working at the Sovremennik Theater, and also starred in several video clips.

In June 2009, cameraman Vyacheslav Lisnevsky married Svetlana Ivanova. The biography of the actress could hardly have developed otherwise - according to her, filmmakers have nowhere else to create families, only on the set. In January 2012, their daughter Polina was born in their marriage.

The actress calls herself a 100% girl and says that from childhood she was programmed for family life. Ivanova claims that patriarchy reigns in their family, and her only drawback is jealousy. Despite rumors of a divorce, the couple are still together and have not commented on media speculation.

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