Delicious goat meat dishes: cooking features, recipes

Goat meat, delicious and unusually nutritious, is not so often a guest on our tables. Usually it is prepared in families that breed these animals. Or in those houses whose owner is a hunter. As a rule, goat meat can only be purchased on the market, and even then not always. As for shops, it does not appear at all on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets. Most likely, precisely because of inaccessibility among our hostesses, dishes of their goat meat are not popular. In addition, there is an opinion that this meat has a specific smell and turns out tough, no matter how it is cooked. It is worth noting that all this is nothing more than myths. If you follow the algorithm of actions, which are offered for preparing any dish of goat meat recipes, as well as competently approach the choice of meat, then the output can be gourmet, with a great taste. In addition, it is also extremely useful.

goat dishes

So how to cook goat meat?

Rules for selection and storage

Goat meat is considered a dietary product. True, to a greater extent this applies to the meat of young individuals. In old ones, it is covered with yellow fatty layers, in addition, it is much darker in color. By the way, it is knowledge of this nuance that greatly contributes to the right choice. In addition, the notorious specific smell is inherent in the skin of the animal, therefore, acquiring meat without it, you will not feel any additional aromas. But on the absence of other odors and mucus that are inherent in any stale product of such a plan, attention must be paid.

According to the chefs, all of their useful properties (which, by the way, are very many) goat meat in its fresh form for three days. Therefore, if you have acquired a not very large piece and for only a few dishes, then first of all separate the meat from the bone. So it will be stored longer. If there is a lot of product, then the surplus is best immediately sent to the freezer after cutting.

Cooking features

Falling under the influence of the same myth of the "goat" smell, many people will marinate this meat before cooking almost any dish. This is not entirely correct. Good meat of young domestic goats, and even without skin, should be subjected to this procedure only if the formulation requires it. Another thing is forest individuals. Their meat is really harsh, and it smells a bit even after careful cutting. For this reason, when cooking any dish of wild goat meat, recipes, and almost all, have in their composition a point that indicates the need for pickling.

tasty goat meat

As for the marinade itself, it can be different, but most often dry wine (preferably white) is used, as well as fruit vinegar - grape, apple. In all other respects, the preparation of this meat is no different from other types. The only thing is that sometimes just the time of the heat treatment should be slightly increased to make it softer.

Well, then we proceed directly to the conversation about how and which delicious goat meat dishes can be prepared.


Many housewives who love and know how to cook goat meat dishes most often prefer it to roast. It is understandable. Goat meat is generally cooked for quite some time, so I want to make the process as productive as possible. The roast is extremely tasty and nutritious. If you cook such a dish in large quantities, you can feed your family for several days, and no one will say that "today we have the same thing for lunch again." Plates of relatives instantly empty. And some family members will also require supplements.

And to prepare such a culinary masterpiece, you need to stock up: a kilogram of goat meat (you can take ribs), beans (better than green, and you need 300 grams), two onions, a kilogram of potatoes, a glass of milk, flour (half a glass is enough), half packs of butter.

delicious goat meat dishes

How to cook

As we already mentioned, when preparing dishes from young goat meat, pickling is not required. Unless, of course, the animal did not jump not so long ago in the forest, but grazed peacefully behind the house. The meat should be put in a saucepan, salt and stew for about an hour. Cook potatoes at the same time. And with a peel. We take a baking dish and make a “pillow” of green beans and chopped onion rings in it. Put meat on top. Cover it with peeled and chopped potato large enough. And make the sauce. Add the flour to the melted butter, stir, then pour the milk. And cook the mixture for about five minutes. Do not forget to stir it at the same time. Then salt and pepper, you can add finely chopped garlic, if desired. Pour roast sauce and send to the oven. Everything. For an hour you can forget about the hot. After this time, we take out the form, sprinkle the dish with lemon juice and spread the dishes on plates. It's time to the table!


What else can be done from goat meat? What are some interesting recipes? From goat meat it turns out just a great pilaf. It is believed that this meat is very similar to lamb, which, as a rule, is the main ingredient of this famous oriental dish. Therefore, when preparing dishes from goat meat, in no case should you lose sight of this moment. And if you have your own recipe for pilaf, which you think is very successful, then if you have goat meat in the house, you can safely put it in this dish instead of lamb. For our part, we will offer you our option. Moreover, such pilaf can be equally successfully cooked both on the stove and in the slow cooker.

goat recipes


Soak round rice (kilogram) for an hour in cold water, then rinse it and let the liquid drain. Cut the meat (also a kilogram) into arbitrary pieces and stew in a frying pan in your own juice, trying to achieve a crispy crust after adding it without adding oil. To do this, just having quality dishes and constantly stirring the meat. At the end of cooking, add the chopped onion, then, after five minutes, grated carrots. Stir, cook for about 5 minutes. Then fill with water and simmer until the mixture is almost viscous. After that, transfer it to the pot / cauldron / multicooker bowl, fill it with rice and, without adding water, cook for half an hour. Then add seasoning and salt, stir, simmer for another ten minutes. If you cook in a slow cooker, the optimal mode is “Pilaf”. If it’s not there, it’s best to take Baking.


Above, we talked about how to prepare dishes from young goat meat. But what to do if caught meat of an animal far from a young age? Try making shurpa. Such a dish is prepared, as a rule, long enough, so that the meat of the "veteran" in any case will acquire the necessary softness.

wild goat meat recipes

A kilogram of goat meat, cut into large pieces, put in a pan, pour water and cook for an hour and a half. After that, you need to get it and cool it. And then cut into small pieces. Sauté onion rings and diced one large carrot in vegetable oil. Then add the meat, a glass of broth mixed with two tablespoons of tomato paste, simmer for half an hour. After this, the resulting mass must be put in a pan, pour the remaining broth (it will need one liter for the indicated number of ingredients, so if not enough, just add water), add three potatoes, diced, salt and pepper and cook for another hour. When serving, sprinkle with herbs directly in the plates.


Do not think that goat meat dishes are prepared using whole meat only. You can make excellent mince from it. Which, incidentally, is ideal for those who have at their disposal a whole goat carcass. The best meat can be left to prepare gourmet dishes, and from all kinds of scraps and not very appetizing pieces make minced meat. It is only advisable to add a little lard or fat to it so that the cooked dishes are juicier.

dishes of young goat meat

How to cook cutlets from such minced meat? Yes, in principle, almost exactly the same as from any other. Only many experienced housewives recommend adding a loaf soaked in milk. And in everything else - everything is traditional. In addition to the loaf, add onion or garlic, spices, an egg to the minced meat. We form cutlets and fry for at least five minutes on each side.


Talking about what kind of goat meat dishes exist, you can not ignore barbecue. Properly prepared, it will surprise even an experienced gourmet with its taste.

So what needs to be done. First of all, sliced ​​into the desired size pieces and cleaned of various films and veins, the meat (we give the recipe per two kilograms) is soaked for three hours in salt water. After that, the liquid is drained. The meat is dried and sent to a large container, filled with chopped onion rings (five pieces). And then it is poured with four liters of water, into which two tablespoons of grape vinegar are added (you need to take 9 percent), three leaves of lavrushka, with a dozen peas of black pepper and salt. The last ingredient, as well as your favorite seasonings, are added arbitrarily, to taste. We pickle for about 12 hours, while keeping the container in a cool place. Well, then you can go on a picnic and fry such barbecue in the traditional way.

wild goat dishes

A few words about wild meat and pickling

We have already mentioned that when preparing dishes from wild goat meat, it is advisable to marinate this main ingredient. And if this procedure is carried out correctly, then it is possible to grill it in rather large pieces, without worrying at the same time that the meat will be hard and exude a bad smell. On the contrary, having prepared it this way, you can only surprise guests during the party, boasting at the same time both their culinary abilities and hunting skills. As for the marinade recipe, the following is considered the most popular: you need to take half a liter of dry white wine and add wine or grape vinegar to it. To your own taste. To send a pinch of salt there, the same amount of a mixture of black and red peppers, a few leaves of parsley, two or three cloves of chopped very finely garlic. Heat a little over a fire, and then pour the meat with marinade. The exposure time is at least a day.

goat meat dishes

And finally, we will present you an interesting recipe for wild goat dishes.

Goat meat in coconut milk

One and a half kilograms of meat pour marinade prepared according to the above recipe. To withstand a day. Then shift to a pan, add previously finely chopped tomato, bell pepper, onion. Pour three tablespoons of olive oil, add water to cover the meat, and simmer until tender. When the goat’s ready, add two cups of coconut milk to the pan, keep it on fire for another ten minutes. If your family has a hunter, and as a trophy he brought a goat home, be sure to try cooking her meat in this way. You will not regret!

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