Vigna beans: cooking recipes

Vigna is an asparagus bean that is often cooked in China. Very tasty dishes are made from it, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. In this article, we will find out in which culinary masterpieces the main component is vigna asparagus. The recipes are very simple and accessible to everyone.

Vigna recipes

Fried beans

Perhaps this is the simplest and fastest dish. Little time is spent on it, but a tasty, healthy and nutritious treat is obtained. First, I want to warn that Chinese beans are cooked in pods and not peeled. Before starting the process, the wignu needs to be washed very well under running water. Then lay it on a paper or ordinary towel to dry. Meanwhile, turn on the pan, pour 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil. Heat the container and sprinkle vegetables on it. Stir constantly for 5 minutes. Salt, pepper to taste.

After 5 minutes, try the beans. If it becomes soft and pierces well with a fork, the fire can be turned off. Cover the hot fry pan with a lid. Let it brew for about 5 minutes. Then sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs on top. The dish can be served with porridge or mashed potatoes. You should have very tasty and fragrant bean beans. Recipes can be invented by yourself. The main thing is not to overexpose the beans, as the taste and aroma of the dish will not be what you expect.

asparagus bean vigna cooking recipes

Bean soup

It is cooked without potatoes, as the signal is already very nutritious. To make a delicious soup, wash 200 g of beans and chop randomly. Then, on a hot pan, put 1 head of chopped onion, 50 g of carrots and 20 g of parsley root. Add 1-2 tbsp here. l flour for thickening. Boil a liter of water, lower the signa there. While it is boiling, finely chop one onion, tomato, parsley. Put all vegetables in water to beans, salt to taste. The soup should be boiled until the vigna is soft. Turn off the burner - the dish can be served on the table. Be sure to season it with sour cream.

Vigna Winter Cooking Recipes

Signa in sour cream

To prepare this original dish, cut 400 g of beans of any length and pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes. In the meantime, cut one onion into small cubes, and 2 tomatoes into slices. Fry the onion slightly, but not until golden brown. Pour in a small saucepan. Put tomatoes and fried onions on top. Pour 200 g of sour cream in the same container of vegetables. When they put the juice well, then they can be mixed. Pour a glass of water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes. Remember to stir occasionally.

When the beans are soft, you can turn off the heat and let the dish brew for about 15 minutes. So the vegetable signal is ready . Recipes, as you have seen, are very simple and take little time. Therefore, this dish has gained popularity. After all, you can cook it half an hour before the guests arrive or feed your family a healthy breakfast or dinner.

Bean beans: winter recipes

Preserving vegetables helps maintain maximum vitamins and minerals. After all, in winter you also want to eat tasty, wholesome food. Therefore, we suggest you try to cook beans for the winter. Think: it’s convenient to open the jar and immediately serve the finished treat to the table, rather than stand for hours at the stove. Especially when you are waiting for guests.

bean vigna cooking recipes

Canned Vigna

It is preparing simply. Flush the beans first. To do this, lower it in boiling water for only 5 minutes. Then let the water drain. In the meantime, make a pickle. Boil a liter of water and add 20 g of salt. Place blanched beans in sterile jars. Pour the vegetables with hot brine. Now you need to roll up the banks. Canned beans can be served as a snack or garnish for the main course.

Beans in adjika

This is a wonderful dish that will be indispensable in winter. First, flush 1 kg of beans for about 5 minutes. Pass 5 kg of tomatoes and 3 kg of sweet pepper through a meat grinder. Put the juice on the fire, let it boil. In the meantime, drain the water from the beans. Pass through a meat grinder 3 pcs. hot pepper and 5 heads of garlic. When the juice boils, put in it 1 tbsp. l salt. Add chopped pepper and garlic to the same bowl. When the liquid boils for about 10 minutes, put the beans in a high. Let it boil with the juice for another 5 minutes. Then adjika with beans must be poured into sterile jars and rolled up.

Vigna cooking recipes with photo

Hot salad with rice and vegetables

It turns out a very tasty dish. It is prepared quickly and easily. Wash and peel 3 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of wigna and sweet pepper. Chop the vegetables finely. This can be done with a food processor. Put the ingredients in the pan. Peel 0.5 kg of onions and carrots. Chop them. Put in a container for vegetables.

Rinse well and put on a colander. Let the water drain for now. Meanwhile, put all the vegetables on the fire, add 1 tbsp to them. l salt and sugar, pour the same amount of vegetable oil. Bring to a boil over low heat. When the water drains from the rice, put it in a pot of vegetables. Add about 1 tsp. vinegar to keep the color beautiful.

Now you need to try the rice so that it does not digest. When you see that it is ready, then you can pour hot salad into sterile jars. Roll up and cover preservation with a blanket for insisting. Now you know how to prepare a vegetable signal. The recipes are quite simple, and any housewife will cope with them.

Eggplant and cowpea salad for the winter

To prepare this dish, it is necessary to wash well 1 kg of eggplant and sweet pepper under running water, peel them and cut into small cubes. Shred the onion (0.5 kg) in half rings. The same amount of carrots can be grated on a coarse grater or finely chopped. Chop the garlic (1 head). Cut the beans into thin strips. Add greens to your taste. You can take basil, parsley, dill and chop finely. Put the above vegetables in a cauldron, add vegetable oil and simmer for no more than 15 minutes.

In the same container, put 70 g of tomato paste, 50 ml of vinegar, 100 g of sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Add a little water and continue to stew vegetables. If you want a sharper dish, then add the chopped pod of hot pepper to it. Roll a hot salad in sterile jars and cover with a warm blanket for insisting.

Vigna Lobio

This dish can be prepared not only for dinner, but also for the winter. To make lobio, take 1 kg of beans, rinse it well and set it to boil. It should be completely boiled. Meanwhile, you need to fry the onion until golden brown and put in a saucepan to the wigne. Continue to cook a lot. Cut very finely cilantro and parsley. Grate the garlic on a fine grater. When the beans are cooked, add it to the mass. Throw parsley, cilantro there, pour a little vinegar. Pour the hot mass into sterile jars and roll up. It turned out very tasty lobio, which you can always serve at the table even in the cold season.

Vigna Vegetable Cooking Recipes

Culinary Tips

Now you know which dishes are the bean. Recipes with a photo will help to understand what a vegetable looks like. And even a novice cook will be able to cook this unique product. However, there are some secrets that experienced chefs offer. So, they say that beans can be cooked young without peeling. It is cooked very quickly, it does not need to be insisted for swelling.

You can cook the wign in another way. Wait until it ripens well, but in this case the beans are cooked much longer. It is best to pre-soak it for 12 hours. Then it will fall apart quickly. To make the vignette soft, it cannot be salted at the beginning of cooking. The color will not change so much if you add a little lemon juice and sugar to the vegetable. To get a real pungent taste, as they like in China, beans must be seasoned with ground ginger, hot pepper and garlic.

Winter Bean Cooking Recipes


In the article, you got acquainted with interesting and original recipes that use healthy bean beans. As you can see, it’s easy to cook. Each housewife can cope with such dishes. All of the above goodies are served in Chinese restaurants. They are famous for their simplicity, originality, sophistication, aroma.

As it turned out, these dishes can be cooked at home. All that is required is the availability of a stove and the necessary products. Basically, if you don't have the right ingredients, you can improvise. You can invent recipes yourself. You are sure to find the perfect combination that will appeal not only to you, but also to your family. Cook, experiment and enjoy unique, delicious dishes.

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