Roasted chestnuts recipe

The recipe for roasted chestnuts depends entirely on what taste of the final product you want to get.

Chestnuts taste good with both salt and sugar. They absorb the taste of the ingredients that are used in the preparation and are able to diversify any dish or table.

Due to its neutral taste and weak aroma, chestnuts are often used in the preparation of snacks, main dishes, salads, soups, pastries and desserts.

The main problem of people who want to try chestnuts for food is the ignorance of the fact that chestnuts are not all suitable for eating. Forest chestnuts and those growing in cities are not suitable for human consumption, except in the Caucasus.

Cooking chestnuts can be bought in stores (supermarkets) or in markets. Chestnuts need to be understood, as well as mushrooms, although they are not poisonous. The outer hallmark of edible chestnut is a brown shell, the chestnut core is brilliant.

Edible chestnuts are thermophilic. You can find them yourself, but they grow in the Caucasus region. Fresh chestnuts appear on sale in the fall.
In areas of traditional consumption of chestnuts, they are treated as a staple food. This is due to their β€œsatiety” and nutritional characteristics, which are comparable to rice and potatoes.

The taste of roasted chestnuts is difficult to describe unambiguously. It largely depends on the ingredients used in the preparation.

Raw chestnuts taste like unripe nuts, but less oily. Roasted chestnuts taste like potato.

How to cook roasted chestnuts on an open fire

This recipe for roasted chestnuts is often used while camping. They are fried in metal dishes until cooked to taste, from 10 to 20 minutes. They are served hot while cleaning the shell.

The main rule when frying chestnuts, which must always be remembered and observed, is the treatment of the chestnut shell before frying. When heated, their shell bursts and destroys the core. Therefore, the shell is always incised in diameter, crosswise, or simply pierced in several places.

Oven roasted chestnuts recipe

If necessary, chestnuts are washed and dried. Be sure to treat the shell with a sharp knife, cutting through the deep crosses on one side of the chestnut. On a pre-prepared baking sheet, chestnuts are laid out with their sides cut up.

The oven must be heated to 190 degrees. A baking tray with chestnuts is placed in a heated oven. They can be considered ready after they release the juice. It will take about 20 minutes. After that, you can treat the roasted chestnuts with any ingredients you like and hold for another 5 minutes in the oven to get a delicious meal.

Pan roasted chestnuts recipe

Mandatory processing of the shell, which can be done with a fork, piercing the shell a third of the thickness of the chestnut or making deep cuts with a knife, a cross. This will prevent them from exploding when exposed to extreme heat. There is a lot of juice in the chestnut, which turns into steam when heated and tends to break the chestnut. It is for the release of steam that the shell is processed.

It is necessary to prepare a frying pan, several napkins and half a glass of water. Chestnuts are loaded into a pan and covered with a layer of napkins moistened with water. Cooking over low heat for about 22 minutes. The pan is covered. Periodically, chestnuts are mixed. Dry wipes moisturize again. This is done so that the chestnuts do not dry out and become too hard. If the processing of the shell was poorly done, some chestnuts may explode, this is not a big deal.

At the end of cooking, you can treat the chestnuts with salt or sugar, or other ingredients to taste.

To check the readiness of chestnuts, you can squeeze them. If the shell is destroyed and removed with light effort, then the chestnuts are ready.

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