"Woe from Wit," who wrote? Creativity A.S. Griboedova

When you ask people the question: “Woe from Wit”, who wrote? ” - then not everyone can immediately answer him correctly. However, if you look at this famous work by quotes, then thanks to its aphoristic style, many will know them almost by heart: “Blessed is he who believes, warmth in the world” or “Freshly tradition, but hard to believe”, etc.

Answering in detail the question: “Woe from wit”, who wrote? ” - I immediately want to note that this work, which is a comedy in verse, was created by Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov. And interestingly, it was he who made him a famous classic of Russian literature, since it included elements of classicism, new trends of romanticism and realism of the 19th century.

Woe from wit who wrote

“Woe from Wit”: who wrote

Now I want to dwell in more detail on the work itself. After all, with the question: “Woe from Wit,” who wrote? ” - already figured out. This comedy, the time of its writing dates from 1822-1824, is a very sharp satire on the behavior of the Moscow aristocratic society of that time.

Griboedov became the first author of a realistic comedy in poetry, although he created a number of fascinating works, such as Student, Young Spouses and others.

In his early plays, Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov already tried to combine different styles, but it was truly “Woe from Wit” that was opened to the public in 1825 along with “Boris Godunov” by A. Pushkin.

Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich

Satire on Secular Society

Griboedov Alexander Sergeyevich planned to write this comedy in 1816, but the real work began in Tiflis when the writer returned from Persia. In the winter of 1822 the first two acts were written, and in the summer of 1823 in Moscow he completed the first version of this tragicomedy. This happened in the capital, since it was in it that the writer was able to observe the true nature and life of the Moscow nobility.

However, work on the work did not stop then. And in 1824 a new version was created called “Woe and no mind” (while the original name was “Woe to the mind”).

Literature. Griboedov, “Woe from Wit”

In 1825, albeit with censorship cuts, fragments of the first and third parts of the comedy were published. However, permission was not obtained for her statement. But despite this, the work nevertheless gained wide popularity and became popular.

I.I. Pushchin, Pushkin’s lyceum friend, brought the comedy to the poet to Mikhailovskoye, and she was immediately very enthusiastically accepted among the Decembrists, they were attracted to this kind of freedom-loving literature.

Griboedov died in 1829 tragically, and only after his death, and more precisely in 1833, the comedy "Woe from Wit" was first printed with large reductions, and it was only possible to get acquainted with it in 1862.

Brief plot

The main character, a nobleman from an impoverished family, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, returns to the capital again after several years of staying abroad. And the first thing she runs to her lover, Famusova Sofya Pavlovna, with whom he had not seen for three whole years. These two young men grew up together in childhood and, having matured a little, fell in love with each other. However, Chatsky once unexpectedly left for St. Petersburg. He left Sophia, without even warning or scribbling her three words of farewell.

Griboedov grief from the mind topic

And Chatsky hurries to the Famusovs' house to make an offer of his hand and heart to Sophia. However, his expectations were not met, the girl met him more than coldly. And as it turned out later, she was in love with a young secretary, Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin, who lives in their house and works for her father. Chatsky did not immediately solve this mystery; he could not imagine that Molchalin was worthy of her love.


Chatsky considers Molchalin a miserable creature who does not know how to love selflessly and ardently, and a servant who tries to please anyone for the opportunity to get another rank. Upon learning that Sofia is passionate about Molchalin, Chatsky is very disappointed in his beloved. From anger, he begins to expose Moscow society in all sins, the ideologist of which is Sophia's father, Famusov Pavel Afanasevich. And then the annoyed Sophia makes a rumor that Chatsky is crazy, and society instantly picks up this “duck”. As a result, Chatsky desperately leaves Moscow.

Literature Griboedov


Griboedov "Woe from Wit" thematically divided into two storylines: this is Chatsky's love and his opposition to Moscow society. However, the main idea here is the protest of a free young person “against the heinous Russian reality”, according to Griboedov himself. When in 1816 the writer returned to St. Petersburg from abroad, he was simply amazed that at secular balls all the nobility admires foreign guests. Seeing one of the evenings, as secular aristocrats with attention and care surrounded a Frenchman, Griboedov made an ardent accusatory speech. And then someone called him crazy, and this rumor immediately spread throughout St. Petersburg. Griboedov, in order to at least somehow take revenge on a hated society, is planning his comedy on this subject.

Now the comedy “Woe from Wit” is being studied at school in the 9th grade and is often staged on the stage.

Literature Griboedov grief from the mind

Who would have thought that a Russian diplomat, playwright, pianist, poet and nobleman could argue with society like that. “Woe from Wit” to this day sounds very relevant and makes us all think, because the conflict of the “old” and “new” world has always been relevant.

Unfortunately, the fate of the author of this unsurpassed work was very cruel. When he was a foreign ambassador to Tehran, a crowd of thousands of rebellious Persians broke into the embassy and killed all the people there.

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